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«"Борьба за жизнь"»
План-конспект открытого урока по английскому язык в 10Б классе по учебнику NewMillenniumEnglish, авторы О. Л. Гроза, О. Б. Дворецкая и другие.
Темаурока: Fighting for life.
Тренировка произносительных навыков при чтении транскрипции слов; разучивание стихов т песен.
Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Борьба с бедностью».
Повторение и активизация грамматического материала (функции герундия).
Развитие умения аудировать с целью понимания основной идеи текста и с извлечением необходимой информации.
Развитие навыков и умений изучающего чтения.
I Introduction.
T: at the beginning of our lesson I want you to look at the blackboard, watch the pictures and guess what the theme of our today’s lesson will be. What will we speak about?
P: we will speak about homeless people, poverty.
T: you are quiet right “Fighting for life”. At our lesson we will:
Describe pictures
Listen to the song and the text
Discuss the causes and effects of poverty
Work on grammar
Please work hard, creative, try to do your best, express your points of view in the form of discussion.
II Phonetic activity.
T: Read and translate the poem “Poor”
Poor (by Myra Cohn Livingston)
I heard of poor Я узнал, что такое бедность-
It means hungry, no food, Это голод, ни крохи во рту
No shoes, no place to live. Это нет никакой одежды.
Nothing good. И нет места в мире, в котором живу.
It means winter nights Бедность- это зимние ночи,
And being cold. Проведённые на земле.
It is lonely, alone, Одиночество, жуткий холод,
Feeling old. Поселившийся в душе.
Poor is a tired face. Бедность – это потухший взгляд,
Poor is thin. Это слабость и мой удел.
Poor is standing outside Я стою над бездной сейчас,
Looking in. Размышляя, где же предел?!
T: Read and translate the following words:
Poor housing condition, bad health, debts, lone/single parents, malnutrition, low pay, lack of education, lack of leisure, unemployment, stress, crime
T: go to the blackboard and show the pictures expressing these words
III Warming up. (Ex. 1, Page 58)
T: look at the pictures on p.58 and answer my questions:
Why do you think these people are living here?
P: People are living here because they are homeless. I think people have problems with living conditions. In our time, on the streets, you can see a lot of homeless people.
How do you feel about them?
P: These people are very unhappy. I feel sorry, mercy, compassion, sympathy about them. They haven’t got home and family, nice and warm clothes and food.
Do you want to help them?
P1: I think that these people need help. These people shouldn’t be. All people need a comfortable home, warm clothes and food. We are taught to be kind towards human beings from the very childhood. However, nowadays most people forget about it and become selfish.
P2: To my mind they start helping others only if there is any kind of profit. It is in human nature to ignore the problems of others when they are well-fed and content.
P3: When they have lots of money, successful career and powerful friends, people completely forget about the needs of those who surround them. They even stop helping their closest relatives. In my opinion, when you help someone no matter in which sphere of life, you help yourself.
P4: I am sure that people become much better as they change their inner world by helping others. People become more self-confident, content and responsible. Very often people complain that they don’t have enough money or power to help others. In fact, being kind and helping people doesn’t involve money. It involves the right attitude on the first place. There are cases when we can help by simply listening to someone and giving useful advice.
P5: There are cases when we can just help an elderly person to cross the street. There are also cases when we can call the police or firefighters if there is a danger of crime or fire outside. In any case there are lots of ways to help people without spending your own money.
P6: However, I occasionally choose to spend some money to help the homeless or the poor. I think that buying an extra cup of coffee or another slice of pizza for someone who can’t afford it is a noble act. If we help someone who is in need today, perhaps, someone else will help us when we are in need. Thus, helping people is highly rewarding.
T: I like this idea. It goes without saying that this phrase may be the motto of our lesson. Helping people is highly rewarding (помогай и тебе воздастся).
III Lexical activities.
T: Poverty. How do you understand the meaning of this word. As for me poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit.
P1: Poverty is one of the major problems in many countries of the world, especially those located in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In other words poverty is the absence of money for food, water, clothes, medical supplies, shelters and other necessary things for normal existence.
P2: Every day people in many countries die from different diseases, because they can’t afford to buy necessary medical supplies. In my opinion, governments of these countries should pay more attention to the problem of poverty.
P3: The best way to help people in poverty is to educate them. This way they can learn about their rights and start contributing to their country’s economy. The country will also flourish if the majority of its people overcome poverty.
T: In your copybook divide the list below into two categories: causes and effects of poverty. You should explain your choice use language support.
Low pay
Bad health
Lack of leisure
Lone/single parents
Poor housing conditions
Lack of education
Language support
Expressing causes:
Low pay causes/leads to/results in debts.
Bad health results from/is caused by stress
P1: Poor housing condition result in bad health.
P2: Low pay leads to lack of leisure.
IV let’s relax. The song Bread and roses (sung by Judy Collins)
Americans are proud of their tradition of hard work and many youngsters have been encouraged by their elders to “pull themselves up by their own bootstrap”, which means to work hard to increase their economic status.
T: When do Americans celebrate Labour day?(on the 1st Monday in September)
What do they usually do on this day?( they usually sing a lot of songs). Let’s listen to one of them
As we go marching, marching In the beauty of the day, A million darkened kitchens, A thousand mill lofts gray, Are touched with all the radiance That a sudden sun discloses, For the people hear us singing: "Bread and roses! Bread and roses!"
As we go marching, marching, We battle too for men, For they are women's children, And we mother them again. Our lives shall not be sweated From birth until life closes; Hearts starve as well as bodies; Give us bread, but give us roses!
As we go marching, marching, Unnumbered women dead Go crying through our singing Their ancient call for bread. Small art and love and beauty Their drudging spirits knew. Yes, it is bread we fight for - But we fight for roses, too!
As we go marching, marching, We bring our greater days. The rising of the women Means the rising of the race. No more the drudge and idler - Ten that toil where one reposes, But a sharing of life's glories: Bread and roses! Bread and roses!
(Bread and roses! Bread and roses!) Our lives shall not be sweated From birth until life closes; Hearts starve as well as bodies; Bread and roses! Bread and roses!
V Listening comprehension
Pre-listening activity.
T: You are going to listen to and read a speech by a woman called Moraene.read the title and try to predict what kind of change she will mention.
The title of the speech
Real change will come from the bottom up. Pupils try to work out why the speech has its title. It is a predicting activity/
P1: In my opinion, politicians should base their policies on the experience of listening to poor people.
P2: listening to academics is a waste of time and money. Politicians should listen to poor people and help them with education
Listening. (Ex.3B, p.59)
Pre-teaching some vocabulary:
To have special educational needs- a child has them if he/she can’t be educated with other children but needs a special place or class.
Breakdown- a serious medical condition in which someone becomes mentally ill and is unable to deal with even the simplest situations
Suicidal- wanting to kill oneself
Charity- on organization that collect money or goods in order to help people who are poor, sick
T: Look at the list of causes and effects of povertyin ex. 2, which of them do you think Moraene will mention in her speech? Listen to the first part of the speech and tick the points you guessed right.
Ex.3C, p.59. Listening for special information. Listen to the same part again and decide whether these statements are true or false
Moraene is married. She can’t work because of bad health (F,T)
The place where she lives is safe (F).
Poverty made her feel depressed (T).
Moraene says that poor people are deprived of human rights (T).
Moraene has a good relationship with her son (F).
Moraene has no time to go to the theatre (F).
Post-listening activities. (Ex.3D, p.59)
T: What are Moraene’s key points? This activity involves summarizing main ideas from the interview.
P1: Getting in touch with charity can help.
P2: Struggling against poverty maybe a total failure.
P3: Eating leftovers leads to malnutrition.
P4: Poor people can’t afford to reach free facilities.
VI Reading. (Ex.4A,p.59).
Intensive reading
T: Read the second part of Monaene’s speech and answer the questions on the left.
The question:
Who should ask?
Who should be asked?
What questions should be asked?
P1: People who are in charge of deciding policies. They should ask the poor. They should ask what the poor people need first of all.
T: What happens when these children start school? What do parents want to do?
P2: When these children start school they can’t keep up with the rest because they don’t have necessary social and learning skills.
P3: Parents want to be able to help their children with their studies.
T: What makes this speech so impressive?
P4: Moraene’s speech is so impressive because it is very personal and she uses lots of contrasting ideas.
Post-reading activities
T: What would you do to solve the problem of poverty if you decided policies and set targets in your country?
The problem of poverty (possible solutions)
Politicians should base their policies on the experience of listening to poor people.
Fighting against poverty is difficult without an education.
Sharing experience can help.
Charity organizations can help too.
VII Grammar activities (Using of Gerund in the function of subject)
T: Now complete these sentences. Use V-ing forms and your own life experience.
_________will make it easier for disadvantaged children to get education (organize new school)
_________will enable parents to contribute to their children’s education (learn to read and count)
________will help them to cope with poverty (ask a charity for help)
________is not always easy for me (ask a charity for help)
I am tired of_______(live in poverty)
_______will help me in the future (learn to read and count)