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Самостоятельная работа по теме "We love the world"

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                                 Самостоятельная работа по теме We love the world”

Complete the sentences.

Words to use: trees, throw away,  to carry, people, caviar, walk,  animals, cut, dirty, forest, beautiful, rubbish

The world is a very ______________  place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forests. But some _______________ destroy the environment.

In the Amazon rain forest they cut the large  _______. They burn the small ones. They kill birds and the__________________. They destroy the forest because they want to change the ____________ into farmland.

On Mount Everest too many people ___________ on the mountains. They destroy the grass. They kill the plants. They dump their __________ on the mountain because they do not want ______________ it.

On the Zhaiykh River in Kazakhstan the factories pollute the river with ____________water and it costs money to clean the water. People kill the red herring in the river because they want the caviar. They take the caviar and _____________ the fish. They throw away the fish because they get more money from ___________.

In some places things are getting better. The British clean the rivers.  The Americans protect the Redwood Forest. They do not _______   big, old trees. In Kazakhstan we do not test nuclear bombs anymore.

Match two parts of the sentences.


They destroy the forest because they want….


…. they want the caviar.


They dump their rubbish on the mountain because……


…… throw away the fish.


People kill the red herring in the river because ……


.. dirty water.


They take the caviar and …….


.. to change the forest into farm land.


The factories  pollute the river with ……


…. a very beautiful place.


The world is ….


…. they do not want to carry it.

Add   - ing to the following words.

destroy   -  destroying                                                              dump  -

cut          -                                                                                 pollute -

burn        -                                                                                 throw -

kill            -                                                                                get -

walk        -                                                                                 clean -

carry        -                                                                                take -

Give Kazakh equivalents of the following phrases.

destroy the environment -

beautiful mountains -

large trees -

people walk –

on the mountains -

to pollute the river -

dirty water -

to clean the water –

to throw away the fish -

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«Самостоятельная работа по теме "We love the world"»

Самостоятельная работа по теме We love the world

Complete the sentences.

Words to use: trees, throw away, to carry, people, caviar, walk, animals, cut, dirty, forest, beautiful, rubbish

The world is a very ______________ place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forests. But some _______________ destroy the environment.

In the Amazon rain forest they cut the large _______ . They burn the small ones. They kill birds and the__________________. They destroy the forest because they want to change the ____________ into farmland.

On Mount Everest too many people ___________ on the mountains. They destroy the grass. They kill the plants. They dump their __________ on the mountain because they do not want ______________ it.

On the Zhaiykh River in Kazakhstan the factories pollute the river with ____________water and it costs money to clean the water. People kill the red herring in the river because they want the caviar. They take the caviar and _____________ the fish. They throw away the fish because they get more money from ___________ .

In some places things are getting better. The British clean the rivers. The Americans protect the Redwood Forest. They do not _______ big, old trees. In Kazakhstan we do not test nuclear bombs anymore.

Match two parts of the sentences.


They destroy the forest because they want….


….. they want the caviar.


They dump their rubbish on the mountain because……


…… throw away the fish.


People kill the red herring in the river because ……


........ dirty water.


They take the caviar and …….


..... to change the forest into farm land.


The factories pollute the river with ……


….. a very beautiful place.


The world is …..


….. they do not want to carry it.

Add - ing to the following words.

destroy - destroying dump -

cut - pollute -

burn - throw -

kill - get -

walk - clean -

carry - take -

Give Kazakh equivalents of the following phrases.

destroy the environment -

beautiful mountains -

large trees -

people walk –

on the mountains -

to pollute the river -

dirty water -

to clean the water –

to throw away the fish -

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Самостоятельная работа по теме "We love the world"

Автор: Есетова Маншук Сеилхановна

Дата: 18.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 307392

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