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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе (по УМК " Enjoy English")

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Данная контрольная работа предназначена для итогового контроля лексико-грамматических умений по английскому языку в 8 классе (по УМК " Enjoy English").

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«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе (по УМК " Enjoy English")»

Final test 8th form

Var. I

I. Choose the correct verbs in brackets. (conditional sentences)

  1. If you (are not able\will not be able) to do this yourself, I (help\will help) you.

  2. If it (isn’t\won’t be) too expensive, I (buy\will buy) it.

  3. You (fail\will fail) your exam if you (don’t\won’t) study hard.

  4. If I (were\would be) you, I (will\ would) consult the doctor.

  5. If I (live\lived) in the country last summer, I (will\would) grow vegetables.

  6. If we (had arrived\arrived) at the theatre earlier, we ( would find\ would have found) a seat.

II. Fill in the blanks with the words:

Future, fought, freedom, beginning, works, famous, enjoy

Pushkin lived at the _____ of the XIX century. He was one of the most ________ Russian writers. He was always with those who ___________ for the freedom of people. Pushkin was a great poet, and his ___________ show that he loved ___________ and thought about a happy _____________ for Russian people. We _____________ Pushkin’s fine poems.

III. Choose either do or make to complete the sentences.

  1. Please don’t ... so much noise.

  2. We ....friends with Ann two years ago.

  3. Could you … me a cup of coffee?

  4. Look at this phone bill. Who ....all these calls to Australia?

  5. I’m going out to... the shopping.

IV. Open the brackets (Passive voice)

  1. St. Petersburg (found) in 1703?

  2. His new book (finish) next year.

  3. Many schools (build) in our city.

  4. The article already (translate)?

V. Choose the correct variant. (Complex Object)

1. Mother expects us____early.

  1. to arrive b) arriving c) were arriving

2. I don’t want you ____at the top of your voice.

a) shout b) to shout c) shouting

3. She noticed ____ the room.

a) he leaving b) him to leave c) him leaving

4. Mother always lets me____her.

a) helped b) help c) to help

5. What made you _____?

a) to laugh b) laughed c) laugh

VI. Choose the correct item.

1. I _____supper when the bell rang.

a) was having b) had had c) had

2. We _____our living room for a week

a) have painted b) have been painted c) are painting

3. I asked him if he ever ____a Shakespearian role.

a) played b) have played c) had played

4. By the time the police arrived everybody___in the dining room.

a) was gathering b) gathered c) had gathered

5. What ___at 5 o’clock yesterday?

a) were you doing b) did you do c) had you done

VII. Correct the sentences.

  1. He has left for the station yet.

  2. He warned at me not to play with matches.

  3. It was such an awful film so that we left.

  4. He has read that book last month.

  5. If you will leave work early, we can go shopping.

VIII. Transform the phrases in direct speech into reported speech.

  1. Fred said: “I have invented a new computer program”.

  2. Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like pork.”

  3. They told me: “We were really happy.”

Final test 8th form

Var. II

I. Choose the correct verbs in brackets (conditional sentences)

  1. I (phone\ will phone) you when I (come\ will come) back.

  2. If there (is\will be) a good program on TV, I (watch\will watch) it.

  3. If I (pass\will pass) my exams, I (enter\will enter) the University.

  4. If I (would be\were) you, I (will\ would) do more exercise.

  5. If Mary (has\ had) enough money then, she (will\ would) open her own restaurant.

  6. If I (knew\ had known) that Stanley was in town, I (would invite\would have invited) him to the party.

II. Fill in the blanks with the words:

helped, to discuss, taught, were translated, study ,to solve, to help

Pavlov was a famous Russian scientist. His works ____ into many languages and _____ many scientists ________ important problems. He made all kinds of experiments ______ doctors _______ problems of life and health. Pavlov was always ready _______ different questions with young scientists and ______ them.

III. Choose either do or make to complete the sentences.

  1. Who ... most of the housework?

  2. Oh, dear, I think I’ve ... a mistake.

  3. He … progress in English.

  4. The Hurricane … a lot of damage.

  5. My mother … a tasty cake.

IV. Open the brackets (Passive Voice)

  1. Tea (grow) in China.

  2. We (ask) at the lesson yesterday.

  3. His book already (publish)?

  4. This work (do) tomorrow?

V. Choose the correct variant. (Complex Object)

1. We heard the girl__in the next room.

a) singing b) to sing c) sing

2. Children were allowed___to the disco party.

a) to go b) go c) going

3. Mr.Brown wanted his son __ his luck.

a) try b) to try c) trying

4. Who has made you __ this music?

a) retaping b) to retape c) retape

5. The teacher let me __home.

a) go b) to go c) going

VI. Choose the correct item.

  1. They ___ in the garden for two hours.

    1. have been working b) have worked c) are working

  2. How long ___ each other?

    1. do you know b) have you been knowing c) have you known

  3. What ___ when the storm began?

a) did you do b) had you done c) were you doing

4. I ____ up, when somebody knocked on the front door

a) had just woke b) just woke c) had just woken

5. She ___ six letters today.

a) has written b) wrote c) is writing

VII. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Have you still seen my wallet?

  2. Jane has been working at Madison Hospital since 1996 ago.

  3. I am reading the book which it is extremely interesting.

  4. If I was won the lottery, I would buy a yacht.

  5. Have you heard of the latest song by Celine Dion?

VIII. Transform the phrases in direct speech into reported speech.

  1. She said: “I live in a big apartment.”

  2. Betty said: “I found my passport.”

  3. Maх said: “I will help my sister.”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе (по УМК " Enjoy English")

Автор: Кудряшова Анна Михайловна

Дата: 02.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 332291

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