Welcome to our school website!
I would like to tell you about our school website. The address of school's site is - www.sch800.mskobr.ru.
Here, on our 'wiki' site, you can find all the information that parents and pupils will ever need to know about our school.
Our school website has a timetable for every class. If you want to find information about our timetable, please click on School timetable.
We are in the fifth form. There are many interesting subjects: Maths, Russian, Literature, History, English, Art, P.E., I.T., Nature Studies, Music.
Every day we have got five or six lessons. Our school day starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 14:30 pm.
Each lesson is interesting for us.
We usually count and do sums at Maths.
We write words and sentences, and sometimes we write dictations at Russian Lessons.