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Страдательный залог (9 класс)

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Презентация предназначена для повторения темы " Страдательный залог (Present/Past Simple Passive)" в 9 классе с последующим введением нового материала "Present/Past Continuous Passive) при работе c УМК О. Афанасьевой и др. "Rainbow English". Наряду с иллюстративным материалом в презентацию включены упражнения для закрепления. 

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«Страдательный залог (9 класс)»

The Passive Voice  Simple Passive Am BE Is Are Was Were Will be V + 3

The Passive Voice Simple Passive







Will be




Simple Passive Poets write poems Poems are written by  poets This book  was bought  a month ago.  This film will be seen by  a lot of people   They bought this book  a month ago.

Simple Passive

  • Poets write poems
  • Poems are written by poets
  • This book  was bought  a month ago. 
  • This film will be seen by a lot of people

  • They bought this book  a month ago.

  • A lot of people will see this film  
Active into Passive

Active into Passive

  • We receive a lot of letters.
  • A lot of letters are received
  • They plant trees every year .
  • Trees are planted every year
  • They build many new houses
  • Many new houses are built.
  • Children eat a lot of sweets.
  • A lot of sweets are eaten by children
  • I usually do homework in the evening.
  • Homework is usually done in the evening.
We received a letter yesterday. The letter was received yesterday They planted these trees last autumn . These trees were planted last autumn They built many new houses Many new houses were built. The children ate all sweets in the evening. All sweets were eaten in the evening I did my work last week. The work was
  • We received a letter yesterday.
  • The letter was received yesterday
  • They planted these trees last autumn .
  • These trees were planted last autumn
  • They built many new houses
  • Many new houses were built.
  • The children ate all sweets in the evening.
  • All sweets were eaten in the evening
  • I did my work last week.
  • The work was done last week.
The Passive Voice  Continuous Passive BE Am Is Are Was Were V + being 3

The Passive Voice Continuous Passive











Continuous Passive The girl is painting a picture. The picture is being painted (by the girl)

Continuous Passive

The girl is painting a picture.

The picture is being painted (by the girl)

Continuous Passive When I came , my sister was painting a picture . When I came, the picture was being painted .

Continuous Passive

When I came , my sister was painting a picture .

When I came,

the picture was being painted .

We were writing a test at 10 yesterday. The test was being written at 10 yesterday They are repairing the clock at present The clock is being repaired at present They are building a hotel near the lake The hotel is being built near the lake. The children read the book the whole morning The book was being read the whole morning We are typing the documents now. The documents are being typed now.
  • We were writing a test at 10 yesterday.
  • The test was being written at 10 yesterday
  • They are repairing the clock at present
  • The clock is being repaired at present
  • They are building a hotel near the lake
  • The hotel is being built near the lake.
  • The children read the book the whole morning
  • The book was being read the whole morning
  • We are typing the documents now.
  • The documents are being typed now.
The Passive Voice  Perfect Passive BE V + Have been Has been Had been 3

The Passive Voice Perfect Passive




Have been

Has been

Had been


Perfect Passive I have drawn a picture  The picture  has been drawn  He said the picture  had been drawn

Perfect Passive

I have drawn a picture

The picture

has been drawn

He said the picture

had been drawn

Active into Passive

Active into Passive

  • They have built a bridge.
  • The bridge has been built.
  • They said they had built a bridge .
  • They said the bridge had been built.
  • She has finished the translation.
  • The translation has been finished.
  • She had finished the translation by 2 o’clock.
  • The translation had been finished by 2 o’clock
Ресурсы https:// ru.freepik.com/premium-vector/happy-cute-little-kid-girl-draw-on-canvas_6854063.htm https:// ru.freepik.com/premium-photo/brother-and-sister-painting-together_8789216.htm  https:// kartinki-life.ru/crd/otkrytka-na-8-marta-dlya-mamy-ot-syna-otkrytki-milaya-otkrytka-na-8-marta-dlya-mamy-ot-syna


  • https:// ru.freepik.com/premium-vector/happy-cute-little-kid-girl-draw-on-canvas_6854063.htm
  • https:// ru.freepik.com/premium-photo/brother-and-sister-painting-together_8789216.htm
  • https:// kartinki-life.ru/crd/otkrytka-na-8-marta-dlya-mamy-ot-syna-otkrytki-milaya-otkrytka-na-8-marta-dlya-mamy-ot-syna

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Страдательный залог (9 класс)

Автор: Путушкина Елена Николаевна

Дата: 25.10.2020

Номер свидетельства: 561208

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