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Итоговая контрольная работа 6 класс углубленное изучение

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Контрольная работа для промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку в 6 классе по учебнику УМК Афанасьева, Михеева. Данная контрольная работа предназначена для классов с углубленным изучением английского языка. Контрольная работа состоит из следующих разделов: 1.Чтение текста с общим охватом содержания. 2.Лексика. 3.Грамматика. 4.Страноведение.

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«Итоговая контрольная работа 6 класс углубленное изучение»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку промежуточной аттестации 6 класс (углубленное изучение)


I. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

My Holidays

After each term at school we have holidays. It’s fun to have hol­idays, you can do whatever you like, you don't have to get up too early, do your homework or think of troubles at school. Most of all I like summer holidays, they are the longest ones, though, when winter is snowy and frosty, I enjoy my winter holidays. I like skating and skiing, sledging and making a snowman or having a fight with snowballs.

Last summer we went to Sochi. First, we travelled to Odessa by plane and from there we got to Sochi by boat. We stayed in Odessa for three days. Our relatives live there and we stayed with them. We had an excellent opportunity to go round the city, to see beautiful monuments to famous people, museums and the Odessa Opera House.

We enjoyed our trip from Odessa to Sochi. The Black Sea was calm. We sat on deck looking at the sea. I liked Sochi very much. We went boating and swimming, lay in the sun on the beach. In the evenings we went for a walk or dropped in at a cafe to have ice cream or juice. My father showed us the famous Botanic Gardens, we went hiking in the mountains, and we saw the mag­nificent Augura Waterfalls.

  1. Schoolchildren like holidays because they stay at home. ________________

  2. Katya likes winter holidays because she can do winter sports._________________

  3. Summer holidays are as long as winter ones. ____________________________

  4. Katya went to Sochi by plane.__________________________________________

  5. Katya stayed in Odessa for three days to go sightseeing.______________________

  6. The trip from Odessa was full of adventures._______________________________

  7. They didn’t see the Odessa Opera House. _________________________________

  8. Katya and her family spent all the days on the beach in Sochi. _________________

  9. Katya never eats ice cream. _____________________________________________

  10. Katya’s father was their guide in Sochi.____________________________________

II. Use of English

Choose the correct verb form.

1. I ……. learn the French language.

a. am not b. don’t c. isn’t

2. People in Italy …. a lot of pasta.

a. don’t eat b. are eating c. eat

3. I …. this sandwich. I’m not hungry.

a. don’t want b. am not wanting c. doesn’t want

4. Jack …. alone as usual.

a. is living b. live c. lives

5. …. you …..in this hotel now?

a. Do …stay b. Are…..staying c. Have…..stay

6. Many children …. a computer at home.

a. have b. has c. are having

7. What … your favourite film?

a. does b. is c. do

8. When I got up this morning the sun ______brightly.

a. shone b. was shining

9. What ___you___ last night?

a. have___ done b. did____do c. were doing

10. I can’t open the door. I ____ my key.

a. lost b. have lost c. had lost

III. Choose the correct form of adjective.

1. Ann is (young) child in her family.

a. the youngest b. the younger c. young

2. Henry is not (tall) his elder brother.

a. taller b. so tall as c. tallest

3. Where is (near) post office?

a. the nearest b. the next c. nearer

IV. Choose the correct verb form in Passive Voice.

1. I ________an interesting job yesterday.

a. is offered b. was offered c. will be offered

2. Smoking ___________here.

a. is not allowed b. was not allowed c. will be allowed

3. The luggage__________soon.

a. is brought b. was brought c. will be brought

V. Put into indirect speech

1. Ann said, “I don’t work day and night.”

2. Olga said, “I have done all the cooking.”

3. My friends said to me, “We shall be back in 3 weeks.”

VI. Phrasal verbs.

Complete the sentences by putting the right verb in: to give, to make, to look, to take.

1. It’s warm in here, …off your jacket. 2. Does Linda … after her mother or her father? 3. Molly spent too much time to … herself up. 4. I’ll never … up sport, I think it’s very useful for my health. 5. The plane … off at 3 o’clock. 6. Don’t read these letters, just … through them. 7. Could you please … after my plants? I’m going away on holiday.

VII.Word formation

  1. The Tower of London is a great (attractive) for tourists.

  2. I listened to the story with a ___(mix) of surprise and admiration.

  3. What (excite) news you have brought!

VIII. Choose the right version.

  1. Brighton is a ___ .

  1. a resort b) a cinema c) a park

  1. Heathrow is the biggest ___ in England.

  1. city b) stadium c) airport

  1. The Congress of the USA ___.

  1. is the USA government

  2. wrote the US constitution

  3. makes laws for the country

  1. The first US President was ___.

  1. George Washington

  2. Abraham Lincoln

  3. Thomas Jefferson

  1. The capital of Australia is ___.

  1. Canberra

  2. Melbourne

  3. Sydney

Контрольная работа по английскому языку дл промежуточной аттестации 6 класс (углубленное изучение)


I. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

My Holidays

After each term at school we have holidays. It’s fun to have hol­idays, you can do whatever you like, you don't have to get up too early, do your homework or think of troubles at school. Most of all I like summer holidays, they are the longest ones, though, when winter is snowy and frosty, I enjoy my winter holidays. I like skating and skiing, sledging and making a snowman or having a fight with snowballs.

Last summer we went to Sochi. First, we travelled to Odessa by plane and from there we got to Sochi by boat. We stayed in Odessa for three days. Our relatives live there and we stayed with them. We had an excellent opportunity to go round the city, to see beautiful monuments to famous people, museums and the Odessa Opera House.

We enjoyed our trip from Odessa to Sochi. The Black Sea was calm. We sat on deck looking at the sea. I liked Sochi very much. We went boating and swimming, lay in the sun on the beach. In the evenings we went for a walk or dropped in at a cafe to have ice cream or juice. My father showed us the famous Botanic Gardens, we went hiking in the mountains, and we saw the mag­nificent Augura Waterfalls.

  1. Schoolchildren like holidays because they stay at home. ________________

  2. Katya likes winter holidays because she can do winter sports._________________

  3. Summer holidays are as long as winter ones. ____________________________

  4. Katya went to Sochi by plane.__________________________________________

  5. Katya stayed in Odessa for three days to go sightseeing.______________________

  6. The trip from Odessa was full of adventures._______________________________

  7. They didn’t see the Odessa Opera House. _________________________________

  8. Katya and her family spent all the days on the beach in Sochi. _________________

  9. Katya never eats ice cream. _____________________________________________

10. Katya’s father was their guide in Sochi.____________________________________


Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Most people ____work on Sundays.

a. don’t b. doesn’t c. aren’t

2. She’s _______a letter at the moment.

a. write b. writes c. writing

3. My mother _______at a hospital. She is a nurse.

a. works b. is working c. does working

4. Be careful! The cars _______very fast.

a. don’t go b. are going c. is going

5. How often_____she_______to the cinema?

a. does…goes b. is…doing c. does… go

6. ___you ____? May I switch the light off?

a. Are…sleep b. Are…sleeping c. Is…sleeping

7. Then I ____a man standing near the shop.

a. saw b. was seeing

8. While he ________for me he was reading the article in the magazine.

a. waited b. was waiting

9. I am very tired but I ________my work yet.

a. haven’t finished b. have finished c. finished

a. bought b. has bought c. had bought

10. We _______into this flat three years ago.

a. moved b. have moved c. had moved

III. Choose the correct form of the adjective.

1. The Mars is (cold) planet than the Earth.

a. the coldest b. colder c. cold

2. Let’s go by train. It’s much (cheap).

a. cheap b. cheaper c. the cheapest

3. That is the (happy) day in my life.

a. happy b. happier c. happiest

IV. Choose the correct verb form in Passive Voice.

1. He ________to give a speech at the last party.

a. is asked b. was asked c. will be asked

2. Newspapers __________at newsagent’s.

a. are sold b. was sold c. will be sold

3. Films _________ at the cinema every hour.

a. is shown b. are shown c. are showed

V. Put into indirect speech

1. “Mom is cooking in the kitchen,” Natalie told Sasha

2. Peter said, “I am fond of playing tennis.”

3. Pete said to Lucy, “I’ve seen many good films.”

VI. Phrasal verbs.

Complete the sentences by putting the right verb in: to give, to make, to look, to take.

1. It’s warm in here, …off your jacket. 2. Does Linda … after her mother or her father? 3. Molly spent too much time to … herself up. 4. I’ll never … up sport, I think it’s very useful for my health. 5. The plane … off at 3 o’clock. 6. Don’t read these letters, just … through them. 7. Could you please … after my plants? I’m going away on holiday.

VII.Word formation

  1. My father is a ___(write).

  2. Be careful! The roads are ___(ice) this morning.

  3. The organization takes care of ___(home) animals.

VIII. Choose the right version.

1.The symbol of Australia is ___.

a) a kiwi b) a kangaroo c) a maple leaf

2.There are ___amendments to the US constitution.

a) 29 b)16 c)26

3. The War of Independence began in … .

a) 1775 b)1785 c)1875

4. The Constitution was written in … .

a) New York b) Washington c) Philadelphia

5. Australia is divided into … states and two territories.

a) 5 b) 6 c) 4

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа 6 класс углубленное изучение

Автор: Каскова Светлана Ивановна

Дата: 23.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 329543

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