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"Вы планируете свой бюджет? "

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«"Вы планируете свой бюджет? " »

Do you plan your budget?

Do you plan

your budget?

Discuss the question in pairs.

Discuss the question in pairs.

  • Do you think everyone needs to learn to spend money wisely?
  • Do you think teenagers should get pocket money? Why?
  • What do you think teenagers should spend pocket money on?
Match the words from the texts with the correct definitions. 1 to spend on to use something in a way that is not useful or sensible 2 to waste sth to plan the way you will spend the money you have 3 essentials something necessary of central importance 4 to save an arrangement with a bank that allows you to keep your money there 5 to budget to use money to pay for something you buy 6 bank account to use something such as money very carefully, so that you waste as little as possible 7 to economise to use less money, time or energy 8 to do without

Match the words from the texts with the correct definitions.

1 to spend on

  • to use something in a way that is not useful or sensible

2 to waste sth

  • to plan the way you will spend the money you have

3 essentials

  • something necessary of central importance

4 to save

  • an arrangement with a bank that allows you to keep your money there

5 to budget

  • to use money to pay for something you buy

6 bank account

  • to use something such as money very carefully, so that you waste as little as possible

7 to economise

  • to use less money, time or energy

8 to do without

  • to manage to live without something
The following tips may help you organize your personal budget

The following tips may help you organize your personal budget

  • Understand what is important for you and choose the items you need and not just what you want.
  • Think about the things you cannot do without and decide how much you can spend on them.
  • Make a list of things you want to buy in the future and prioritise your wishes.
  • Avoid impulse buying. Make a shopping list before you go shopping.
  • Keep a note things you buy and the money you spend.
  • Plan out how to spend money by making a budget for a week or a month in advance.
Read the stories and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses A month ago a businessman (1)_______(walk) into a bank in San Francisco and asked for the loan officer. He side he (2)______(be) going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $7,000. The bank officer said the bank(3)_______(need) some kind of security for such a loan/ so the businessman (4)______(hand) over the keys to a Rolls Royce (5)______(park) on the street in front of the bank. The bank agreed to give him a loan and the Rolls (6)______(park) in the bank’s underground garage. Two weeks later, the businessman (7)______(return), repaid the $7,000 and the interest, which came to $19.67. the loan officer said, “We (8)____(be) very happy to have had tour business, and it (9)______(work) very nicely, but we are a little confused. While you were away, we (10)_____(check) you out (11)____(find) that you are a multimillionaire. What (12)______(confuse) us is why would you bother to borrow $7,000?” the businessman replied, “Where else in San Francisco can I park my car for two week for $20 bucks?”

Read the stories and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses

A month ago a businessman (1)_______(walk) into a bank in San Francisco and asked for the loan officer. He side he (2)______(be) going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $7,000. The bank officer said the bank(3)_______(need) some kind of security for such a loan/ so the businessman (4)______(hand) over the keys to a Rolls Royce (5)______(park) on the street in front of the bank. The bank agreed to give him a loan and the Rolls (6)______(park) in the bank’s underground garage.

Two weeks later, the businessman (7)______(return), repaid the $7,000 and the interest, which came to $19.67. the loan officer said, “We (8)____(be) very happy to have had tour business, and it (9)______(work) very nicely, but we are a little confused. While you were away, we (10)_____(check) you out (11)____(find) that you are a multimillionaire. What (12)______(confuse) us is why would you bother to borrow $7,000?” the businessman replied, “Where else in San Francisco can I park my car for two week for $20 bucks?”

Find in the text sentence corresponding to the following Russian translations .

Find in the text sentence corresponding to the following Russian translations .

  • Многие люд считают, что бюджет связан с большим бизнесом и не имеют к ним ни какого отношения.
  • Не правда, но именно поэтому проваливаются многие попытки бюджет.
  • Подумайте о планировании бюджета как об управлении своими деньгами.
  • Бюджет помогает решить эту проблему.
  • Вы планируете бюджет, вы планируете, сколько денег вы потратите и сколько сэкономить.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

"Вы планируете свой бюджет? "

Автор: Кабирова Альфия Денисламовна

Дата: 06.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 168582

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