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Задания по грамматике с ключами

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1. Translate sentences from Russian into English using The Present Perfect Tense.

  1. Я никогда не был во Франции.
  2. Ты когда-нибудь видел слона?
  3. Они еще не сделали упражнение.
  4. Мы еще не перевели текст.
  5. Мы только что перевели текст.
  6. Я еще не сделал доклад.
  7. Они никогда не играл в шахматы.
  8. Кто разбил окно?
  9. Она только что помыла посуду.
  10. Я только что получил письмо.
  11. He ____ just come home.
  12. ____ you ever been to America?
  13. I ____ never been to China.
  14. They ____ not translate the text yet.
  15. We ____ already played football.
  16. She ____ just cooked dinner.
  17. Water ____ just boiled.
  18. Shops ____ already opened.
  19. She ____ never been to India.
  20.  I ____ not done my homework yet.

3. Fill in the gaps with modal verbs (can, may, must, should).

  1. Pupils ____ do homework every day.
  2. You ____ see this film. It`s beautiful.
  3. People ____ up early in the morning.
  4. They ____ swim very well.
  5. She ____ play chess.
  6. You ____ not smoke.
  7. People ____ eat fruits and vegetables.
  8. She ____ buy this dress. It`s beautiful.
  9. He ____ take father`s car.
  10. ____ I go out?

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

  1. There are many people ____ the street.
  2. There is much water ____ the bottle.
  3. Put the vase ____ the table.
  4. Take these  copybooks ____ the table.
  5. We wrote a dictation ____ the lesson.
  6. There are many interesting books ____ the shelf.
  7. Take the books ____ the bag.
  8. Put butter ____ the bag.
  9. ____ the books I like this one.
  10. Are there many stars ____ the sky?


1.Translate sentences from Russian into English using The Present Perfect Tense.

  1. I have never been to France.
  2. Have you ever seen an elephant?
  3. They have not done Ex. yet.
  4. We have not translated the text yet.
  5. We have just translated the text.
  6. I have not made the report yet.
  7. They have never played chess.
  8. Who has broken the window?
  9. She has just washed dishes.
  10. I have just received a letter.

2. Fill in the gaps using The Present Perfect Tense.

  1. He has just come home.
  2. Have you ever been to America?
  3. I have never been to China.
  4. They have not translate the text yet.
  5. We have  already played football.
  6. She has just cooked dinner.
  7. Water has just boiled.
  8. Shops have already opened.
  9. She has  never been to India.
  10.  I have not done my homework yet.

3. Fill in the gaps with modal verbs (can, may, must, should).

  1. Pupils must do homework every day.
  2. You should see this film. It`s interesting.
  3. People  should up early in the morning.
  4. They can swim very well.
  5. She can play chess.
  6. You should not smoke.
  7. People should eat fruits and vegetables.
  8. She should buy this dress. It`s beautiful.
  9. He may take father`s car.
  10. May I go out?

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

  1. There are many people in the street.
  2. There is much water in the bottle.
  3. Put the vase onto the table.
  4. Take these copybooks from the table.
  5. We wrote a dictation at the lesson.
  6. There are many interesting books on the shelf.
  7. Take the books from the bag.
  8. Put butter into the bag.
  9. Among the books I like this one.

Are there many stars in the sky?










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«Задания по грамматике с ключами »

1. Translate sentences from Russian into English using The Present Perfect Tense.

  1. Я никогда не был во Франции.

  2. Ты когда-нибудь видел слона?

  3. Они еще не сделали упражнение.

  4. Мы еще не перевели текст.

  5. Мы только что перевели текст.

  6. Я еще не сделал доклад.

  7. Они никогда не играл в шахматы.

  8. Кто разбил окно?

  9. Она только что помыла посуду.

  10. Я только что получил письмо.

2. Fill in the gaps using The Present Perfect Tense.

  1. He ____ just come home.

  2. ____ you ever been to America?

  3. I ____ never been to China.

  4. They ____ not translate the text yet.

  5. We ____ already played football.

  6. She ____ just cooked dinner.

  7. Water ____ just boiled.

  8. Shops ____ already opened.

  9. She ____ never been to India.

  10. I ____ not done my homework yet.

3. Fill in the gaps with modal verbs (can, may, must, should).

  1. Pupils ____ do homework every day.

  2. You ____ see this film. It`s beautiful.

  3. People ____ up early in the morning.

  4. They ____ swim very well.

  5. She ____ play chess.

  6. You ____ not smoke.

  7. People ____ eat fruits and vegetables.

  8. She ____ buy this dress. It`s beautiful.

  9. He ____ take father`s car.

  10. ____ I go out?

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

  1. There are many people ____ the street.

  2. There is much water ____ the bottle.

  3. Put the vase ____ the table.

  4. Take these copybooks ____ the table.

  5. We wrote a dictation ____ the lesson.

  6. There are many interesting books ____ the shelf.

  7. Take the books ____ the bag.

  8. Put butter ____ the bag.

  9. ____ the books I like this one.

  10. Are there many stars ____ the sky?


1.Translate sentences from Russian into English using The Present Perfect Tense.

  1. I have never been to France.

  2. Have you ever seen an elephant?

  3. They have not done Ex. yet.

  4. We have not translated the text yet.

  5. We have just translated the text.

  6. I have not made the report yet.

  7. They have never played chess.

  8. Who has broken the window?

  9. She has just washed dishes.

  10. I have just received a letter.

2. Fill in the gaps using The Present Perfect Tense.

  1. He has just come home.

  2. Have you ever been to America?

  3. I have never been to China.

  4. They have not translate the text yet.

  5. We have already played football.

  6. She has just cooked dinner.

  7. Water has just boiled.

  8. Shops have already opened.

  9. She has never been to India.

  10. I have not done my homework yet.

3. Fill in the gaps with modal verbs (can, may, must, should).

  1. Pupils must do homework every day.

  2. You should see this film. It`s interesting.

  3. People should up early in the morning.

  4. They can swim very well.

  5. She can play chess.

  6. You should not smoke.

  7. People should eat fruits and vegetables.

  8. She should buy this dress. It`s beautiful.

  9. He may take father`s car.

  10. May I go out?

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

  1. There are many people in the street.

  2. There is much water in the bottle.

  3. Put the vase onto the table.

  4. Take these copybooks from the table.

  5. We wrote a dictation at the lesson.

  6. There are many interesting books on the shelf.

  7. Take the books from the bag.

  8. Put butter into the bag.

  9. Among the books I like this one.

  10. Are there many stars in the sky?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Задания по грамматике с ключами

Автор: Омарова Оксана Аркадьевна

Дата: 04.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 150015

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