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Theme of the lesson: Plants and animals

Aims of the lesson: 1) to speak about plants and  animals;

                                2) to understand oral speech;

                                3) to understand and love the nature;

Type of the lesson: Discussing

Method of the teaching: pair, group work

Visual aids: pictures, cards, an interactive board

Connections with the subject: Geography


                 Procedure of the lesson

I Organization moment

-Good morning pupils! How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent?

-What’s the weather like today?

-What season is it now?

-What day is it today?

-Today I want to start  our  lesson  with the words of  Galsworthy  “If you don’t think about the future you will not have it”. Our future is healthy nature. And nature is animals and plants that surround us.

So, the theme of our lesson is “Plants and animals” We shall speak about animals today. You know that we can divide all animals into two groups : domestic and wild. Name me domestic animals, please.


                         Domestic animals

A cow, a horse, a sheep, a camel, a dog, a cat


                              Wild animals

A fox, a wolf, a rabbit, a squirrel, a bear, a tiger, an elephant


II Checking up the home task

  1. To complete the chart about animals
  2. To put questions for discussion

-What is your favourite  animals?








a fox






a rabbit






a wolf






a squirrel






( pupils come up to the screen and finish the sentences)


III Presentation of the new material

  • Look at the screen. You see a picture of a desert and tropical forests.
  • Do you know anything about life in the desert?
  • Is there water?
  • What kind of animals live there?
  • Do you know anything about life in the tropical forest?
  • What animals live there?


IV Explanation of the new material

Remember the words: practice the pronunciation

Cool[ku:l] сал?ын

Insects[‘insekt] - ж?ндік



Seed[si:d]- д?н, асты?

wither[‘wi ?]-солу

Read and remember

a wolf-wolves

a fox-foxes

a squirrel-squirrels

a rabbit-rabbits

a zoo-zoos


V Work with a book.

 Read the text about  ”Life in the tropical forest”, ”Life in the desert”

  1. Reading
  2. Complete the chart



Tropical rain forest
















( pupils come up to the screen and finish the sentences)


VI. Riddles. Game” Who is quicker?”

  1. I am green. I can run. I cannot jump. ( a crocodile)
  2. I am orange. I can run. I can catch a rabbit. ( a fox)
  3. I am grey. I can run. I can catch a rabbit ( a wolf)
  4. I am brown. I am big and I like a honey (a bear)


Teacher: Thank you , and now let’s play a game ”Funny painters”

-Draw a lion, draw a fox, etc.


VII. Test

  1. Choose the right plural form.
  1. There are a lot of _____ in the forests of Kazakhstan.
  1. wolf            
  2. wolves
  1. Squirrels eat a lot of____.
  1. leaves
  2. leaf
  1. I have seen a lot of_____ in the zoo of the U.K.
  1. rhinos
  2. rhinoes
  1. Wolves have sharp____.
  1. teeth
  2. tooth
  1. There are lot of_____.
  1. children
  2. child



VIII. Conclusion of the lesson

-What we must do to keep plants?

-What we must do to keep animals?



T: Thank you for your active work.

You are really very clever pupils.

It was pleasant to listen your right answers.

Was this lesson interesting for you?


2.Marks. T: Your marks for the lesson.

IX. Home work

Find some information about a desert or a forest and write about it.










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«ашы? саба? »


Theme of the lesson: Plants and animals

Aims of the lesson: 1) to speak about plants and animals;

2) to understand oral speech;

3) to understand and love the nature;

Type of the lesson: Discussing

Method of the teaching: pair, group work

Visual aids: pictures, cards, an interactive board

Connections with the subject: Geography

Procedure of the lesson

I Organization moment

-Good morning pupils! How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent?

-What’s the weather like today?

-What season is it now?

-What day is it today?

-Today I want to start our lesson with the words of Galsworthy “If you don’t think about the future you will not have it”. Our future is healthy nature. And nature is animals and plants that surround us.

So, the theme of our lesson is “Plants and animals” We shall speak about animals today. You know that we can divide all animals into two groups : domestic and wild. Name me domestic animals, please.

Domestic animals

A cow, a horse, a sheep, a camel, a dog, a cat

Wild animals

A fox, a wolf, a rabbit, a squirrel, a bear, a tiger, an elephant

II Checking up the home task

  1. To complete the chart about animals

  2. To put questions for discussion

-What is your favourite animals?







a fox

a rabbit

a wolf

a squirrel

( pupils come up to the screen and finish the sentences)

III Presentation of the new material

  • Look at the screen. You see a picture of a desert and tropical forests.

  • Do you know anything about life in the desert?

  • Is there water?

  • What kind of animals live there?

  • Do you know anything about life in the tropical forest?

  • What animals live there?

IV Explanation of the new material

Remember the words: practice the pronunciation

Cool[ku:l] салқын

Insects[‘insekt] - жәндік



Seed[si:d]- дән, астық

wither[‘wi ә]-солу

Read and remember

a wolf-wolves

a fox-foxes

a squirrel-squirrels

a rabbit-rabbits

a zoo-zoos

V Work with a book.

Read the text about ”Life in the tropical forest”, ”Life in the desert”

  1. Reading

  2. Complete the chart


Tropical rain forest





( pupils come up to the screen and finish the sentences)

VI. Riddles. Game” Who is quicker?”

  1. I am green. I can run. I cannot jump. ( a crocodile)

  2. I am orange. I can run. I can catch a rabbit. ( a fox)

  3. I am grey. I can run. I can catch a rabbit ( a wolf)

  4. I am brown. I am big and I like a honey (a bear)

Teacher: Thank you , and now let’s play a game ”Funny painters”

-Draw a lion, draw a fox, etc.

VII. Test

  1. Choose the right plural form.

  1. There are a lot of _____ in the forests of Kazakhstan.

  1. wolf

  2. wolves

  1. Squirrels eat a lot of____.

  1. leaves

  2. leaf

  1. I have seen a lot of_____ in the zoo of the U.K.

  1. rhinos

  2. rhinoes

  1. Wolves have sharp____.

  1. teeth

  2. tooth

  1. There are lot of_____.

  1. children

  2. child

VIII. Conclusion of the lesson

-What we must do to keep plants?

-What we must do to keep animals?


T: Thank you for your active work.

You are really very clever pupils.

It was pleasant to listen your right answers.

Was this lesson interesting for you?

2.Marks. T: Your marks for the lesson.

IX. Home work

Find some information about a desert or a forest and write about it.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

ашы? саба?

Автор: Жумагалиева Алмагуль Каболовна

Дата: 04.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 116367

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