Упражнения по теме "How do you spend your free time?"
Упражнения по теме "How do you spend your free time?"
Данная разработка упражнения подготовлена для организации урока повторения по теме "Как ты проводишь свободное время?" для 7 класса (этап совершенствования навыков устной и письменной речи, совершенствование грамматических навыков). Представлены разнообразные упражнения для отработки лексики по теме, грамматического материала по темам: Word order, Adjectives with -ing and -ed,Future meaning and Prepositions. Упражнения разного типа: подборка ответов, вставить пропущенные слова, соотнести определение и слово, чтение текста и выполнение заданий к нему, раскрыть скобки. В конце разработки представлен словарь слов по теме, а так же просмотренные учебники и журналы.
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Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Просмотр содержимого документа
«Упражнения по теме "How do you spend your free time?"»
Методическая разработка
по теме: «Howdoyouspendyourfreetime? »
для учащихся 7 класса
(этап совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи, совершенствование грамматических навыков)
“Missed letters”
rel . x
k . . n on
pl . . sure
am . sing
f . vo . rite
cr . zy
le . s . re
fr . .
enj . . able
sp . re
Построй слова правильно.
siginn sgnos
reef meti
wainghct VT
deangir kobos
Переведите словосочетания
Irish dancing –
a couch potato –
a brilliant hobby –
a tough day –
every spare minute –
challenging –
to be a fan –
the only thing that matters –
the local climbing centre –
to be thrilled with –
What free time activities can you name?
Free time
What activities do children enjoy in their free time? Match the words.
listen to
ghost stories
Соедините половинки слов.
Соедините слова с их определениями.
a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment
an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby
an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment
the activity of making musical sounds with your voice
bring or gather together (a number of things)
a system for converting visual images (with sound) into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen
a person or thing that is preferred to all others of the same kind or is especially well liked
the process of preparing food by heating it
Read the text and fill in the prepositions.
There are a lot _____ leisure activities. They are: theatre, cooking, learning foreign languages, collecting stamps, knitting, guitar, walking, cycling and many others.
We all have free time. that’s why all members ___________ our family have leisure activities. Our leisure activities are different. My Dad enjoys collecting stamps. He has a large collection. He exchange stamps __________ his friends. My Mum thinks it’s boring. She likes cooking English dishes. She cooks well and has many cookery books _______different countries.
My sister Karen likes making clothes and knitting. She reads magazines on fashion and designs clothes ________her friends and our mother.
As _______ me , I like modeling. I make models of old and modern planes. I have modeled plenty ____ them. I also like playing football and swimming.
My grandparents enjoy collecting flowers, horse riding and walking. They have a lot of exotic flowers _______their garden.
Complete the dialogue. Use the phrases from the box.
Jim: My Dad likes watching motor races. What about yours?
Pam: …
Jim: Well, my Dad thinks it’s boring.
Pam: What does he like then? Fishing?
Jim: …
Pam: Wow!
Jim: He does it well. But he plays it very loud!
Pam: …
Jim: No, an electric one.
Pam: Can he teach me to play it?
Jim: Come and ask him about it.
Pam: …
Jim: Yes, great!
Use the following words, plus the where necessary, to complete the sentences.
What activities are these children talking about?
Find 16 verbs using their synonyms.
Here are the questions from the Friendship Club booklet. Put the words in the correct order.
Here is holiday letter. What did she write about? Put the sentences together. Fill in there is or there are.
What do the children think about these activities? Choose the correct word.
What do you feel about the following activities? Use the words from the box.
What are these people planning to do? Choose the correct form.
Are the girls going to take part in the sports day? Fill in the correct form of the verbs.
This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. Rearrange the sentences to make a story.
How does Matthew spend his time? Read the text and do the task.
There are many things which Matthew likes to do. He has a computer in his bedroom. He likes to play computer games with his sister, Sara.
Matthew also likes music. He plays the trombone. He takes his trombone out of the case, puts it together and plays some music. “That’s not very good,” he says, “so I must practice.”
Matthew is interested in motor cars. His brother, Mike, has a mini-car. Matthew likes to help his brother in the garage.
Sometimes there is a problem with the engine and they try repair the car.
Matthew has to do some jobs to help his mother and father. He likes to do some gardening and to go shopping.
Certainly, there are some jobs he does not like. He hates ironing. His mother watches as he irons a red pullover. He hates washing up. He is also not happy to do the housework.
So, in general Matthew is quite a typical British boy.
Do the crossword and find out Matthew’s best friend.
ирландские танцы; лежебока; великолепное хобби; трудный день; каждая свободная минута; вызывающий; быть фаном; это то, что играет роль; местный центр скалолазания; быть увлеченным чем-то.
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