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Food конспект урока английского языка

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Білімдігі –Образовательные : repeat and summarize the knowledge gained on the theme «Meal (Food)" (name of fruits and vegetables) to repeat the proverb about healthy food, to give students the concept of  cluster  and teach him how to write prescriptions and test projects that students have done at home.

Дамытушылык –Развивающие broaden the horizons of students, to develop reading skills of speaking and writing.

Т?рбиелік-Воспитательные : to bring love to the subject.

Білуі керек :/Знать  : name products, fruits and vegetables, adjectives to describe them.

Игере алуы керек: /Уметь: use active vocabulary in monologue and dialogue speech.

Саба?ты? т?рі: Тип урока : generalization

Проблема урока:  be able to apply this knowledge in practice

Инструментарий  presentation, handouts:.

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«food конспект урока английского языка»

Theme: Food .

Білімдігі –Образовательные : repeat and summarize the knowledge gained on the theme «Meal (Food)" (name of fruits and vegetables) to repeat the proverb about healthy food, to give students the concept of cluster and teach him how to write prescriptions and test projects that students have done at home.

Дамытушылык –Развивающие broaden the horizons of students, to develop reading skills of speaking and writing .

Тәрбиелік-Воспитательные : to bring love to the subject.

Білуі керек :/Знать : name products, fruits and vegetables, adjectives to describe them.

Игере алуы керек: /Уметь: use active vocabulary in monologue and dialogue speech.

Сабақтың түрі: Тип урока : generalization

Проблема урока: be able to apply this knowledge in practice

Инструментарий presentation, handouts:.

Этап урока

Ход урока

1.org moment

2 check homework

3. The aims of the lesson and it`s main problem

4.revising the previous theme



Опережающее задание .

6Act out the dialogue



7 the game who knows more

8 Sing a song


Good morning students! I’m glad to see you. Today is the 12th of October . First of all I want to tell you that today we will have some guests on our lesson. So let`s start it as usual from asking duty`s report .

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

What is the weather like today?

Your homework for today was to learn the poem by heart

Well done my dear pupils. You are all ready for today`s lesson.

And now we will talk about today`s lesson and theme of our lesson

Say what should we repeat today? As usual we will repeat repeating words on two languages. I will show you the picture , and you will call it in English and Kazakh languages. Translate the task (pupils translate).

Good of you! So you know the names of the food very well. You know many words but today we shall speak about healthy and unhealthy food Н. Скажите мне какая еда полезная для организма человека. Carrot is good for you.

Today I have a consultant to help me to lead the lesson. Her name is Bakyt. She will explain you grammar material one more time.

And now let`s check your knowledge

Fill in the gaps with some or any.

  • They have ... milk.

  • My aunt doesn’ t read ... newspaper.

  • Do you have ... questions?

  • We need ... eggs and ... milk.

  • He doesn’ t have ... water.

  • Did you read …. Books yesterday?

Check yourself

  • They have some milk.

  • My aunt doesn’ t read any newspaper.

  • Do you have any questions?

  • We need some eggs and some milk.

  • He doesn’ t have any water.

  • Did you read any books yesterday?

Hello, Can I help you?

Yes, please. I would like a kilo of bananas and

two kilos of apples.

Anything else?

A packet of crisps, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.


Junk food







Fat food

Soft food

Fast food


Good for you! Вы знаете названия фруктов и овощей и можете определить какая пища вредная , а какая нет.

And now I want to ask you to divide into two groups. One of you will be the team Star and another The Sun. You must answer some questions. Are you ready? So let`s start.

So you wonderful coped with all tasks. What is the motto we had on today's lesson? Based on the motto we put the problem of the lesson, you name it? Say that today we repeat? What tasks were associated with our motto? What tasks were difficult?

What tasks were easy to accomplish? So our lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. You are hard - working children. I'm satisfied with you. Never forget we are what we eat. If you want to be healthy, nice, strong, try to use healthy food, avoid junk one.
Your homework will be the following: At home you should make up your menu and tell us about what you like to eat and drink.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

food конспект урока английского языка

Автор: Тилеуова Айнур Абубакировна

Дата: 09.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 303327

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