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"Выдающиеся личности изучаемого языка"

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Презентация "Выдающиеся личности изучаемого языка" заняла третье место на мунициральном конкурсе и удостоена диплома. Данная работа посвящена незаурядной личности Rowan Sebastion. Многие знают этого талантливого актера по комедийным сериалам "Мистер Бин". Но мало кто представляет, что он являеся серьезным политиком, писателем и продюсером. В жизни этот человек является успешной, увлекающейся личностью. Он миллионер и его хобби - дорогостоящие гоночные автомобили.

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«"Выдающиеся личности изучаемого языка" »

Rowan Sebastian Atkinson Was born on January, 6th 1955  The English actor-comedian, script writer, the writer, the producer, is most known in the world for a role of Mr. Bin in the teleserial with the same name.

Rowan Sebastian Atkinson

Was born on January, 6th 1955

The English actor-comedian, script writer, the writer, the producer, is most known in the world for a role of Mr. Bin in the teleserial with the same name.

He was born in the city of Konsett, counties Durham (England) in a family of farmer Eric Atkinson and the director of the large company of Ella Mej
  • He was born in the city of Konsett, counties Durham (England) in a family of farmer Eric Atkinson and the director of the large company of Ella Mej
Atkinson was brought up Anglican and was educated at Durham Choristers School, St. Bees School, and Newcastle University, where he received a degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • Atkinson was brought up Anglican and was educated at Durham Choristers School, St. Bees School, and Newcastle University, where he received a degree in Electrical Engineering.


  • Since 1990 Rouen Atkinson is married to makeup artist Sanetre Sestri. The married couple has two children — son Ben and the daughter Lili.
  • Big brother Rouen, Rodni Atkinson— the known English economist, the politician and the publicist.
In 1990 started display of a teleserial
  • In 1990 started display of a teleserial "Mr. Bin", after a leading role in which Atkinson has become famous for the whole world. The serial enjoyed wide popularity, one series collected about TVs, on the average, 20 million persons


  • Rowan Atkinson did live on-stage skits – also appearing with members of Monty Python – in The Secret Policeman's Ball
  • In 2013, Atkinson took on the titular role in a 12-week production (directed by Richard Eyre) of the Simon Gray play Quartermaine's Terms at Wyndham's Theatre in London.
Kenyan holiday

Kenyan holiday

  • While on a holiday trip to Kenya in 2001, the pilot of his private plane fainted. Atkinson managed to maintain the plane in the air for several minutes until the pilot recovered and was able to regain control.


  • In June 2005, Atkinson led a coalition of the UK's most prominent actors and writers, including Nicholas Hytner, Stephen Fry, and Ian McEwan, to the British Parliament in an attempt to force a review of the controversial Racial and Religious Hatred Bill, which they felt would give overwhelming power to religious groups to impose censorship on the arts
In 2012 he voiced his support for the Reform Section 5 campaign, which aims to reform or repeal Section 5 of the Public Order Act, particularly its statement that an insult can be grounds for arrest and punishment. It is a reaction to several recent high-profile arrests, which Atkinson sees as a restriction of freedom of expression.
  • In 2012 he voiced his support for the Reform Section 5 campaign, which aims to reform or repeal Section 5 of the Public Order Act, particularly its statement that an insult can be grounds for arrest and punishment. It is a reaction to several recent high-profile arrests, which Atkinson sees as a restriction of freedom of expression.


  • With an estimated wealth of approximately £85 million, Atkinson is able to indulge his passion for cars that began with driving his mother's Morris Minor around the family farm. He has written for the British magazines Car, Octane, Evo, and "SuperClassics", in which he reviewed the McLaren F1


  • Atkinson was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the 2013 Birthday Honours for services to drama and charity.
  • BAFTA Awards
  • Best Light Entertainment Performance
  • 1981 Not the Nine O'Clock News
  • 1990 Blackadder Goes Forth
  • Laurence Olivier Awards
  • Best Comedy Performance
  • 1981 Rowan Atkinson in Revue


  • Agent Johnny Inglish: Reboot (2011)
  • The formula 1: BBC Sport (a serial, 2009–...)
  • Mr. Bin on rest (2007)
  • And a magic power of Zhuzhu (a serial, 2007 – 2008)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Выдающиеся личности изучаемого языка"

Автор: Пасынкова Лариса Валентиновна

Дата: 12.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 225076

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