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Transport and means of travelling

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Ø. It has 4 wheels and carries people around town…

Ø2. It has 2 wheels and carries one or two people…

Ø3. It looks like a bus. But with electricity…

Ø4. It has wings and can fly…

Ø5. It is comfortable and carries a lot of people from town to town…

Ø6. It has 4 wheels, can carry 4 or 5 people, very convenient…

Ø7. It can sail, but it is very slow…



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«Transport and means of travelling»

Transport & means of travelling means of travelling



means of travelling

means of travelling

Do you like travelling? Of course I do

Do you like travelling?

Of course I do

How do people travel? by car by bike  by train  by plane by bus  by ship  by taxi on foot  in balloon

How do people travel?

by car

by bike

by train

by plane

by bus

by ship

by taxi

on foot

in balloon

What is it? 1. It has 4 wheels and carries people around town… 2. It has 2 wheels and carries one or two people… 3. It looks like a bus. But with electricity… 4. It has wings and can fly… 5. It is comfortable and carries a lot of people from town to town… 6. It has 4 wheels, can carry 4 or 5 people, very convenient… 7. It can sail, but it is very slow…   a bus  a bike   a motor-cycle a trolley-bus   a plane  a train  a taxi  a ship

What is it?

  • 1. It has 4 wheels and carries people around town…
  • 2. It has 2 wheels and carries one or two people…
  • 3. It looks like a bus. But with electricity…
  • 4. It has wings and can fly…
  • 5. It is comfortable and carries a lot of people from town to town…
  • 6. It has 4 wheels, can carry 4 or 5 people, very convenient…
  • 7. It can sail, but it is very slow…

a bus

a bike

a motor-cycle

a trolley-bus

a plane

a train

a taxi

a ship

How and why do people travel? People like to travel…  • в одиночестве alone • с друзьями with friends • с родителями with parents • с собакой with a dog • с дедушкой / бабушкой with grandparents    Usually they travel…  • по делам on business • ради удовольствия for pleasure • в поисках приключений in search of adventures • из любопытства from curiosity • чтобы увидеть красоту мира to see the beauty of the world

How and why do people travel?

  • People like to travel…

в одиночестве alone

с друзьями with friends

с родителями with parents

с собакой with a dog

с дедушкой / бабушкой with grandparents

  • Usually they travel…

по делам on business

ради удовольствия for pleasure

в поисках приключений in search of adventures

из любопытства from curiosity

чтобы увидеть красоту мира to see the beauty of the world

Why do people travel?  Because travelling is…    восхитительное exciting useful полезное fascinating замечательное приносящее удовольствие enjoyable полезное для здоровья good for health

Why do people travel?

  • Because travelling is…







приносящее удовольствие


полезное для здоровья

good for health

What do you think about travelling?  •  Do you like to travel? • Why do you travel? • Travelling is…?

What do you think

about travelling?

Do you like to travel?

Why do you travel?

Travelling is…?

Make your story 1. I like to travel by_________train  car  plane  bike 2. I like to travel ________ alone  with parents  with a dog  with grandparents  with a friend 3. I think that travelling is  __________ exciting  useful  fascinating  enjoyable  good for health

Make your story

1. I like to travel by_________train




2. I like to travel ________ alone

with parents

with a dog

with grandparents

with a friend

3. I think that travelling is __________ exciting




good for health

Where to go this summer? What about travelling to ….? In any case I wish you a happy journey!

Where to go this summer?

What about travelling to ….?

In any case I wish you a happy journey!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Transport and means of travelling

Автор: Павленко Галина Васильевна

Дата: 02.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 412731

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