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Mariinsky (formerly Kirov) Opera House

This famous opera house which was founded more than two centuries ago is world known because of its opera and ballet companies. In May the music-lovers would enjoy the premiere of Richard Wagner's opera Parsifal in production of T. Palmer. In June the theatre will host the traditional Stars of the White Nights festival. For the first time the company presents two ballets of Igor Stravinsky — Les Noces and Rite of Spring (Le Sacre du Printemps). . -

Address: 1, Teatralnaya Ploshchad (4C, see map pp. 102-103).

Phone: 1144344.

Mussorgsky Opera House

The theatre's season of this year is to be crowned by performances of the best classic operas and ballets of both Russian and foreign authors: The Nutcracker, Die Fledermaus, Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Boris Godunov, etc. The admirers of ballet may enj oy the latest production of this theatre — Don Quixote by Minlcus.

Address: 1, Ploshchad Iskusstv (3D, see map). *


Tovstonogoy Bolshoi Drama Theatr

Spring sees the premiere of a play based on N. Dumbadze's novel Sunny Night. As well as producing the play, T. Chkheidze has also adapted the novel for the stage. The young actor Van Tsapnik will play the leading part. The theatre's company will be on tour in Israel from 9 to 30 June. Audiences in five cities, including Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, will see the plays Energetic People and You'll Find whatever You Look For (Balzaminov's Marriage).

Address: 65, Naberezhnaya Reki Fontanki (4D, see map).

Phone: 3109242.

Komissarzhevskaya Drama Theatre

The theatre was founded during the Siege of Leningrad. The great Russian actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya played in this building at the beginning of the 20th century. This summer audiences will see the theatre's latest premiere, Jean Anouilh's play Our Dear Madam, staged by the well-known St. Petersburg producer A Belinsky. Also included in the repertoire is the play Goodbye, Clown, produced by V Vorobyev using themes from Italian film director Fellini's famous film La Strada. The theatre's company will also be performing B. Slade's play Celebration, produced by M. Kozakov.

Address: 19, Italianskaya (Jlitsa (3D, see map).

Phone: 315 5355.

Nikolaevsky Art Centre

The Nikolaevsky Palace is a jewel in the crown of St. Petersburg architecture. It was built in the 19th century by Stalcenschneider for Grand Duke Nikolai, son of tsar Nicholas I. Visitors are treated to a daily folk show and are ceremoniously welcomed on the main staircase by a string quartet. There is also a picture gallery, an exhibition of folk handicrafts as well as performances by some of Russia's best folk singers and dancers. Delicious Russian appetizers served!

Address: 4, Ploshchad Truda (3C, see map).

Phone: 311 9304.

The Philharmonia

During May vocal evenings will be given by M. Kasrashvili and G. Gorchakova. Pianists V. Mis he huh and R. Kerer will perform works by Beethoven, Schumann and Brahms. There will also be organ concerts by 0. Konyayev and G. Grodberg. Also in the programme is a performance by the Classica Symphony Orchestra, conducted by A. Kantorov. Concerts by top performers will take place in the Philharmonia's Grand Hall during the traditional Stars of the White Nights festival in June. The event of the end of the season should be a Klavierabend of the brilliant pianist Y. Kissin.

Address: 2, Mikhailovskaya Ulitsa (3D, see map).

Phone: 2730870.

Malyi Drama Theatre

In May and June the theatre's company will be rehearsing a new play. Chief producer Lev Dodin will be staging Chekhov's Play without a Title (better known by the title Platonov). This is Chekhov's first play, written in his youth. The scenery for the play is being created by A. Porei-Koschitz. The first performance will be at the Weimar arts festival in Germany this summer.

Address: 18, Ulitsa Rubinsteina (3E, see map).

Phone: 113 2078.

The Alexandrinsky Theatre

The season here is to be closed on 11 May by the performance of the "Woe from Wit" by Alexander Griboyedov. Within few weeks before the theatre proposes such plays as A Comedy of Our Life, The Mistress of an Inn (La Propriatrice dell'Albergo), Hamlet, Cap and Bells, Wardess. The Minor Stage prepares a premiere ,of the Deceptions composed by this theatre actress M. Gavrilova.

Address: 2, Ploshchad Ostrovskogo (3D, see map).

Phone: 312 1545.

the cradle - колыбель; to pride - славить; repertoire - репертуар; to feature -представлять;

“From avant - garde to the Present” festival - фестиваль от авангарда до наших дней; to conduct - управлять;

a hold of the Triumph award - лауреат премии “Триумф”; to relate - рассказывать; a jewel - жемчужина; a string quartet- струнный квартет; a folk handicrafts - народные промыслы; a folk companies - фольклорные коллективы.

  1. Translate from English into Russian.

  1. The Mariinsky Theatre is the cradle of Russian ballet.

  2. The Theatre prides itself in having one of the best opera and ballet companies in the world.

  3. The Mariinsky Theatre is 200 years old.

  4. Opera - lovers will enjoy the premiere the premiere of Strauss’ Die Flerermous in spring.

  5. In late March the performers will go to Moscow where they will put on Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

  6. Young viewers of the Maly Drama Theatre will be treated to Oscar Wilde’s Star Child.

  7. The Alexandrinsky Theatre is Russia’s oldest theatre.

  8. Komissarzhtvskaya Drama Theatre was established during the Blockade of Leningrad in the building where during the early 20th century performed the great Russian actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya.

  9. The Nikolaevsky Fit Centre welcomes everybody to visit a picture gallery, an exhibition of folk handicrafts.

  10. The Nikolaevsky Palace - a jewel in the crown of St. Petersburg’s architecture - was built in the 19th century.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. When will the premiere of Tchaikovsky’s Mazepa opera be held at the Mariinsky Theatre?

  2. What will ballet lovers of the Mussjrgsky Theatre of Opera and Ballet enjoy?

  3. When will the performers of the Bolshoi Tovstonogov Drama Theatre go to Moscow?

  4. Who will give one concert in March at Philarmonia?

  5. Who will perform pieces by A. Sviridov?

  6. Who is a hold of the Triumph award at the Maly Drama Theatre?

  7. What can you say about the Komissarzhevskaya Drama Theatre’s repertoire?

  8. For whom was the Nikolayevsky Palace built?

  9. What can visitors treat Themselves to at the Nikolayevsky Art Centre?

  10. What Theatre would you like to visit in St. Penersburg?



Nave the oldest theatres in St. Petersburg?


State Hermitage

In May and June visitors to the museum will see two new exhibitions in the series Masterpieces from Museums of the World at the Hermitage. The National Gallery in Washington has brought Van Eyck's The Annunciation, and the National Gallery in London will show two paintings from its collection of Velasquez — The Immaculate Conception and St. John in Pathmos. An exhibition of new acquisitions (1991 to 1995) will open on 15 May, including a collection of Russian painting, graphic and applied art of the 18th and 19th centuries. An exhibition of Picasso's work continues — paintings and drawings from French collections. Address: 34, Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya (3D, see map pp. 102-103). Phone: 311 346

Russian Museum

The museum houses one of the finest collections of Russian art in the world. In spring a large exhibition The Colour Red in Russian Art is opening in the Benois Wing. It will include paintings, sculpture and items of applied art from the 16th to the 20th centuries. In June an exhibition of Russian army medals and insignia can be seen at the Engineers' Castle. There is an exhibition of wax figures representing members of the Romanov family in the Hall of Mirrors at the Stroganov Palace. An exhibition of the work of the famous Austrian artist C. Helwein opens in summer at the Marble Palace: it has already been seen in Austria, the USA and other countries.

Address: 4/2, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa (Mikhailovsky Palace) (3D, see map).


Ethnographic Museum

The museum is a great centre for ethnography. It houses unique collections reflecting the life and culture of the peoples of Russia. As part of the 3rd White Nights International Symposium on Textiles, two exhibitions have been organised: Crafts in Time and Space (Russian flax — from the production process to the finished article) and Felt StripsTradition and the Present Day. In May and June visitors to the museum will be able to see an exhibition People's \ Orthodoxy, describing Orthodox Church festivals in the peasant life of the 19th and early 20th centuries. International exhibitions called The Computer in the Museum, the Museum on the Computer and Streets of the City (including paintings and photographs) will also be held.

Address: 4/1, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa (3D, see map).

Phone: 219 1174.


Russia's first museum, founded by Peter the Great. Since 1728 the building has contained a library, an observatory and departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Visitors show great interest in The Anatomical Collection of Peter I. Currently on show is an exhibition called The Imperial Collection of the Kunstkammer, in which the best items from the ethnographical collection can be seen. Jewellery, household objects, pictures and many other items were donated to the family, from Peter I to the last emperor Nicholas II. An exhibition of Erotica in the Traditional Culture of South-East Asia is to prolonged, displaying prints and other ethnographical items from the museum's collection.

Address: 3, Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya (3C, see map).

Phone: 218 1412.

Museum of the History of St. Petersburg

The museum is located in the grounds of the Peter and Paul Fortress, which was established in 1703 by the city's founder, Peter I. The exhibition St. Petersburg Mirages continues until 22 May in the Neva Wing: it contains paintings, graphic art and sculptures by artists from the St. Petersburg Academy of Modern Art. An exhibition of the well-known Dutch stained glass artist Harold van de Perrier will open in June. Visitors will see water-colours, drawings and other works. In Rumyantsev's House there will be an exhibition of works by the British artist 5. Arnold.

Address: 3, Peter and Paul Fortress (2D, see map).

Phone: 238 4511.


The Central Exhibition Halt is located in the building of the former Horsequards' Manege. The exhibition of water-colours put on in the cycle The Fates will open. It will mark the 90th anniversary of the birth of Gavriil Malysh, whose works will be on display. In June the large exhibition from Belorussian town of Grodno is to be opened (the exhibits would be presented by the History and Archaeology Museum and History of Religion Museum of Grodno as well). The visitors will also enjoy the pictures of modern Belorussian artists.

Address: 1, Isaakievskaya Ploshchad (3C, see map).

Phone: 314 5959.

The Russian Ethnographical Museum.

i I



Words list:


Adjoining states - сопредельное государство; Patronage - покровительство;

Acknowledged - признанный;

Alto-relievo -горельеф;

Grandeur -величие;

Donations - пожертвование;

Festive - праздничная;

Day -to-day- повседневная;

Ceremonial - обрядовая;

The cuts - покрой одежды;

Embroidery - вышивка,

Headgear - головной убор;

Clan worship - родовые моления;

Beliefs - верования,

Dervishes - дервиши (народы Средней Азии); Authentic objects - подменные предметы.


Translate into Russian:

to be under the patronage - to be dedicated to - to be of great value - to be connected with - to be reflected in - to be provoked by - to be devoted to - j

to be represented in - j


Translate into English'.

  1. знаменитые игрушки;

  2. филигрань;

  3. финифть;

  4. изделия из кости;

  5. предметы культа;

  6. бросить взгляд сквозь века;

  7. «прорубить окно в Европу»;

  8. раскрыть секрет загадочной русской души.

Nanai idols, a set of shaman artefacts, objects of clan worship, and protections from illnesses and evil spirits. The collection of festive and ritual masks is also very interesting.

An entire hall in the museums is devoted to the numerous rituals and beliefs of Russian peasants.

Among the museum's most valuable possessions is a collection of carpets and felt strips, containing more than 3000 articles. A carpet is at the same time a work of art and an item of home furnishing. The variety of techniques and designs of crafts-men from the Caucasus, Ukraine and Moldova is as astonishing as that of the richest collections from Central Asia.

One of the most ancient types of folk art — artistic wood-work — is widely represented in the exhibitions: decoration of house facades, carved and hand-painted utensils, the famous lacquer miniatures from Palekh, Mstera and Fedoskino, and a collection of children's toys.

The collection of ceramics — one of the most interesting in the museum — demonstrates a wide variety of techniques, shapes and patterns. There are more than 2Q00 articles by Ukrainian craftsmen alone. The displays which tell us about the various ethnic groups of Russia, Berlarus, Moldova. The Caucasus and Central Asia are amazingly varied. One cannot pass by the famous toys from Dymkovo, Filimonovo and Kargopol, or the collection of Ukrainian Easter eggs.

The art of ornamental metalwork-from strange locks to items of jewellery, from copper to gold- is traditional for many peoples. The art of decoration and the variety of Russian forged chests, trays from Zhostovo with filigree and enamel, weapons from Daghestan and ornaments from Central Asia all underline the " ethnic individuality" of each exhibit.

The craftsmanship of boneworkers from the Northern Russia and Siberia is demonstrated by articles made from walrus tusks and mammoth bones.

Leather and fur- cattle-breeders' favourite materials- are widely represented in the displays. They use them in all their footwear, clothing, clothing equipment and artistic work.

Different types of housing are mainly shown in photographs, drawings and sketches, but there are examples of nomads' dwellings, which are displayed "cm nature!".

The "Pearl" of the museum is the "Special Room", displaying the traditions of the art of jewellery. There are more than 1 2,000 articles in its collections, including ornaments, clothing, elegant utensils, weaponry from the 15th to early 16th centuries and cult objects. A particular feature of the "Special Room"s treasures is their link with history and traditions.

Visitors to museums in all continents are delighted by more than 20 exhibitions, which demonstrate all the variety of the museum's collections — from Imperial gifts to life in a Jewish village, from Siberian shamans to the nomads of Central Asia.

The wealth and variety of the museum's collections enable us to cast a glance across the ages, "to break open a window to Russia", and perhaps to reveal the-secret of the enigmatic Russian soul. By getting to know the history and culture of the peoples who have "settled" the halls of the Russian Ethnographic Museum, one can understand better the many processes going on today in the vast expanses of the former Russian Empire.

Answer the questions:

i |

  1. How many authentic objects and photographs does the museum contain?!

  2. What do the exhibits of the museum characterise? I

  3. Who was the founder of the museum?

  4. Who look part in organising the museum?

  5. Where did the first museum’s exhibits come from?

  6. What does the museum look like today?

  7. What is the “Pearl” of the museum?

  8. How many articles in the collection of the “Special Room”?

  9. What is the particular feature of the “Special Room” ‘s treasures?


Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

  1. Many costumes are rare items: clothing of people from Amur region made from fish skin.

  2. The unusually rich collections from the Volga and Ural regions contain magnificent decorated belts and unique headgear with coral and beads.

  3. Also of great interest are items of religions culture connected with folk beliefs.

  4. The collection of festive and ritual masks is also very interesting.

  5. One of the most ancient types of folk art - artistic woodwork - is widely represented in the exhibitions.

  6. The collection of ceramics - one of the most interesting in the museum.

  7. Textiles and costume in particular, make up a large part of the museum’s collection.

  8. Different types of housing are mainly shown in photographs, drawings and sketches.

  9. The “Special Room” displays the traditions of the art of jewellery.

  10. The craftsmanship of bone workers from the Northern Russia and Siberia is demonstrated by articles made from walrus tusks and mammoth bones.


Make sentences negative:

  1. The wealth and variety of the museum’s collections enable us to cast a glance across the ages.

  2. One can understand better the many processes going on today in the vast expenses of the former Russian Empire.

  3. The largest ethnographic museum in the country contains more than 500.000 exhibits.

VII Put all possible questions:

Today the museum is Russia’s greatest research centre in the field of ethnography.

  1. Find in the text all sentences in Passive Voice.

Translate them into Russian.

  1. Speak about the “Special Room”.

Speak about the items of religious culture.

Say what collection of the museum you’d like to visit and why.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс


Автор: Сорокина Светлана Владимировна

Дата: 02.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 286829

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