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Description of rooms

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Description of rooms

On the photo we see a bright cozy room.In the left corner there is there is a white large wardrobe.Next to it there is a cupboard with the chest of drawers,on which the computer is located. Near the cupboard there is a sofa.On the left side of the room there are two chairs between which is a coffee table,and there is a lamp near the table.Next to the lamp is a balcony,on which a potted flower stands.There are blue curtains with large blue dots on the windows.I like this room because it is cozy,bright and comfortable.

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«Description of rooms »

Description of rooms

On the photo we see a bright cozy room.In the left corner there is there is a white large wardrobe.Next to it there is a cupboard with the chest of drawers,on which the computer is located. Near the cupboard there is a sofa.On the left side of the room there are two chairs between which is a coffee table,and there is a lamp near the table.Next to the lamp is a balcony,on which a potted flower stands.There are blue curtains with large blue dots on the windows.I like this room because it is cozy,bright and comfortable.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Description of rooms

Автор: Исафарова Хадия Ильясовна

Дата: 18.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 132060

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