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“At the supermarket ”

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Бекітемін: --- ДОІЖО Қозыбағарова Ж.

Teacher: Nurtoreeva Assiya

Lesson: 30

The form: 2 «В» 

 The date: 19.04.2017

The Theme: “At the supermarket ”

Aims of the lesson: 1) Жаңа тақырыппен және лексикамен таныстыру;

2) Тыңдап түсіну дағдысын жетілдіру, There are/ there is құрылымдарын қайталау ;

3) Бір-бірін құрметтеуге баулу;

Aids of the lesson: CD, flash-cards, picture, pupil’s book,

The type of the lesson: mixed

Course of the lesson:

1. Ұйымдастыру сәті

Sit down please! Dear children! Glad to see you. You may sit down. Let's begin our lesson. I hope, my dear children, you'll work hard today. 

- What day is it today?

- Who is on duty today?

- I am on duty today.

- What day of the week is it today?

Үй жұмысын тексеру

4. Жаңа тақырып

“At the supermarket” CD-video

Little Children Doing Grocery Shopping in the Supermarket ¦ Supermarket Song ¦



 eggs           nose

 jugs            rose

 cars             music

 birds            easy

Ex2.p 120 (p.b) listen and tick







P 121 Remember

I six apples

We some water

You need ten bananas

They eight eggs

I two carrots

We any rice

You don’t need five tomatoes

They any chicken

New words

Track 83

Carrot- сәбіз

Fruit- жеміс

Vegetables- көкөністер

Soup- сорпа    


5. Сергіту сәті


Группах: Now divide into two groups.

(7 мин.) You will be first group, and you will be second group.

And now work in groups.

First group – your task is cook vegetable salad,

And second you should make a cake.

Now look at the refrigerator, at the black board.


What you need to cook?

I give you 6 min.

Now Let’s play! I ask you and you answer me.

What you need?

We need…

Cook vegetable salad but what don’t you have in the frige?

У2 – We don’t have…

У1- Let’s buy at the Supermarket.

Who wants to be a customer?

Come here, please.

Make a dialogue, use the example.

- Can I help you?

- Yes, please/

- Give me some milk, please.

- Here you are.

- Thanks.

- You are welcome!

Ex: 6p 122 Listen and read

Ex7. P 115 Speaking

Дәптермен жұмыс

Ex3. P57 write

Ex 4. P 58 tick and write

6. Сабақты қорытындылау

- Балалар, біз сабақт анемен айналыстық?

- Ex 4. P 113 P.B

- Ex 2. P 57 A.B

- The lesson is over Good Bye!

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«“At the supermarket ”»

Бекітемін: ------------- ДОІЖО Қозыбағарова Ж.

Teacher: Nurtoreeva Assiya

Lesson: 30

The form: 2 «В» 

The date: 19.04.2017

The Theme: “At the supermarket ”

Aims of the lesson: 1) Жаңа тақырыппен және лексикамен таныстыру;

2) Тыңдап түсіну дағдысын жетілдіру, There are/ there is құрылымдарын қайталау ;

3) Бір-бірін құрметтеуге баулу;

Aids of the lesson: CD, flash-cards, picture, pupil’s book,

The type of the lesson: mixed

Course of the lesson:

1. Ұйымдастыру сәті

Sit down please! Dear children! Glad to see you. You may sit down. Let's begin our lesson. I hope, my dear children, you'll work hard today. 

- What day is it today?

- Who is on duty today?

- I am on duty today.

- What day of the week is it today?

Үй жұмысын тексеру

4. Жаңа тақырып

At the supermarket” CD-video

Little Children Doing Grocery Shopping in the Supermarket ¦ Supermarket Song ¦



eggs nose

jugs rose

cars music

birds easy

Ex2.p 120 (p.b) listen and tick

eggs √ jugs

cars birds

nose rose

music jugs

eggs easy







P 121 Remember

I six apples

We some water

You need ten bananas

They eight eggs

I two carrots

We any rice

You don’t need five tomatoes

They any chicken

New words

Track 83

Carrot- сәбіз

Fruit- жеміс

Vegetables- көкөністер

Soup- сорпа


5. Сергіту сәті


Группах: Now divide into two groups.

(7 мин.) You will be first group, and you will be second group.

And now work in groups.

First group – your task is cook vegetable salad ,

And second you should make a cake.

Now look at the refrigerator, at the black board.


What you need to cook?

I give you 6 min.

Now Let’s play! I ask you and you answer me.

What you need?

We need…

Cook vegetable salad but what don’t you have in the frige?

У2 – We don’t have…

У1- Let’s buy at the Supermarket.

Who wants to be a customer?

Come here, please.

Make a dialogue, use the example.

- Can I help you?

- Yes, please/

- Give me some milk, please.

- Here you are.

- Thanks.

- You are welcome!

Ex: 6p 122 Listen and read

Ex7. P 115 Speaking

Дәптермен жұмыс

Ex3. P57 write

Ex 4. P 58 tick and write

6. Сабақты қорытындылау

- Балалар, біз сабақт анемен айналыстық?

- Ex 4. P 113 P.B

- Ex 2. P 57 A.B

- The lesson is over Good Bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

“At the supermarket ”

Автор: Нуртореева Асия Жанайкызы

Дата: 11.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 414603

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "120723"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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    ["seo_title"] => string(18) "supermarket-5-form"
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