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Контрольная работа по английскому языку по общим вопросам для 8 класса

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку предназначена для 8 класса для выявления как они поняли общие вопросы. Работа сделанан ввиде теста. Каждый учитель может сделать изменения по своему усмотрению. Работу можно применить для учащихся не только 8, но и 7 классов. В тестах задания соответствуют государственным стандартам. Включены лексический и грамматический материалы.

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку по общим вопросам для 8 класса »

Контрольная работа по английскому языку по общим вопросам для 8 класса.

  1. Ann lives in the suburb of Birmingham.

 Ann really lives in the suburb of Birmingham?

 Does Ann really lives in the suburb of Birmingham?

 Does Ann really live in the suburb of Birmingham?

 Do Ann really lives in the suburb of Birmingham?

 Do Ann really live in the suburb of Birmingham?

  1. She was surprised when her brother walked onto the stage.

 Did she surprise when her brother walked onto the stage?

 Was she surprised when her brother walk onto the stage?

 Did she be surprised when her brother walked onto the stage?

 Surprised she when her brother walked onto the stage?

 Was she surprised when her brother walked onto the stage?

  1. I have been practicing yoga for a few years now and find it really helpful in combating stress and anxiety.

 Have you been practicing yoga for many years?

 You have been practicing yoga for few years?

 Have been you practicing yoga for many years?

 Have you practicing yoga for many years?

 Been you have practicing yoga for many years?

  1. There were also lots of frivolous beautiful handmade things for sale.

 Were many beautiful there things for sale?

 There were many frivolous beautiful handmade things for sale?

 Did there be many beautiful handmade things for sale?

 Were there any handmade things for sale?

 Was there lots of beautiful things for sale?

  1. Judo was first included in the summer Olympic Games at the 1964 Games in Tokyo, Japan.

 Did judo include in the summer Olympic Games at the 1964 Games in Tokyo, Japan?

 Was judo included first in the olympics at the 1964 Games in Tokyo, Japan?

 Did first included judo in the summer Olympics?

 Was included judo in the summer Olympic Games at the 1964 Games?

 Was judo first included in the Olympics in 1964?

  1. The school photographer will be coming on Monday morning of the 8 th November to take individual and group photographs of your children.

 Will the photographer be coming on Monday?

 Will be the photographer coming on Monday?

 Will be coming the photographe on Monday?

 The photographer will be coming on Monday?

 Will the photographer be come on Monday?

  1. With any luck we will have reached the river by lunchtime.

 Will have we reached the river by lunchtime?

 Will we reached the river by lunchtime?

 Will we have reached the rive by lunchtime?

 Have we reached the river by lunchtime?

 We will reached the river by lunchtime?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому языку по общим вопросам для 8 класса

Автор: Зартдинова Эльвира Камилевна

Дата: 20.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 203616

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