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Expressing interest

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Now children look at screen I’m going to show you a video.

Please pay attention.

Video “Daredevils”
What is an expression of interest? An expression of interest is a method of showing your interest.
That’s amazing!                                 Бұл ғажайып!

Really!                                                Рас па!
You’re kidding!                                  Сен әзілдеп тұрсың ба?
Well done!                                          Жарайсың!

That’s very kind of you!    Сіз жағынан бұл мейірімді болды!

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«Expressing interest»

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan: Space and Earth

School: Esir Aishuakuly


Teacher name: Koszhanova A


Number present:


Lesson title

Expressing interest

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics
7S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand the main idea of the topic

Most learners will be able to:

Answer the questions according to the text

Some learners will be able to:

Express their own point of view

Previous learning

Past Simple and Past Continuous


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



6 min


Greeting.To check if anybody absend.To giving some tasks about hometask , I’ll divide learners into two group. Learners I am going to divide you into two groups. First of all come here and take one sheet of paper from this basket. Look at the picture read and tell me affirmative, negative and short answer using the past continuous. If you have a green stikers , you will be in the first group, if you have a red stikers you will be in the second group.



2 min

10 min

4 min

10 min


8 min


Now children look at screen I’m going to show you a video.

Please pay attention.

Video “Daredevils”
What is an expression of interest? An expression of interest is a method of showing your interest.
That’s amazing! Бұл ғажайып!

Really! Рас па!
You’re kidding! Сен әзілдеп тұрсың ба?
Well done! Жарайсың!

That’s very kind of you! Сіз жағынан бұл мейірімді болды!

Listen CD 2.06


Task 1

If you understand what about will be our todays theme let’s do some tasks
st group. Choose the correct words.
Where did you take this photos?
In Rome. This man was cycling on a tightrope.
You are laughing/ kidding! Why was he doing that?

Ulan: There was a show in the street.

Clara: Right/Really? It looks dangerous.
Ulan: Yes, it was amazing/amazed.
Clara: It’s a great photo. Good/Well done.
Ulan: And here’s nice picture of Yernur. I got an extra copy for you.
Clara: Wow, that’s really exciting/kind of you. Thanks, Ulan.

2nd group.Complete the mini-dialogues.
1. ‘You did a great trick on your skateboard’.

‘Really? That’s very k. .d of you’
2 ‘Why d ..’t we visit Niagara?
‘Yes, it l… s amazing.’
3. ‘Ivisited Death Valley last year.’
‘You’re k. . . . .g! That’s a . . . . .g!’
4.L..’s watch Avatar.’ No, it sounds boring.


-work with group

-write correct sentences


Let’s Have a rest” Play a game (Learners read the words and make method of showing your interest.)

Task 2
Have a Conversation .Work in pairs Practise mini –dialogues using the key phrases.

A: Ask about B’s weekend.

B: Tell A about your weekend.
A: Replay and say you had an accident
B: Ask about A’s accident.
A: Tell the stories of your accident.
B: Express interest.
A: Say how are you feeling now.

B. Suggest an activity for next weekend.
A: Reply.


1 Answers the questions

2. Uses express interest

Conclusion Feedback

A Reporter”

Good morning dear audience. I am _______from BBC channel. I am holding live broadcast at the 7 th form. Here they are discussing about expressing interest”. I am going to ask some questions to pupils.

  1. Do you like today’s lesson?_________________

  2. What have you learnt from this lesson.__________

Thank you for your answers.



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Expressing interest

Автор: Косжанова Айнур Ходжабергеновна

Дата: 02.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 454273

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