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Текст контрольной работы для 5 класса

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Данная контрольная работа состоит из 5 заданий на аудирование. 5 заданий на чтение и 15 вопросов лексико-грамматического теста в соответствии с учебной  программой МОН РК, для учителей, работающих по учебнику Аяповой Т

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«Текст контрольной работы для 5 класса»

The 5-th form


Variant I

Listen to the dialogue and find the correct variant

1. What is Oleg’s surname? His surname is …

A) Baranov B) Borisov C) Bondarev D)Belousov E)Boikov

2. What is his telephone number? His telephone number is…

A) 0865 B) 2695 C) 3864 D) 0658 E)0568

3. What is his mother’s name? His mother’s name is…

A) Marina B) Igor C) Olga D) Oleg E)Tanya

4. How old is Oleg’s father? He is …

A) 30 B) 35 C) 40 D)32 E)36

5. What is his sister like? His sister is …

A) beautiful B) tall C) nice D)strict E)handsome

Read the text and answer the questions.

My school day begins early.

I get up at seven o’clock in the morning and I have breakfast at half past seven. At 8 o’clock I leave home and go to school. I often go to school with my friends. School starts at half past eight. I have five or six lessons. We learn many school subjects. I like Geography and History but I don’t like Maths. I have lunch at 12 o’clock. School finishes at two o’clock and I go home. I go for a walk in the afternoon. I have supper at six o’clock with my family. After supper I do my homework. I watch TV in the evening. I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

Answer the questions.

6. What time does Victor get up?

He gets up at…

A) 7 o’clock B) half past seven C) 8 o’clock D)9 o’clock E)half past eight

7. Where does he go at 8 o’clock in the morning?

A) He goes home B) He goes for a walk C) He goes to school D) He goes to bed E)He plays

8. What subjects does Victor like?

A) Geography and History B) Maths C) Maths and Art D)Art E)History

9. What does he do at 12 o’clock?

A) He has breakfast B) He has lunch C) He has supper D)He goes for a walk E)He goes to bed

10. When does Victor watch TV?

A) in the morning B) in the afternoon C) in the evening D)at 10 o’clock E)at 12 o’clock

11. Can you use a computer?

A) No, I can B) No, I am not C) No, I do not D)Yes, I do E)Yes, I can

12. I … to work at 8 o’clock

A) go B) goes C) play D) am E) is

13. She…television in the evening

A) watch B)is C) watches D) watchs E) watched

14…. he live in Astana?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

15. …you play the guitar?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

16. What…your name?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

17. How old… you?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

18. What is your mother like?

A) She is Alma B) She is beautiful C) She is a teacher D)She plays the piano E) She is 42

19. What is your father’s job?

A)He watches TV. B) He is strict. C) He is tall. D)He is 39. E)He is a driver.

20. What is your name?

A)I’m 11 B)I’m fine C)She is 24 D) I’m Ben E) I’m from Kazakhstan

21. He has …in the evening.

A) breakfast B) supper C) lunch D) dinner E) breakfast and lunch

22. I have….at 7 o’clock in the morning

A) breakfast B) supper C) lunch D) dinner E) breakfast and lunch

23. thirty-five

A) 45 B) 34 C) 53 D)43 E) 35

24. I have…bag,…umbrella and …watch.

A) a, a, a B) a, an, a C)an, an, an D) an, a, an E) an, an, a

25. What time is it?- It’s 9.25.

A)It’s twenty past nine. B)It’s half past nine. C) It’s nine o’clock. D)It’s twenty-five past nine. E) It’s twenty-five to nine .

The 5-th form


Variant 2

Listen to the dialogue and find the correct variant

1. What is Oleg’s surname? His surname is …

A) Baranov B) Borisov C) Bondarev D)Belousov E)Boikov

2. What is his telephone number? His telephone number is…

A) 0865 B) 2695 C) 3864 D) 0658 E)0568

3. What is his mother’s name? His mother’s name is…

A) Marina B) Igor C) Olga D) Oleg E)Tanya

4. How old is Oleg’s father? He is …

A) 30 B) 35 C) 40 D)32 E)36

5. What is his sister like? His sister is …

A) beautiful B) tall C) nice D)strict E)handsome

Read the text and answer the questions.

My school day begins early.

I get up at seven o’clock in the morning and I have breakfast at half past seven. At 8 o’clock I leave home and go to school. I often go to school with my friends. School starts at half past eight. I have five or six lessons. We learn many school subjects. I like Geography and History but I don’t like Maths. I have lunch at 12 o’clock. School finishes at two o’clock and I go home. I go for a walk in the afternoon. I have supper at six o’clock with my family. After supper I do my homework. I watch TV in the evening. I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

Answer the questions.

6. What time does Victor get up?

He gets up at…

A) 7 o’clock B) half past seven C) 8 o’clock D)9 o’clock E)half past eight

7. Where does he go at 8 o’clock in the morning?

A) He goes home B) He goes for a walk C) He goes to school D) He goes to bed E)He plays

8. What subjects does Victor like?

A) Geography and History B) Maths C) Maths and Art D)Art E)History

9. What does he do at 12 o’clock?

A) He has breakfast B) He has lunch C) He has supper D)He goes for a walk E)He goes to bed

10. When does Victor watch TV?

A) in the morning B) in the afternoon C) in the evening D)at 10 o’clock E)at 12 o’clock

11. Can she play the guitar?

A) No, she cannot B) No, I am not C) No, she doesn’t D)Yes, I do E)Yes, I can

12. She … to bed at 11 o’clock.

A) go B) goes C) play D) am E) is

13. I …computer games in the evening

A) play B)plays C) playes D) is E) are

14…. you live in Astana?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

15. …she go to work by car?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

16. What…your father’s name?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

17. How old… your mother?

А) Do В) Am С)Is D) Does E) Are

18. What is your sister like?

A) She is Alma B) She is 22 C) She is a teacher D)She plays the piano E) She is beautiful

19. What is your mother’s job?

A)She watches TV. B) She is a doctor . C) She is kind. D)She is 39. E)He is a driver.

20. What is your name?

A)I’m 11 B)I’m fine C)She is 24 D) He’s Ben E) I’m Carol

21. He has …in the morning.

A) breakfast B) supper C) lunch D) dinner E) breakfast and lunch

22. I have….at 7 o’clock in the evening

A) breakfast B) supper C) lunch D) dinner E) breakfast and lunch

23. seventy-five

A) 55 B) 76 C) 57 D)75 E) 65

24. I have…orange,…pear and …apple.

A) a, a, a B) a, an, a C)an, an, an D) an, a, an E) an, an, a

25. What time is it?- It’s 10.35.

A)It’s twenty to ten. B)It’s half past ten. C) It’s ten o’clock. D)It’s twenty-five past ten.

E) It’s twenty-five to eleven .

Tape script

My name is Oleg. My surname is Borisov. I am 10. I am from Almaty. My address is 22, Abai Street, Almaty. My telephone number is 0865. I have a mother, a father and a sister. My mother’s name is Marina. She is 30. She is beautiful and strict. My father’s name is Igor. He is 35. He is tall and handsome. My sister’s name is Olga. She is 7. She is nice.















































































Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Текст контрольной работы для 5 класса

Автор: Исаченко Светлана Викторовна

Дата: 02.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 354692

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