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Учебный материал по теме "Грамматический практикум"

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Учебный материал для повторения грамматики в 8 классе, можно использовать при подготовке к самостоятельной или контрольной работе. УМК Ю.А. Комарова , И.В. Ларионова, К. Макбет.

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«Учебный материал по теме "Грамматический практикум"»

I know … well. Do you know … ? Do you like … new flat? Where is … car ? I didn’t eat soup because … wasn’t hungry. Oxford is famous for …university. … am looking for … key.
  • I know … well.
  • Do you know … ?
  • Do you like … new flat?
  • Where is … car ?
  • I didn’t eat soup because … wasn’t hungry.
  • Oxford is famous for …university.
  • am looking for … key.







I / he

1. His/ Her/ She name is Roberto. 2. Argentina is a very big country. His/ Its/ My flag is blue and white. 3. I`m Emma and these are my/ her/ me classmates. 4. Our favourite subject is Math. We love it/ them/ him . 5. My mum sometimes helps it/ me/ their with my homework. 6. Bill`s friends are playing the guitar now. Bill is playing with us/ his/ them . 7. My brother wants to be a pop star. We/ His/ He loves music.
  • 1. His/ Her/ She name is Roberto.
  • 2. Argentina is a very big country. His/ Its/ My flag is blue and white.
  • 3. I`m Emma and these are my/ her/ me classmates.
  • 4. Our favourite subject is Math. We love it/ them/ him .
  • 5. My mum sometimes helps it/ me/ their with my homework.
  • 6. Bill`s friends are playing the guitar now. Bill is playing with us/ his/ them .
  • 7. My brother wants to be a pop star. We/ His/ He loves music.
Личные местоимения в объектном падеже

Личные местоимения в объектном падеже

  • Jack is hungry. Bring ________ a sandwich.
  • Ann is ill. Take _______ these flowers.
  • Fred and Jane are in the country. Write________ a letter.
  • I am thirsty. Bring ______ a bottle of Coca-Cola.
  • Jimmy is in class. Give __________this book.
  • The children are hungry. Bring ________ these red apples.
  • Alan is at home. Ask ______ to come to the yard.
  • We are at table. Give _______ tea and cakes.
Present  Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous

Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous

  • He (not to drink) coffee now.
  • We (clean) teeth twice a day.
  • They (to go) to the museum last week.
  • What you (do) at five o’clock yesterday? – I (to play) computer games.
  • When my mother (to come) home, my sister (to sleep).
  • My brother usually (to drink) tea, but now he (to drink) juice.
  • Mike (to speak) English yesterday.
Present  Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous

Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous

  • I (to buy) some books three days ago.
  • Listen! The children (to sing).
  • They (to do) their homework the whole evening yesterday.
  • The baby always (to sleep) after dinner.
  • I usually (to get up) at 7 o’clock.
  • What you (to do) at 6 o’clock yesterday?
  • We (not to come) home on time yesterday.
  • They (to play) chess when their father (to come) home.
Вставь a lot/a lot of/much/many.

Вставь a lot/a lot of/much/many.

  • 1.       Do you drink ___ tea?
  • 2.       I like reading. I've got _____ books.
  • 3.       There isn't _____milk in the fridge.
  • 4.       It costs _____money to travel round the world.
  • 5.       Please be quick! I haven't got ________ time.
  • 6.       How ________ foreign languages can you speak?
  • 7.       They didn't ask me ________ questions.
some / any

some / any

  • John gave me … journals.
  • Did you see … interesting exhibits?
  • Did you take … cups for the picnic?
  • I did not find … pencils in the bag.
  • If you have … old toys give them to her children.
Степени сравнения прилагательных 1. I think my cat is (pretty) of all the cats in the world. 2. Steve Jobs is (famous ) than Stephen Wozniak. 3. This week the weather is (hot) than last week. 4. Our new house is (expensive) than the old one. 5. Girls are usually (clean) than boys. 6. Chemistry was (hard) subject at school.

Степени сравнения прилагательных

1. I think my cat is (pretty) of all the cats in the world.

2. Steve Jobs is (famous ) than Stephen Wozniak.

3. This week the weather is (hot) than last week.

4. Our new house is (expensive) than the old one.

5. Girls are usually (clean) than boys.

6. Chemistry was (hard) subject at school.

Present Perfect 1. I (to be) to their concert twice. 2.I (not/to see) Jane since the day of her wedding. 3.They (to come back) from their honey moon yet? 4. —Where is your ID Card? —I (to lose) it. 5.Oh, look! It’s Sarah. I (not/to see) her for a long time 6.I am waiting for a very important letter. It (not/to arrive) yet? 7. My father (to start) a new job recently. He is very busy now. I (not/talk) to him for a long time already.  

Present Perfect

1. I (to be) to their concert twice.

2.I (not/to see) Jane since the day of her wedding.

3.They (to come back) from their honey moon yet?

4. —Where is your ID Card? —I (to lose) it.

5.Oh, look! It’s Sarah. I (not/to see) her for a long time

6.I am waiting for a very important letter. It (not/to arrive) yet?

7. My father (to start) a new job recently. He is very busy now. I (not/talk) to him for a long time already.  

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Учебный материал по теме "Грамматический практикум"

Автор: Кузнецова Ирина Геннадьевна, Лазарева Елена Леонидовна

Дата: 08.05.2019

Номер свидетельства: 509526

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