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Авторский материал "Контрольная работа в 5 классе"

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Контрольная работа № 3. Учебник Английский язык 5 класс Комарова Ю.А.,  Ларионова И. В., К. Гренджер. Работа составлена для базового и продвинутого уровней.

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«Авторский материал "Контрольная работа в 5 классе"»

5 класс. 3 четверть

Контрольная работа № 3.

1 Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

My name is Ivan; my nick in the Internet is “bike” because my favourite hobby is riding a bike. I love riding my bike. I can see parks and ponds or rivers and fields when I am in the country! My elder brother is Alex. He is fond of photography. He takes pictures of everything he sees. He also plays the guitar and sings songs. I like being with him. My little sister Olga likes dolls, of course. She’s got a big collection. Some of them are from foreign countries. Our dad is a real sportsman. He plays football and likes swimming. He swims all the year round, in the river, in the sea or in the swimming pool. Mum prefers classical music and interesting books. She can play the piano. Our cat Vasily also has a hobby, he likes sleeping and eating! In the evening we like getting together, talking and listening to some music.

1. Ivan is fond of nature.

2. Ivan knows his neighbourhood (район, окрестность) very well as he often rides a bike.

3. Vasily plays the guitar and sings pop songs.

4. The mother plays classical music.

5. Olga is Ivan’s elder sister, she has no hobbies.

6. The father does sports.

7. Alex is good at photography and take part in exhibitions (выставка).

8. All the members of the family are busy and they don’t often spend evenings together.

2 Распредели слова по правилам чтения.

travelled / played / celebrated / used / watched / listened / walked / cooked / decorated / phoned

[t] [d] [id]

3. Choose and write.

played cycled talked liked helped was listened

At the weekend I … (1) at the park with my friends. Sam and Bob … (2) tennis. Vicky … (3) on her mobile phone. Tom … (4) to music. Some girls … (5). Bill … (6) his brother. Everyone …(7) the park.

4. Choose the word.

1. Did you went / go to Spain in August? 2. I play / played tennis at school yesterday. 3. He didn’t washed / wash the dishes this morning. 4. Anna watch / watched TV yesterday. 5. They travelled to Moscow every day / last year.

5. Write.

At the weekend …

1. Mum ____ (clean) the house but she ____ (not cook) lunch.

2. Tom ____ (wash) his bike but he ____ (not watch) TV.

3. Vicky and Rob ____ (dance) at the party but they ___ (not play) with their friends.

4. The dog ___ (chase) the cat but it ___ (not climb) a tree.

5. I ___ (help) my grandmother but I ___ (not listen) to the radio.

6. Sally ___ (paint) the walls but she ___ (not visit) the animals.

6. Заполни пропуски was / were.

1/ They … English.

2/ She … born in Poland and he … born in France.

3/ Who … Anna Pavlova?

4/ Tolstoy and Pushkin … writers.

5/ I … in the park yesterday.

6/ …. the Brontë sisters inventors?

7/ …. Pablo Picasso Spanish?

7. Match the dates.

1) 1856 a) nineteen, fifty-nine

2) 2003 b) two thousand and three

3) 1470 c) fourteen, seventy

4) 1959 d) eighteen, fifty-six

5) 1820 e) eighteen, twenty

8. Complete the text with must, mustn’t, have to, has to, can, can’t.

1 The car … stop if people are crossing the road.

2. We … swim in the swimming pool but we … eat or drink there.

3. He … do his homework.

4. You … cycle on the pavement.

5. I … to wear a school uniform.

9. Put + or -.

1. A snail is faster than a deer. 2. A chimpanzee is the most intelligent animal. 3. Tigers are stronger than cats. 4. Schools are bigger than houses. 5. An elephant is the strongest animal. 6. A mosquito is the most dangerous insect. 7. A hippo is bigger than a tiger.

10. Choose the right form.

1. Tigers are stronger / strongest than frogs. 2. Flowers are small / smaller than trees. 3. Dad is the taller / tallest in the family. 4. Whales are the biggest / big animals in the world. 5. Sam is the happiest / happy boy at school. 6. Maths is bad / worse than Art.

5 класс. 3 четверть

Контрольная работа № 3.

(продвинутый уровень)

1 Read the text.

My name is Ivan; my nick in the Internet is “bike” because my favourite hobby is riding a bike. I love riding my bike. I can see parks and ponds or rivers and fields when I am in the country! My elder brother is Alex. He is fond of photography. He takes pictures of everything he sees. He also plays the guitar and sings songs. I like being with him. My little sister Olga likes dolls, of course. She’s got a big collection. Some of them are from foreign countries. Our dad is a real sportsman. He plays football and likes swimming. He swims all the year round, in the river, in the sea or in the swimming pool. Mum prefers classical music and interesting books. She can play the piano. Our cat Vasily also has a hobby, he likes sleeping and eating! In the evening we like getting together, talking and listening to some music.

1) Mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

1. Ivan is fond of nature.

2. Ivan knows his neighbourhood (район, окрестность) very well as he often rides a bike.

3. Vasily plays the guitar and sings pop songs.

4. The mother plays classical music.

5. Olga is Ivan’s elder sister, she has no hobbies.

6. The father does sports.

7. Alex is good at photography and take part in exhibitions (выставка).

8. All the members of the family are busy and they don’t often spend evenings together.

2) Answer the questions.

1. What’s his name?

2. Why is his nick “bike”?

3. What is his brother fond of?

4. Has Ivan got a sister?

5. What collection has Olga got?

6. Has Ivan got a cat or a dog?

2. Complete the sentences with the right word.

1. I think English is _________ than French. (easy)

2. Mary is _______ than Jane. (nice)

3. Tokyo is the _________ city in the world. (big)

4. He was the ________ doctor in London. (good)

5. John is a __________ swimmer than me. (bad)

6. This is the __________ story I know. (funny)

7. The giraffe is the _________ animal in the world. (tall)

3. Complete the box.

The Present Simple Tense

The Past Simple Tense

Usually, …

Yesterday, …

Always, last week, often, ten years ago, every Saturday afternoon, last Monday, sometimes, never, last month, once a day, every day.

4. Choose the word.

1. Did you went / go to Spain in August? 2. I play / played tennis at school yesterday. 3. He didn’t washed / wash the dishes this morning. 4. Anna watch / watched TV yesterday. 5. They travelled to Moscow every day / last year.

5. Use the right form of the verb and fill in the gaps.

to go to visit to want to want to buy to find

Yesterday we ________ to the pet shop. We ________ to buy yellow parrot. First of all we ____

the nearest pet shop but we couldn’t buy what we _______. We __________ the yellow parrot at the market and __________ it.

6. Write in the correct order. Then answer.

1. she / go / Did / to school / yesterday? - Yes, …

2. read / Did / a book / last night? / he - No, …

3. yesterday? / Did / your homework / do / you - Yes, …

4. a cake / Did / make / yesterday? / your mother – Yes, …

5. Tom / buy / Did / last Monday? / sweets - No, …

6. ice cream / Did / eat / last summer? / they - No, …

7. Match the dates.

1) 1856 a) nineteen, fifty-nine

2) 2003 b) two thousand and three

3) 1470 c) fourteen, seventy

4) 1959 d) eighteen, fifty-six

5) 1820 e) eighteen, twenty

8. Complete the text with must, mustn’t, have to, has to, can, can’t.

1 The car … stop if people are crossing the road.

2. We … swim in the swimming pool but we … eat or drink there.

3. He … do his homework.

4. You … cycle on the pavement.

5. I … to wear a school uniform.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Авторский материал "Контрольная работа в 5 классе"

Автор: Кузнецова Ирина Геннадьевна, Лазарева Елена Леонидовна

Дата: 03.12.2020

Номер свидетельства: 565365

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