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«Тест для контроля сформированности навыков чтения»
5th form
Rob, the Hedgehog and his friends
О каких животных вы можете это сказать?
It can be a real friend.
It’s clever.
It’s faithful.
It plays with you.
It’s funny.
It’s lazy.
It’s curios.
It helps when you are ill.
It’s comforts when you are sad.
It misses when you are away.
It can swim very well.
Впишите животных в таблицу.
A spider, a cow, a cat, a wolf, a Guinea pig, a mouse, a rat, a tiger, a giraffe, a rabbit, a hare, a lion, a kangaroo, a dog, a frog, a lizard, a parrot, a turtle, a sheep, a snake, an elephant, a hedgehog, a camel.
I have a new friend, Mr Hopkins. He is a good….. . He has a vet surgery near my house. He helps different animals: dogs, cats, parrots,……., …….. and many others. I like animals too. A dog is my favorite animal. A dog can be a real….. . They are very…… . A dog can ….. with you and miss you when you are away.
And I also……hedgehogs. They are very…… . Little Bob is really curious. He likes ….. very much. He looks at my CD with great interest, he likes to……to it!