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Эссе учителя английского языка

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Хамзина Дидаргуль Камаловна

учитель английского языка

КГУ «Гагаринская средняя школа

Бухар-Жырауского района Карагандинской области»

Эссе учителя английского языка

«Вера начинается, где воображения кончаются»

Faith begins where imagination ends.

Faith is born inside the hearts of the people who believe in God and the higher powers. And faith begins where imagination ends. For example when people’s matter are going good they forget about God and if they are bad they begin to go to the mosque, visit the fortunetellers, pray God, in shortly they getting nearer to the God.

The same with me.

I’d like to tell you about the story which happened with me when I was 16.

When I was 16 years old as I said about it before. My mother has heart attack and she was fully unmoved because of the illness. She was delivered to the hospital. She couldn’t speak, move and all relatives told me awful things about my mother’s health.

I was frightened to death looking to my helpless mother. All days and nights I spent in tears and prayed. One day my mother couldn’t remember me. I understood that from day to day her health was getting worse and worse.

Then in my next pray I said addressing God: “Gee, if your existence is true and you hear me, don’t take my mother from us away! And if you do it I will be pronounce your name with tears and never will believe on you! Help my mother!”

You say impossible but it’s true.

Now, my mother’s health is getting better, she lives with us, she can speak, walk of course not quick as before but she is alive and we are very happy!

I’m sure that every human being should  believes in God and HE is always helps and will heard you.

                                  This article was written by a teacher of foreign languages

ofGagarinscaja primary school Bukharzhyrauscajadistrect

Karagandinscaja oblastDidargulKamalovnaKhamzina.

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«эссе учителя английского языка »

Хамзина Дидаргуль Камаловна

учитель английского языка

КГУ «Гагаринская средняя школа

Бухар-Жырауского района Карагандинской области»

Эссе учителя английского языка

«Вера начинается, где воображения кончаются»

Faith begins where imagination ends.

Faith is born inside the hearts of the people who believe in God and the higher powers. And faith begins where imagination ends. For example when people’s matter are going good they forget about God and if they are bad they begin to go to the mosque, visit the fortunetellers, pray God, in shortly they getting nearer to the God.

The same with me.

I’d like to tell you about the story which happened with me when I was 16.

When I was 16 years old as I said about it before. My mother has heart attack and she was fully unmoved because of the illness. She was delivered to the hospital. She couldn’t speak, move and all relatives told me awful things about my mother’s health.

I was frightened to death looking to my helpless mother. All days and nights I spent in tears and prayed. One day my mother couldn’t remember me. I understood that from day to day her health was getting worse and worse.

Then in my next pray I said addressing God: “Gee, if your existence is true and you hear me, don’t take my mother from us away! And if you do it I will be pronounce your name with tears and never will believe on you! Help my mother!”

You say impossible but it’s true.

Now, my mother’s health is getting better, she lives with us, she can speak, walk of course not quick as before but she is alive and we are very happy!

I’m sure that every human being should believes in God and HE is always helps and will heard you.

This article was written by a teacher of foreign languages

ofGagarinscaja primary school Bukharzhyrauscajadistrect

Karagandinscaja oblastDidargulKamalovnaKhamzina.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

эссе учителя английского языка

Автор: Хамзина Дидаргуль Камаловна

Дата: 02.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 181235

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