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Timetable of my day

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Презентация создана для обучения детей понимания как правильно назвать время. В данном материале присутствует как часть обучения, так и часть проверки знаний с тестовыми материалами. Каждый тест оснащен автоматическим показом правильного ответа. Текст является компонентом и в тренировке чтения и называния времени. Эта презентация сделает ваш урок более ярче и интересней.

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«Timetable of my day »

Timetable of my day

Timetable of my day

Text  I am Andrew. I am a pupil of the 5th form. I get up at seven o'clock. I wash my face and dress. I make a bed. My friend come to me at half past seven and we go to the school. At school I have 7 lessons. I come back home at three o'clock. I have dinner. Then I walk with my dog. Then help my mother at home. Sometime go for shopping, water the flowers. I begin to do my homework at five o'clock. I watch TV very seldom, because I have many home task.  Sometime I sit at my computer. I listen to the music very often. I have supper at quarter past seven. After eight o'clock my brothers come to me. And we play on the computer games. At ten o'clock I go to bed.


I am Andrew. I am a pupil of the 5th form. I get up at seven o'clock. I wash my face and dress. I make a bed. My friend come to me at half past seven and we go to the school. At school I have 7 lessons. I come back home at three o'clock. I have dinner. Then I walk with my dog. Then help my mother at home. Sometime go for shopping, water the flowers. I begin to do my homework at five o'clock. I watch TV very seldom, because I have many home task.

Sometime I sit at my computer. I listen to the music very often. I have supper at quarter past seven. After eight o'clock my brothers come to me. And we play on the computer games. At ten o'clock I go to bed.

Answer the questions:

Answer the questions:

  • What is the boy’s name?
  • What class he study on?
  • When he go to school?
  • How many lessons he has every day?
  • What a pet he has?
  • Whom he help about the house?
  • When he has supper?
  • Does he go to bed at 11 o'clock?
get up wash face dress make a bed go to school study come back home have dinner walk with dog help mother do homework have supper play computer games go to bed
  • get up
  • wash face
  • dress
  • make a bed
  • go to school
  • study
  • come back home
  • have dinner
  • walk with dog
  • help mother
  • do homework
  • have supper
  • play computer games
  • go to bed
Exercise  Write the correct phrase get up 1. I ________ at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Exercise Write the correct phrase

get up

1. I ________ at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Exercise  Write the correct phrase go to school 2. I ____________ at 8.30 in the morning.

Exercise Write the correct phrase

go to school

2. I ____________ at 8.30 in the morning.

Exercise  Write the correct phrase watch TV 3. I __________at 5 o'clock in the evening.

Exercise Write the correct phrase

watch TV

3. I __________at 5 o'clock in the evening.

Exercise  Write the correct phrase do homework 4. I ______________ at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Exercise Write the correct phrase

do homework

4. I ______________ at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Exercise  Write the correct phrase go to bed 5. I __________at 10 o'clock at night.

Exercise Write the correct phrase

go to bed

5. I __________at 10 o'clock at night.

Test   1) 8.30  A)half past eight B) half to eight 2) 6.40  A) forty past six B) twenty to seven 3) 2.15  A) quarter past two B) quarter to two 4) 10.10  A) ten o’clock B) ten past ten 5) 4.55  A) five past five B) five to five 6) 7.45  A) quarter to eight B) quarter past seven


1) 8.30

A)half past eight B) half to eight

2) 6.40

A) forty past six B) twenty to seven

3) 2.15

A) quarter past two B) quarter to two

4) 10.10

A) ten o’clock B) ten past ten

5) 4.55

A) five past five B) five to five

6) 7.45

A) quarter to eight B) quarter past seven

Answers: 1. А 2. В 3. А 4. В 5. В 6. А


1. А

2. В

3. А

4. В

5. В

6. А

The Intricate Proverb Twelve Six VER Zero ROW Thirteen Seven Nine DAY NE One TILL Three MOR Eight Five TO CAN TO Ten WHAT Two Four OFF DO Eleven YOU PUT NEVER PUT OFF TILL TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY

The Intricate Proverb






























Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Timetable of my day

Автор: Маевская Дарья Николаевна

Дата: 28.07.2014

Номер свидетельства: 110760

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