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Урок английского языка по теме: “Toys and Colours”. Урок английского языка по теме: “School Life”

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Урок английского языка по теме:

“Toys and Colours”

Theme: ”Toys and Colours”

Aims: -to revise the lexical material;

            -to develop the skill of speaking;

            -to educate the culture of speaking;

Aids: pictures, cards, toys, audio track

The Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Organization moment

Pupils make a circle and greet each other

  • Greeting
  • Ask and answer “What’s your name?”

Pupils answer” My name is …”


  1. Revision of the lexics
  • Toys

Gun   teddy-bear   car   plane   boat   ball   doll   pyramid   train


  • Competition

Divide children into 2 teams and offer them to play “Who knows toys best?” First I show the pictures for the 1-st team and then for the 2-nd.Compare the results and choose the winner.


  • Answer the questions about toys

Have you got a teddy-dear? Yes/No

Do you like cars? Yes/No


  • Let’s have a rest


  • Colours

Red   green   blue   yellow   pink   orange   black

Show cards to pupils and they name the colour


  • Answer the questions

“What colour do you like?”

  • Colour the caterpillar

I name the colour the caterpillar

Check the pupils’ pictures

I make the caterpillar with the right colours on the blackboard to correct pupils’ mistakes.


  • Revision of the poem ”Colours”

I see green

I see yellow

I see that

Funny fellow


Some pupils can recite the poem

  • And now let’s give our caterpillars as a presents to our guests
  • Play the game “Day and Night” (it isn’t necessary)


  1. Reflection
  1. Conclusion

You are very good today! Thank you!

Give ‘star’-marks to the pupils.

  • bye!











































Урок английского языка по теме:

“School Life”

Unit 3, lesson 7” School Life”.

Тип урока: совершенствование речевых навыков учащихся.

Цели урока:

*Познавательный аспект- знакомство со школьными предметами, обычным школьным днем в школе в Великобритании;

*Воспитательный аспект - воспитание чувства уважения к традициям другой страны, чувства уважения к своей школе, реального отношения к школьным предметам;

*Образовательный- формирование лексических навыков говорения, ознакомление с новыми словами по теме;

*Развивающий-развитие внимания, мыслительных операций сравнения, обобщения, конкретизации.

Ход урока:

  1. Organization moment

T-Good-morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you at the English lesson.

Cl-Good-morning, our teacher. We are glad to meet you too.

  1. Motivation

T-Children! What are these worlds? What world can unit these words? Think and say what the tropic of our lesson is today?

P-These words are subjects. The topic of our lesson is “School Subjects”.

T-Yes, you are right; today we’ll speak about school subjects.

  1. Pronunciation

Ex.1.p.156. Listen and read the dialogue. Then read it in pairs and act it out.

Ex.3.p.157. Read the jokes and role play them with correct intonation.

  1. Speaking

Ex.4.p.157. Here is Betty’s timetable. Look at it and answer the questions.

  1. When does her school day begin?
  2. How many subjects has Betty got every day?
  3. How many subjects has she got a week?
  4. How many times a week has Betty got English?
  5. What subjects have you got on your timetable?
  6. Which is your favourite subject?
  7.  What lessons do you have today?
  8. How many times a week have you got Kazakh?

Ex.5.p.158.Think of your own timetable, Make up a dialogue and act it.


  1. Reading

Ex.8.p.158.Complete the text about your school and read it out.

  1. Brush up your grammar

Ex.9.p.158-159. Write questions, using “to have” or “to have got”

  1. You/credit card?
  2. Both children/bicycles?
  3. We/a new teacher?
  4. Bob/a good time at yesterday’s picnic?
  5. We/a new dictionary?
  6. The ancient Romans/telephones?
  7. The twins/not/breakfast yesterday morning?

Ex.10.p.159. Use the Present Perfect and for/since


  1. Revision of the speaking

Children make their own short texts about school, library or about the classroom. Pupils can ask the questions and complete the text with some information.

  1. Conclusion

-Home task: ex.11.p.159

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Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«Урок английского языка по теме: “Toys and Colours”. Урок английского языка по теме: “School Life” »

Урок английского языка по теме:

Toys and Colours”

Theme: ”Toys and Colours”

Aims: -to revise the lexical material;

-to develop the skill of speaking;

-to educate the culture of speaking;

Aids: pictures, cards, toys, audio track

The Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Organization moment

Pupils make a circle and greet each other

  • Greeting

  • Ask and answer “What’s your name?”

Pupils answer” My name is …”

  1. Revision of the lexics

  • Toys

Gun teddy-bear car plane boat ball doll pyramid train

  • Competition

Divide children into 2 teams and offer them to play “Who knows toys best?” First I show the pictures for the 1-st team and then for the 2-nd.Compare the results and choose the winner.

  • Answer the questions about toys

Have you got a teddy-dear? Yes/No

Do you like cars? Yes/No

  • Let’s have a rest

  • Colours

Red green blue yellow pink orange black

Show cards to pupils and they name the colour

  • Answer the questions

“What colour do you like?”

  • Colour the caterpillar

I name the colour the caterpillar

Check the pupils’ pictures

I make the caterpillar with the right colours on the blackboard to correct pupils’ mistakes.

  • Revision of the poem ”Colours”

I see green

I see yellow

I see that

Funny fellow

Some pupils can recite the poem

  • And now let’s give our caterpillars as a presents to our guests

  • Play the game “Day and Night” (it isn’t necessary)

  1. Reflection

  1. Conclusion

You are very good today! Thank you!

Give ‘star’-marks to the pupils.

Good bye!

Урок английского языка по теме:

School Life”

Unit 3, lesson 7” School Life”.

Тип урока: совершенствование речевых навыков учащихся.

Цели урока:

*Познавательный аспект- знакомство со школьными предметами, обычным школьным днем в школе в Великобритании;

*Воспитательный аспект - воспитание чувства уважения к традициям другой страны, чувства уважения к своей школе, реального отношения к школьным предметам;

*Образовательный- формирование лексических навыков говорения, ознакомление с новыми словами по теме;

*Развивающий-развитие внимания, мыслительных операций сравнения, обобщения, конкретизации.

Ход урока:

  1. Organization moment

T-Good-morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you at the English lesson.

Cl-Good-morning, our teacher. We are glad to meet you too.

  1. Motivation

T-Children! What are these worlds? What world can unit these words? Think and say what the tropic of our lesson is today?

P-These words are subjects. The topic of our lesson is “School Subjects”.

T-Yes, you are right; today we’ll speak about school subjects.

  1. Pronunciation

Ex.1.p.156. Listen and read the dialogue. Then read it in pairs and act it out.

Ex.3.p.157. Read the jokes and role play them with correct intonation.

  1. Speaking

Ex.4.p.157. Here is Betty’s timetable. Look at it and answer the questions.

  1. When does her school day begin?

  2. How many subjects has Betty got every day?

  3. How many subjects has she got a week?

  4. How many times a week has Betty got English?

  5. What subjects have you got on your timetable?

  6. Which is your favourite subject?

  7. What lessons do you have today?

  8. How many times a week have you got Kazakh?

Ex.5.p.158.Think of your own timetable, Make up a dialogue and act it.

  1. Reading

Ex.8.p.158.Complete the text about your school and read it out.

  1. Brush up your grammar

Ex.9.p.158-159. Write questions, using “to have” or “to have got”

  1. You/credit card?

  2. Both children/bicycles?

  3. We/a new teacher?

  4. Bob/a good time at yesterday’s picnic?

  5. We/a new dictionary?

  6. The ancient Romans/telephones?

  7. The twins/not/breakfast yesterday morning?

Ex.10.p.159. Use the Present Perfect and for/since

  1. Revision of the speaking

Children make their own short texts about school, library or about the classroom. Pupils can ask the questions and complete the text with some information.

  1. Conclusion


-Home task: ex.11.p.159

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс

Урок английского языка по теме: “Toys and Colours”. Урок английского языка по теме: “School Life”

Автор: Климова Елена Александровна

Дата: 25.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 214938

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