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Лучший друг Земли - ты

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Работа составлена для учебника 9 класса, автор Биболетова М.З. Предназначается для проверки усвоения лексического материала и правил природосбережения.

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«Лучший друг Земли - ты»

8 класс. Тест по разделу «Лучший друг земли - ты»

Задание: закончить по смыслу или выбрать правильный вариант

  1. From space the Earth looks________________________________________

  2. The highest point of the Earth is_________________________________________

  3. A lot of animals and birds disappeared because (they died from different diseases, they eat each other, a man destroyed their natural home)

  4. The distance between the North Pole and the South Pole is_________________________

  5. Three quarters of the Earth is covered with_______________________________

  6. Land, air and water are polluted with_________________________________________

  7. Why to throw away so much litter? Why not to (save, sell, reuse, recycle)

  8. Only 3% of the Earth’s water is fresh drinking water so we should take care of all the__________

  9. Pollution should be strictly (allowed, arranged, prohibited).

  10. The environment is in (excellent condition, poor condition, danger).

  11. Pollution is dangerous for___________________________________________________

  12. I think people must be fined (штраф) for dropping_________________________

  13. We should arrange special bins for_________________________________________

  14. The problem of waste is very (pleasant, enjoyable, funny, easy, important, trifling)

  15. I think that the only way to save the planet from litter is________________________

  16. Every year forests size of__________________________________________________

  17. The scientists have made___________________________________________________

  18. The most crucial problems of the Earth are______________________________________

  19. Don’t waste paper_____________________________________________________

  20. The longest river on the planet is_________________________________________

  21. The biggest continent is_______________________________________________

  22. Leave your radios at home____________________________________________

  23. Your car fumes pollute the air so_______________________________________________

  24. Don’t leave your fridge unclosed________________________________________________

  25. To make rivers, lakes, seas cleaner human being should (reduce using water, to clean reservoir, not to throw litter into the water)

  26. The sign “STOP USING YOUR CAR” means (stop to pick up a person, stop to check if your car is out of order, stop because you can’t drive on this territory)

  27. The sign “NO DOGS HERE” means (you shouldn’t be afraid of dogs because there are no dogs here, you can’t buy a dog here, you can’t walk here with a dog)

  28. The sign “NO FISHING” means (there is no fish in this body of water, you can’t fish there)

  29. To lessen rubbish try to buy ________________________________________

  30. The saltiest body of water of the Earth is____________________________________

  31. The UK is washed by_______________________________________________________

  32. Many things we throw away can be still_________________________

  33. Before buying anything ask yourself if (you can afford it, can throw it, you really need it)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Лучший друг Земли - ты

Автор: Шевченко Нина Алексеевна

Дата: 31.07.2016

Номер свидетельства: 338310

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