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Carol’s kitchen

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Carol’s  kitchen


  1. To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speech. To enrich their vocabulary
  2. To develop their reading, writing, listening  skills and grammar lexical habit
  3. To bring up pupils to be attentive to write neatly and correctly.
  4. Checking up the homework

I like my Bunny.

Bears like honey.

Girls like cats.

Cats like rats.

Boys like dogs.

I like rice.

     The 5th of February


Theme: Carol’s kitchen

New words:

A carpet [‘ka:pit] кілем

A stereo [‘stiјri?u] магнитафон

a cooker [kukј] газ пеш

a dishwasher [di∫’wo∫ј] ыдыс жуатын машина

a washing machine [wo∫i?mј’∫i:n] кір жуатын машина

a sink [si?k] раковина

cups [kΛps] шай ая?тар

a fridge [fridз] то?азыт?ыш  

plates [pleits] т?релкелер

a mirror [‘mir?] айна

a lot of [lot ?v] к?п

            There is/are орамы

There is ?

There is  Не? ?айдa?

 There is  a chair in the room

Орынды?  б?лмеде

          К?пше т?рі

There are chairs in the room.

Орынды?тар б?лмеде.

         Жекеше т?рі

There is no не? ?айда?

There is no a chair in the room                 

Б?лмеде орынды? жо?.

Carol’s kitchen

It’s a modern kitchen. It's nice and clean. There's a washing machine, a fridge and a cooker, but there isn't a dishwasher.

There are a lot of cupboards in the kitchen. There isn't a carpet on the floor. There's a radio. There isn't a clock in the kitchen. There aren't plates and cups in the sink.


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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Carol’s kitchen»


  1. To enrich pupils knowledge, to develop pupils abilities in speech. To enrich their vocabulary

  2. To develop their reading, writing, listening skills and grammar lexical habit

  3. To bring up pupils to be attentive to write neatly and correctly.

  4. Checking up the homework

I like my Bunny.

Bears like honey.

Girls like cats.

Cats like rats.

Boys like dogs.

I like rice.

The 5th of February


Theme: Carol’s kitchen

New words:

A carpet [‘ka:pit] кілем

A stereo [‘stiјriəu] магнитафон

a cooker [kukј] газ пеш

a dishwasher [di∫’wo∫ј] ыдыс жуатын машина

a washing machine [wo∫iŋmј’∫i:n] кір жуатын машина

a sink [siŋk] раковина

cups [kΛps] шай аяқтар

a fridge [fridз] тоңазытқыш

plates [pleits] тәрелкелер

a mirror [‘mirə] айна

a lot of [lot əv] көп

There is/are орамы

There is ?

There is Не? Қайдa?

There is a chair in the room

Орындық бөлмеде

Көпше түрі

There are chairs in the room.

Орындықтар бөлмеде.

Жекеше түрі

There is no не? қайда?

There is no a chair in the room

Бөлмеде орындық жоқ .

Carol’s kitchen

It’s a modern kitchen. It's nice and clean. There's a washing machine, a fridge and a cooker, but there isn't a dishwasher.

There are a lot of cupboards in the kitchen. There isn't a carpet on the floor. There's a radio. There isn't a clock in the kitchen. There aren't plates and cups in the sink.


Hands down,
Hands down,
Hands on hips,
Sit down.
Hands up
To the side,
Turn left,
Turn right.

Plate Carrot Homework

  • Learn the new words

  • Ex 15 p 122

  • The lesson is over

  • Good bye

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Carol’s kitchen

Автор: Унгарбаева Алтын Серикбаевна

Дата: 07.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 316156

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