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Do you speak English?

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Form: 4

Theme of the lesson: Do you speak English?

Aim:    1. To check Pupils knowledge from English,Kazakh through playing  games  doing  different   tasks.

             2.To develop pupils’ reading,speaking and thinking abilities and inlarge

                 their vocabulary.

             3.To bring up the pupils the lovers of language of English and teach to be       

                  attentive and curiosity.

Organization moment: getting ready for the lesson.

Teacher: Good afternoon,pupils and our guests.We are glad to invite you our competition lesson’’ Do you speak English?.Today we’ll have 2 teams and many different interesting tasks.Every time your answers will be checked by special teachers and you’ll get some marks for them. At the end of the lesson we’ll see which team is the leader and you’ll get a certificate  for your good answers.

The programme of the lesson:

-Who is the best?

-Stupid words


-Find the word with the sound

-Match the word and its  transcription

-Who is the fastest?


-Hello! My team:  ‘’Eagle’’ My name is…

- Hello! My team : Falcon. My name is …

I. Who is the best?

I team

  1. Where do Whales live?
  2. 2.Which is funnier the Monkey or  the Fox?

II team

3.Where do Crocodiles live?

4.Where do Horses live?

Музыкалы? ?зіліс: ‘’ Little mouse’’ Орындайтындар:4«a» сынып, team:Eagle

                                                                                   Алимжан- mouse

                                                                                      Асылболат- cat

II. ‘’Stupid words’’ Адасып кеткен ?ріптер. Орындары ауыс?ан ?ріптерді орнына ?ою керек.

          I team                                    II team

Nilo-lion                                somue-mouse

Getri-tiger                              tac-cat

Sohre- horse                         god-dog

Rabe-bear                             woc-cow

Helaw-whale                          peehs-sheep


Музыкалы? ?зіліс: Three little kittens. Team `’Falcon’’ 4


2-Mother- Назира

3-1-st kitten- Дамира

4-2-nd kitten- Айлана

5-3-rd kitten- Е?сеген


III. Crossword.

IV. Find the word with the sound. Дыбыс?а с?йкес келетін с?зді табу керек.

      Team I                         [ K]   [ L ] crocodile, cat, lion,whale,cow          

       Team II                       [ S] [h ]  snake, horse,hen,seagull,squirrel

V. Match the word and its transcription. Транскрипциямен тиісті с?зді байланыстыр.

  1. [foks ]-duck                                 [ dog]-  lion

[hen ]-fox                                     [fii ]-dog     

[ dvk ]-hen                                   [ lain ]-fish

Музыкалы? ?зіліс: ‘’ Little mouse’’ Орындайтындар:4«a» сынып, team:Eagle

                                                                                   Алимжан- mouse

                                                                                      Асылболат- cat

Музыкалы? ?зіліс:

VI.’’ Who is the fastest?  Ойыны. Карточкамен ж?мыс.









VI I.’’ Writer ‘’ Listen to the song about ‘’Animals’’.Write their names for 4 minutes.

A cat, a dog, a bird…

Reflection:If you like our party you’ll take red circles.But if you don’t like the party you’ll take green circles.We glad to see that you like the party.

Now we’ll see which team is the winner.Our guest-teachers will tell us your marks.

Thanks for the song,your poems,pictures.See you later.Good bye.

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«Do you speak English? »

Form: 4

Theme of the lesson: Do you speak English?

Aim: 1 . To check Pupils knowledge from English,Kazakh through playing games doing different tasks.

2.To develop pupils’ reading,speaking and thinking abilities and inlarge

their vocabulary.

3.To bring up the pupils the lovers of language of English and teach to be

attentive and curiosity.

Organization moment: getting ready for the lesson.

Teacher: Good afternoon,pupils and our guests.We are glad to invite you our competition lesson’’ Do you speak English?.Today we’ll have 2 teams and many different interesting tasks .Every time your answers will be checked by special teachers and you’ll get some marks for them. At the end of the lesson we’ll see which team is the leader and you’ll get a certificate for your good answers.

The programme of the lesson:

-Who is the best?

-Stupid words


-Find the word with the sound

-Match the word and its transcription

-Who is the fastest?


-Hello! My team: ‘’Eagle’’ My name is…

- Hello! My team : Falcon. My name is …

I. Who is the best?

I team

  1. Where do Whales live?

  2. 2.Which is funnier the Monkey or the Fox?

II team

3.Where do Crocodiles live?

4.Where do Horses live?

Музыкалық үзіліс: ‘’ Little mouse’’ Орындайтындар:4«a» сынып, team:Eagle

Алимжан- mouse

Асылболат- cat

II. ‘’Stupid words’’ Адасып кеткен әріптер. Орындары ауысқан әріптерді орнына қою керек.

I team II team

Nilo-lion somue-mouse

Getri-tiger tac-cat

Sohre- horse god-dog

Rabe-bear woc-cow

Helaw-whale peehs-sheep

Музыкалық үзіліс: Three little kittens. Team `’Falcon’’ 4


2-Mother- Назира

3-1-st kitten- Дамира

4-2-nd kitten- Айлана

5-3-rd kitten- Еңсеген

III. Crossword.

IV. Find the word with the sound. Дыбысқа сәйкес келетін сөзді табу керек.

Team I [ K] [ L ] crocodile, cat, lion,whale,cow

Team II [ S] [h ] snake, horse,hen,seagull,squirrel

V. Match the word and its transcription. Транскрипциямен тиісті сөзді байланыстыр.

  1. [foks ]-duck [ dog]- lion

[hen ]-fox [fii ]-dog

[ dvk ]-hen [ lain ]-fish

Музыкалық үзіліс: ‘’ Little mouse’’ Орындайтындар:4«a» сынып, team:Eagle

Алимжан- mouse

Асылболат- cat

Музыкалық үзіліс:

VI.’’ Who is the fastest? Ойыны. Карточкамен жұмыс.








VI I.’’ Writer ‘’ Listen to the song about ‘’Animals’’.Write their names for 4 minutes.

A cat, a dog, a bird…

Reflection:If you like our party you’ll take red circles.But if you don’t like the party you’ll take green circles.We glad to see that you like the party.

Now we’ll see which team is the winner.Our guest-teachers will tell us your marks.

Thanks for the song,your poems,pictures.See you later.Good bye.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Do you speak English?

Автор: Жаскайратова Асем Утегеновна

Дата: 19.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 213255

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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