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Sightseeings - презентация урока

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Урок прощедший в 6 классе по тему Sightseeings. The aims: To introduce pupils' with sights of Astana and London. To enrich the pupils' knowledge with new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech. To educate pupils' to love the beauty of London and be proud of the beauty of their native town and care for their culture

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«Sightseeings - презентация урока»

Form: 6 “b”    The theme of the lesson: Step four. Sightseeings.  The aims:   a)  To introduce pupils’ with sigths of Astana and London.  b) To enrich the pupils’ knowledge with new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech.  c) To educate pupils’ to love the beauty of London and be proud of the beauty of their native town and care for their culture.  The type of the lesson: Open lesson.    Methods: Venn’ s diagram, reading,work in group, question-answer.  Inter subject connection: history, geography.  Visual aids: Interactive board, pictures.

Form: 6 “b”

The theme of the lesson: Step four. Sightseeings.

The aims:

a) To introduce pupils’ with sigths of Astana and London.

b) To enrich the pupils’ knowledge with new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech.

c) To educate pupils’ to love the beauty of London and be proud of the beauty of their native town and care for their culture.

The type of the lesson: Open lesson.

Methods: Venn’ s diagram, reading,work in group, question-answer. Inter subject connection: history, geography.

Visual aids: Interactive board, pictures.

The procedure of the lesson:

The procedure of the lesson:

  • Organization moment.
  • Phonetic drill exercise .
III. Checking up home task:  Exercise - 4

III. Checking up home task:

Exercise - 4

IV. New theme: Our new theme for today is “ Sights of Astana and London”. Now let’s begin our lesson. Look at the pictures on the active board.

IV. New theme:

Our new theme for today is

“ Sights of Astana and London”.

Now let’s begin our lesson. Look at the pictures on the active board.

V. New theme:

V. New theme:

1. Work with texts Text (a) Astana Text (b) London

1. Work with texts

Text (a) Astana

Text (b) London

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Double-decker bus

Double-decker bus

Big Ben

Big Ben

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

V. Reading.  Exercise – 7. Work two groups.  Group A. Read about London.  Group B. Read about Astana.

V. Reading. Exercise – 7. Work two groups. Group A. Read about London. Group B. Read about Astana.

VI. Comprehension check.   1) What are the popular buildings?  2) What is the name of its river?  3) What is it famous for?  4) What problems does it have?  5) How many people live there?  6) Is it a centre for tourism?   Ask your partner about new words.

VI. Comprehension check. 1) What are the popular buildings? 2) What is the name of its river? 3) What is it famous for? 4) What problems does it have? 5) How many people live there? 6) Is it a centre for tourism? Ask your partner about new words.

Compare Astana and London and complete the Venn` s diagram

Compare Astana and London and complete the Venn` s diagram

Complete  the sentenses with the words from the texts.

Complete the sentenses with the words from the texts.

  • I don’t want to live in the centre because it’s n ______ and c________ .
  • Some years ago Almaty was f_____ for its apples.
  • There’s no u _________ in Astana. The main transport is buses.
  • There aren’t many historic b__________ in Almaty.
  • My parents moved from the town to the village because of t________ and p_________ .
  • The streets in Almaty aren’t very w______ .
  • Paris is a centre for t_________ .
  • Madrid is the c________ of Spain.
  • Big Ben is a famous c_____ .
  • Our town has a p__________ of over eight thousand people.
VII. Physical exercises: Find the names of Kazakhstan cities   Amltya, Asatan, yKzyolrad, Koskheuat, Auyrat , ktoAeb, zaTar.

VII. Physical exercises:

Find the names of Kazakhstan cities

Amltya, Asatan, yKzyolrad, Koskheuat,

Auyrat , ktoAeb, zaTar.

VIII. Giving home tasks:

VIII. Giving home tasks:

  • Write an essay about your city / town / village at home.
IX. Giving marks:   - Today you are very activity.   X. The end of the lesson.   - The lesson is over! You are free! Good bye!

IX. Giving marks: - Today you are very activity. X. The end of the lesson. - The lesson is over! You are free! Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Sightseeings - презентация урока

Автор: Жумабекова АЙгерим Жумабековна

Дата: 15.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 293702

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