Краткосрочное планирование урока
Предмет/Subject English
class 5
Тема урока/theme:
Carol’s kitchen
К концу урока учащиеся смогут описать кухню не менее чем в 5 предложениях, при помощи оборотов there is/are и выполнить тест из 5 заданий
- Учащиеся знают лексику по теме «Кухня»
- Учащиеся смогут употреблять обороты there is/are
- Учащиеся смогут выполнить и описать кухню
Критерии успеха/success criteria
- Учащиеся знают лексику по теме «Кухня»
- Учащиеся употребляют в речи обороты there is/are
- Учащиеся выполняют тест и описывают кухню
Методы и приемы/methods and techniques
Объяснительно-иллюстративный, интерактивный, игровой
Карточки с заданиями, видеоролик «there is/are», картинки, постер, презентация, листы самооценивания
План урока/Lesson plan
Организационный момент/Organization
Целеполагание/ Goal setting
Актуализация базовых знаний/ Updating the knowledge base
Проверка д/з/Checking hometask
Осмысление/ Comprehension
Изучение новых знаний/New knowledge
Закрепление/ Reinforcement of learning
Итоги урока, выводы/ Conclusions
Домашнее задание/Hometask
Рефлексия / Reflection
Дифференциация- проверка знаний учащихся/Differentiation – checking up pupils’ knowledge
Устный опрос, тест « there is/are »
Анализ и самооценивание урока/Analysis and self-assessment of the lesson
Итоги урока, чтение домашнего задания/the results
The plan of the lesson:
1.Organization moment
Greeting and duties’ report
T: Good morning, children!
S: Good morning teacher!
T: Who is on duty today?
S: I’m on duty today.
T: Class sit down, please.
T: What day of the week is it today?
T: Who is absent?
T: Thank you, sit down
2. Goal setting Stand up, please and make up a circle. Now we’ll build a house of friendship. What can you say about our theme? I’m a cooker and you are my dish. Look at the picture and put a word into its place. There is a poster “House” on the blackboard where you can see the pictures of rooms and furniture. You are to name some of them with the help of cards to the left of the poster. So we’ll continue to speak about a house.
Phonetic exercises
Ch ch ch kitchen chair armchair teacher
3. Updating the knowledge base: work with a poster during the goal setting
4. Checking hometask: Name the pictures in a poster
5. New knowledge
- Working with a video “There is/are” (watching, discussing, making a test)
6. Reinforcement of learning
- True/false:
- There is a fridge in the kitchen.
- There is a sofa in the kitchen.
- There is an oven in the kitchen.
- There is a carpet in the kitchen.
- There is a bed in the kitchen.
- Working with cards – listen to the teacher and mark the named objects in the kitchen.
- There is a fridge in the kitchen.
- There are two chairs in the kitchen.
- There is an oven in the kitchen.
- There is a table in the kitchen.
- There is a window in the kitchen.
- Self -Assessment
- Test – choose “There is/are”
- There … a fridge in the kitchen.
- There … two chairs in the kitchen.
- There … an oven in the kitchen.
- There … a table in the kitchen.
- There … a window in the kitchen.
7.Assesment and Conclusion
Consolidation of the lesson
What was the theme of our lesson? Yes. Let’s count your balls for three tasks.
Put your stick to the stairs of success.
l) write about your kitchen
2) Ex. 4 p. 79
I give “5” for…
I give “4” for…
I give “3” for…
What kind of lesson today? (bad, good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?