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Диагностическая контрольная работа.
8 класс (I п/г)
I variant
Biscuits a) Clothes
Sweet pies b) Butcher's
Shortbreads c) Stationer's
Doughnuts d) Confectioner's
c) Informative ones.
d) To Alice's wedding.
4. Выберите правильное слово.
1) Jack is (hard/hardly) a man to be afraid of.
2) We think very (high/highly) of his new book.
3) I have (late/lately) received two letters from my friend.
4) Try to say this difficult world (right/rightly).
5. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.
1) Kevin always boasts that he (can/may) swim best of all his friends.
2) Officer,(could/may) you help me? I'm looking for Castle Street.
3) How many English words (can/may) you remember in one go?
4) At last they (could/were able to) see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
5) (Can/May) we have cucumber salad and roast beef, waiter?
6. Выберите правильный предлог и форму глагола.
1) (Is/Are) the money in the bag? – 2) No, I've put (it/them) in the drawer.
3) Your new clothes (is/are) on the bed. 4) Why don't you put (it/them) on?
5) The traffic lights (is/are) a set of coloured lights used for controlling and directing traffic.
6) (It/They) (is/are) widely used in modern cities.
Диагностическая контрольная работа.
8 класс (I п/г)
II variant
1.Прочитайте список товаров и выберите подходящий магазин.
Pork a) Baker'
Beef b) Butcher's
Mutton c) Stationer's
Minced beef d) Confectioner's
2.Переведите на англ. язык, используя фразовый глагол to come.
3. Подберите ответы к вопросам. Один ответ лишний.
c) Mr. Robinson, the Headmaster of my school.
d) He said no so firmly.
4. Выберите правильное слово.
1) Think (hard/hardly) before you give your answer.
2) Can you see that plane flying (high/highly) above us?
3) I got the phone call only (late/lately) at night.
4) Tom was (wrong/wrongly) believed to be a thief.
5. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.
1) Kate, (could/might) you go out to the blackboard.
2) Polly, dear, (can/may) I look at your new doll?
3) Excuse me, Mr. Evans, (can/could) you pass me the newspaper from your desk?
4) You (may/may be) right, but you'll have to prove it.
5) (Can/May) you explain something to me, father?
6. Выберите правильный предлог и форму глагола.
1) The stairs (was/were) high and 2) I got tired climbing (it/them).
3) Are you looking for your watch? (It/They) 4) (is/are) on your wrist!
5) In England a funeral (is/are) often held in church yards.
6) (It/They) (is/are) attended by relatives and close friends.
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