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Carol's Kitchen

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The  procedure  of the  lesson.

  1. Organization moment:
  • Good morning, children! Sit down please!
  • How are you today? Are you ready for the today’s lesson? O’K, I’m glad to see you today in my lesson!
  1. Previewing:
  • Today we learn new words that connected with kitchen. I think it will be very interesting for you to know how named the things that you used in everyday life.
  1. Brainstorming activity:
  • Now you see the cards on my table, come and take one for everybody. (Every card is different colours and has a task in it. Then I tell them divide into groups with colous of these cards)
  • Tasks:

For red cards: Translate into English.

  1. Т?р?ын б?лмеде диван бар.
  2. Бізді? сыныпта ?ш терезе бар.
  3. ?абыр?ада сурет бар.
  4. Т?р?ын б?лмеде ?сте бар.

For blue cards:

Make up interrogative sentences.

  1. There is a calendar on the wall.
  2. There are two armchairs in the living room.
  3. There are 4 rooms in my flat
  4. There is carpet on the floor.

For yellow cards:

Make up a negative for the following sentence: (-)

  1. There is a television in the living room.
  2. There is a sofa in the living room.
  3. There are plants in the living room.
  4. There are books in the living room.


  1. Presentation:

Memory Quiz. 

  • I show the picture of the living room, you have to remember the things and write them down. What group has more words than others they’ll win. (1min)
  • Then one of the pupils goes to the blackboard and writes the words on it, by turn. 
  • Today we talk about kitchen. And learn new words. Now open your vocabulary and write new words.

Cooker                     sink                      fridge          spoon                    teapot

Dishwasher              radio                    cupboard    fork              pan

Washing machine     cup                      plate           knife           kettle

  1. Work with book:

What do you know about this mark? What does it mean?

Yes it is possessive case. Give me examples:

Омарды? ?йі, Колинни? анасы, Бенні? досы, анамны? к?йлегі, ?пкемні? компьютері.

Ex: 6p.121. Read and make up questions:

  • Is there a radio in the kitchen?
  • Yes, there is.
  • Is there chair in the kitchen?
  • No there is not.
  1. Work in groups of 3or 4.
  • Now we try to make up our own text about kitchen. I give you card you have to describe it.  
  1. Feed -back: Picture tests for every pupil.
  2. Reflection:
  • Do you like today’s lesson? Why?
  • What was interesting for you?
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«carol's kitchen»

Outline of the lesson plan

Date: 10.02.2015

Subject: English

From: 5

Theme: Carol’s kitchen.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: Recycling the Present Simple, the language function, the grammar structure “Are there” & “Is there” & new theme Carol’s kitchen.

New vocabulary connected with the topic of the lesson.

Developing: To develop pupils' speech habits, through reading, speaking, listening

and writing.

Upbringing: to bring up pupils’ to clean their home & help their partners to tidy their house.

Communicative: to teach pupils' listening, reading, writing, speaking & practice. Talking about their kitchen

Form of the lesson: non-traditional lesson

Type of the lesson: mixed

Methods of the lesson: explanation, demonstration, exercises

Visual aids: interactive board, flashcards, posters

Inter subject connection: Kazakh

Literature: English from 5 A.T. Ayapova, internet

The procedure of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment:

  • Good morning, children! Sit down please!

  • How are you today? Are you ready for the today’s lesson? O’K, I’m glad to see you today in my lesson!

  1. Previewing:

  • Today we learn new words that connected with kitchen. I think it will be very interesting for you to know how named the things that you used in everyday life.

  1. Brainstorming activity:

  • Now you see the cards on my table, come and take one for everybody. (Every card is different colours and has a task in it. Then I tell them divide into groups with colous of these cards)

  • Tasks:

For red cards: Translate into English.

  1. Тұрғын бөлмеде диван бар.

  2. Біздің сыныпта үш терезе бар.

  3. Қабырғада сурет бар.

  4. Тұрғын бөлмеде үсте бар.

For blue cards:

Make up interrogative sentences.

  1. There is a calendar on the wall.

  2. There are two armchairs in the living room.

  3. There are 4 rooms in my flat

  4. There is carpet on the floor.

For yellow cards:

Make up a negative for the following sentence: (-)

  1. There is a television in the living room.

  2. There is a sofa in the living room.

  3. There are plants in the living room.

  4. There are books in the living room.

  1. Presentation:

Memory Quiz.

  • I show the picture of the living room, you have to remember the things and write them down. What group has more words than others they’ll win. (1min)

  • Then one of the pupils goes to the blackboard and writes the words on it, by turn.

  • Today we talk about kitchen. And learn new words. Now open your vocabulary and write new words.

Cooker sink fridge spoon teapot

Dishwasher radio cupboard fork pan

Washing machine cup plate knife kettle

  1. Work with book:

What do you know about this mark? What does it mean?

Yes it is possessive case. Give me examples:

Омардың үйі, Колинниң анасы, Беннің досы, анамның көйлегі, әпкемнің компьютері.

Ex: 6p.121. Read and make up questions:

  • Is there a radio in the kitchen?

  • Yes, there is.

  • Is there chair in the kitchen?

  • No there is not.

  1. Work in groups of 3or 4.

  • Now we try to make up our own text about kitchen. I give you card you have to describe it.

  1. Feed -back: Picture tests for every pupil.

  2. Reflection:

  • Do you like today’s lesson? Why?

  • What was interesting for you?

  1. Giving home task: “My kitchen”

  2. Giving marks: first every speaker give marks for every group mates then teacher give mark for every group.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«carol's kitchen»

Carol’s kitchen 10/26/16 Ortak secondary school

Carol’s kitchen


Ortak secondary school

10/26/16 Ortak secondary school


Ortak secondary school

New words: Dishwasher  Washing machine Cooker Sink 10/26/16

New words:







Radio  Fridge Cupboard 10/26/16 Ortak secondary school





Ortak secondary school

Cup  Spoon, table spoon, fork, knife Plate  10/26/16 Ortak secondary school


Spoon, table spoon, fork, knife



Ortak secondary school

Pan Kettle Teapot  10/26/16 Ortak secondary school





Ortak secondary school

When we use this mark (’s) ? What does this mark mean? For example: Carol ’s kitchen, Tom ’s book. Translate into English: Омардың үйі, Колинниң анасы, Беннің досы, анамның көйлегі, әпкемнің компьютері. 10/26/16 Ortak secondary school

When we use this mark (’s) ? What does this mark mean?

For example: Carol ’s kitchen, Tom ’s book.

Translate into English:

Омардың үйі, Колинниң анасы, Беннің досы, анамның көйлегі, әпкемнің компьютері.


Ortak secondary school

Practice: Ex:6 p.121. Read the text. All pupils read the text in their group and speaker give them a mark. Then who reads the best he or she reads for all. Then and answer the questions? Is there a radio in the kitchen? How many cups are there in the kitchen? Is there cooker in the kitchen? Is there a carpet on the floor? How many cupboards in the kitchen? Are there plates on the table? 10/26/16 Ortak secondary school


  • Ex:6 p.121. Read the text. All pupils read the text in their group and speaker give them a mark. Then who reads the best he or she reads for all. Then and answer the questions?
  • Is there a radio in the kitchen?
  • How many cups are there in the kitchen?
  • Is there cooker in the kitchen?
  • Is there a carpet on the floor?
  • How many cupboards in the kitchen?
  • Are there plates on the table?


Ortak secondary school

Describe your kitchen. For every group was given a picture of the kitchen, they must describe it using as many words as possible for 3 minutes. I group    II group   III group 10/26/16 Ortak secondary school

Describe your kitchen.

  • For every group was given a picture of the kitchen, they must describe it using as many words as possible for 3 minutes.
  • I group II group III group


Ortak secondary school

Feed back: individual work For every pupil was given picture test. They have time 3 minutes. 10/26/16 Ortak secondary school

Feed back: individual work

  • For every pupil was given picture test. They have time 3 minutes.


Ortak secondary school

Ending of the lesson: Do you like lesson? Why? Why not? I think you learn more interesting from this lesson, isn’t it? Thank you for your lesson! See you at the next lesson. Good bye! 10/26/16 Ortak secondary school

Ending of the lesson:

  • Do you like lesson? Why? Why not?
  • I think you learn more interesting from this lesson, isn’t it?
  • Thank you for your lesson! See you at the next lesson. Good bye!


Ortak secondary school

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Carol's Kitchen

Автор: Танаткан Жулдыз Шегенбайкызы

Дата: 12.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 172083

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