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Тест по английскому языку 8 класс

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«Тест по английскому языку 8 класс»

Test 1/8th form

Task 1: Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it.


Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the USA. Its celebration goes back to the 17th century when the first Europeans left England to travel to the New World. They called themselves Pilgrims and most of them left their motherland because they didn’t agree (to agree - соглашаться) with the official religion in their country.

After the long and difficult journey on the Mayflower across the ocean, the Pilgrims found a place with fields and a stream of fresh water to drink and a lot of tall trees to use for house building. They gave the place the name of Plymouth and made their first colony there.

The first winter and spring in the new country were very hard for the Pilgrims. There was little food and the Pilgrims had great problems. Help came from the Indians who lived nearby. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn (кукуруза), how to gather food and dry some of it for winter use. With the Indians’ help the Pilgrims planted a lot of Indian corn. They worked hard and in autumn they had food for winter ahead. The Pilgrims decided to celebrate it and to thank God for helping them. The women got the food ready: prepared ducks and geese and fish from the stream, made some salads. Twenty Indian friends came and stayed there three days. That was how the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving Day started.

1)The Pilgrims ___________________________________ .

a) left England to go to America

b) left their country to celebrate Thanksgiving Day

c) left Europe to go to America

2)The place they found in the new land was ________________ .

a) very beautiful b) very good for living c) very green

3)The first winter was ___________ .

a) warm like spring b) colder than at home c) not so easy

4)The Indians helped the Pilgrims when they _____________________

a) planted corn for them b) showed them how to get corn c) gave them corm

5)The Pilgrims celebrated their new holiday together with their _________________ .

a) new colonists b) women friends c) neighbours

Task 2: Use the prepositions where necessary to complete the text.

at, from, to, in (2), into, of (3), on (3)

Russia is the largest country ______ the world but _____ the same time its population is smaller than in some other countries, China for example. Our country stretches _____ the Baltic Sea _____ the Pacific Ocean. There it borders _____ China and Japan. The largest river ___ Russia is the Volga. It flows ____ the Caspian Sea. A lot of old Russians cities lie ___ it. The chain ___ mountains ____ the Pacific Coast are not very high. Russia is one of the greatest countries of the world and we are proud ___ it.

Task 3: Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect to complete the sentences:

1)I never (see) __________________________ this film.

2)Kate (not, eat) ________________________ her lunch. She is not hungry.

3)Boris (read) ________________________ the book.

4)We never (be) _________________________ to Spain.

5)You (ring up) _____________________ Betty? – Yes, I __________ . She (already, begin) ____________________ doing her homework.

6)They (write) _______________________ the letter yet?

7)She (never, speak) ______________________ to any famous actor.

8)Mrs Johnson (already, become) __________________________ a writer.

Task 4: Answer the questions about the USA.

1.What is the capital of the USA? _____________________________________________

2.Where does the US President live? ____________________________________________

3.How many states are there in the USA? ________________________________________

4.What continent is the USA situated in? _________________________________________

5.What state of the USA is situated in the north? __________________________________

6.What country does the USA border on in the north? _____________________________

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Тест по английскому языку 8 класс

Автор: Анна Юрьевна Крыскина

Дата: 07.10.2024

Номер свидетельства: 657269

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