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Things in a room

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Theme :       Things in a room                                    5 form

Aim:               To practiсe  speaking and writing skills through description.

Expected    Results :

will be able to:

                                              1. Use  the prepositions

                           2. Name  the things in the room using  there is/ there are

3.Understand and give a description of a room

The procedure of the lesson

I.EvocationGreeting. Who is on duty today?

What is the date ?

What is the weather  like today?

Is it  warm or cold today?

b. phonetic   drill.  Listen and repeat after me in chorus  and P1,  P2 

one,two, three, four   carpet on the floor

five, six  house on the  bricks

seven, eight  don’t be late 

nine, ten  there is a pan

ІІ. Realisation of meaning   a)

b. Answer the questions  Do you live in a house or a flat ?

 How many rooms are  there  in your house?

Can  you name  the rooms in your house ?

C.Where do you  have your breakfast?-In the kitchen

Where do you watch TV?-in the living room

Where do you wash your hands and face?-in the bathroom

Where do you play computer games?-in my room look at your books and match the words with the numbers ex.1

d. The next task is to say where the things are …

First of all look at me try to understand what I say  (prepositions.video)

e.Doing the ex.3

f.Now  look at the active board and watch the video and then try to describe the room using there is/are

III.Reflection Divide into  2  groupsI group - draw and  describe a room, II group – 5  lines  poem   1. What is it?  2. What kind of rooms is it?  3. What do we do here?4.A  sentence consisting of 4 words. 5. Synonym

 Home task :

Your marks:

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«Things in a room »

42 «Ақниет» гимназиясы


«Things in a room»

(Қалалық жас мұғалімдер мектебінде өткізілген ашық сабақ)

Өткізген: Матышева Г.К

Орал қаласы

Theme : Things in a room 5 form

Aim: To practiсe speaking and writing skills through description.

Expected Results :

will be able to:

1. Use the prepositions

2. Name the things in the room using there is/ there are

3.Understand and give a description of a room

The procedure of the lesson

I.Evocation Greeting. Who is on duty today?

What is the date ?

What is the weather like today?

Is it warm or cold today?

b. phonetic drill. Listen and repeat after me in chorus and P1, P2

one,two , three, four carpet on the floor

five, six house on the bricks

seven, eight don’t be late

nine, ten there is a pan

ІІ. Realisation of meaning a)

b. Answer the questions Do you live in a house or a flat ?

How many rooms are there in your house?

Can you name the rooms in your house ?

C .Where do you have your breakfast?-In the kitchen

Where do you watch TV?-in the living room

Where do you wash your hands and face?-in the bathroom

Where do you play computer games?-in my room look at your books and match the words with the numbers ex.1

d. The next task is to say where the things are …

First of all look at me try to understand what I say (prepositions.video)

e . Doing the ex.3

f .Now look at the active board and watch the video and then try to describe the room using there is/are

III . Reflection Divide into 2 groups I group - draw and describe a room , II group – 5 lines poem 1. What is it? 2. What kind of rooms is it? 3. What do we do here? 4.A sentence consisting of 4 words. 5. Synonym

Home task :

Your marks:

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Things in a room

Автор: Матышева Гульмира Коблановна

Дата: 28.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 192852

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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