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"Carol's kitchen"

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Класс: 5

Тема: «Carol’s kitchen »



Закрепить лексические единицы по теме «My flat», «Kitchen». 2. Повторить предлоги и закрепить грамматические конструкции There is… There are…

3. Научить детей употреблять лексические единицы и предлоги в речи.


1. Развить умение употреблять новые лексические единицы в речи.

2. Развить навык самостоятельной работы.

3. Развить диалогическую речь.


1. Привить любовь к иностранному языку.

2. Воспитать бережное отношение друг  к другу.

3. Сформировать умение оценивать своего товарища.



Ход урока



1. Орг. момент.


Good morning, children! Sit down, please! I am glad to see you here! My name is Arman Merekeevich and I’ll be your teacher for today. Let’s begin our lesson!

Today we will check up your home work and review words of theme «Kitchen»


2.Фон. зарядка


At first, let’s play in «Snow ball». You have to describe our classroom one by one. For example, I say – «there is a lamp», and next say – «There is a lamp. There is a…»

There is a lamp.

There are curtains.

There is a door.

There are desks.

There are chairs.

There is a blackboard….


3.Проверка Д/З.


Very good! And now, let’s check your home work. I give you 2 minutes for reviewing.

Answer my questions.

  1. Which Carol’s kitchen is it?
  2.  How many cupboards in the kitchen?
  3. Is there a radio?
  4. Are there plates and cups in there?
  5. What colour a carpet it there?

I give you papers and you have to write, my sentences are the true or falls.

1. There is a washing machine, but there is not dishwasher.

2. There are only two cupboards in the kitchen.

3. There is a carpet on the floor.

4. There is a clock in the kitchen.

5. There is a radio.

Change your papers and let’s check up.

Make makers each other.

Very well! Look at the blackboard. There are two columns. You have to write down what is there and what is not there in Carol’s kitchen.



There is

There are

There isn’t

There aren’t

4.Физ. минутка.


Stand up, please! I’ll read the poem, you should repeat after me!

Hands on your head,

Hands on your hips,

Hands on the table,

Hands like this!

Who can help me?


5. Закрепление.


Repeat words about kitchen.

A cooker

A washing machine

A dishwasher

A sink

A radio

A cup

A fridge

A cupboard

A palate

I give you papers. I will read next and you have to point room about I will read.

Colin’s treasure.

«This is my kitchen. It is not modern. There is a cooker to the left of the door. There is a fridge to the right of the door. There is a big cupboard to the right of the window. Between the cupboard and the fridge there is a table. On this table there are three cups and three plates. Under the window there is a washing machine. There is a big table and three chairs between the cooker and the washing machine. Under the table there is my treasure. It is a cat. »

Who wants to speak about Colin’s kitchen?



6. Подведение итогов.


Your homework will be point and describe your kitchen with your treasure.

Open your diaries and write down youк home work.

Stand up, please! The lesson is over! Good bye!


Оборудование: плакат с кроссвордом, картинки, карточки, учебник, доска.

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Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«"Carol's kitchen"»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

"Carol's kitchen"

Автор: Карамергенов Арман Мерекеевич

Дата: 14.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 293331

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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