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«Competition lesson: Who is the fastest?»
Оңтүстік Қазақстан облысы
Мақтарал ауданы, Асықата кенті
«Жеңіс» мектеп – гимназия»
Коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінің
Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
Исакова Зейнеп Турабаевна
Сайыс сабақ
6 сынып
Competition lesson: Who is the fastest?
The aims of the lesson: a) to develop communicative skills and abilities
B) To develop the pupils interests
c) to educate the feeling of international friendship and love to our Motherland – Kazakhstan.
Connection of the subject: English – Geography - Music
Steps of the competition:
1. Presentation.
2. Who is clever?
3. Do you know?
4. Who is the fastest?
5. Imagination
6. Who is the best?
7. Summery.
Procedure of the Competition
Good afternoon, dear teachers and pupils! Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a competition lesson.
It’s time to introduce you. I would like you to name yourself, say some words about your likes and dislikes.
Who is clever? There are cards with letters. You must choose any card and I’ ll ask you a questions.
What colour are the crocodiles?
What is the biggest animal?
How many oceans are there on the planet?
What month is it now?
What is the weather like in Africa?
How old are you?
Who works at the hospital?
How many seasons are there in a year?
Do you know?
Who is the fastest? Make as many new words out of this word
Imagination. There are cards with words or sentences. You must choose any card but you mustn’t say this word, only act it.
I am sleeping.
I am swimming.
I am listening music.
I am running.
I am reading.
VI. Who is the best? There are two letters A and B. I will read ten questions and all answer will start with letter A and B. Is everything is clear for you? Then let’s begin.
Letter A
The name of the fruit. ( apple)
The name of the month. (April)
The capital of Kazakhstan. ( Astana )
The first letter of the Alphabet. ( A )
The famous Kazakh writer. ( Abai )
Letter B
A little child ( babe )
The name of the fruit ( banana )
The antonym to the word “ good “ ( bad )
The room where we sleep ( bedroom )
A colour ( black )
VII. Summary. The end of the lesson.
Dear pupils, thank you for your work. The competition lesson is over. Lets end our lesson with the motto of the British students: