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Виртуальное путешествие по знаменитым историческим местам Лондона всегда вызывает интерес  учащихся, способствует развитию мотивации к изучению английского языка, расширяет кругозор, развивает базовые компетенции. Презентация может быть использована как на уроках, так и на внеклассных мероприятиях. 

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SIGHTSEEING BUS TOURS of LONDON The Original Tour. Experience the best of London attractions. Our hop-on, hop-off buses will take you to the door of many of these popular attractions.  City Sightseeing


  • The Original Tour. Experience the best of London attractions. Our hop-on, hop-off buses will take you to the door of many of these popular attractions.

City Sightseeing

WESTMINSTER PALACE Westminster Palace –the seat of the British Parliament. It is not just one building but a great mass of buildings. It contains 1,100 rooms. Westminster Palace is 1000 years old. The Monarch reads the special speech when he/she opens the Parliament. It is one of the most photographed place in London and may be even in the world.


Westminster Palace –the seat of the British Parliament. It is not just one building but a great mass of buildings. It contains 1,100 rooms. Westminster Palace is 1000 years old. The Monarch reads the special speech when he/she opens the Parliament. It is one of the most photographed place in London and may be even in the world.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

  • Buckingham Palace has been the official London residence of Britain’s sovereigns since Queen Victoria moved there in July 1837. It was originally a town house that was owned from the beginning of the 18 th century by the Duke of Buckingham who lived there. In 1677 king George III bought the Palace as a present for his wife .
WESTMINSTER ABBEY Westminster Abbey presents a unique  pageant of British History –tombs  of kings and queens and countless memorials to the famous. It has been  the setting for every coronation  since 1066.The funeral of Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother took place here.


Westminster Abbey presents a unique

pageant of British History –tombs

of kings and queens and countless

memorials to the famous. It has been

the setting for every coronation

since 1066.The funeral of Princess

Diana and Queen Elizabeth,

The Queen Mother took place here.

St . Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral is a place for many state ceremonies. Every year a special service is held on the occasion of the Monarch’s birthday. Sir Christopher Wren designed many churches but St. Paul’s cathedral is his masterpiece .

St . Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral is a place for many state ceremonies. Every year a special service is held on the occasion of the Monarch’s birthday. Sir Christopher Wren designed many churches but St. Paul’s cathedral is his masterpiece .

The Tower of London

The Tower of London

  • The Tower of London has famously been a prison and a palace of execution but has also been a royal palace, an armory, a treasury, an observatory, a mint and even a zoo. The Tower is a splendid national treasure . It all began as a Saxon fort in King Alfred’s time; then William the Conqueror built the famous White Tower .
MADAME TASSAUD’S About 7000 people a day stand in line in order to gaze at mute wax models turning Madame Tussaud’s into the top tourist attraction in London and beating the Tower into the second place. In 1993 the exhibition embraced audio –animatronics ,populating a new ‘Spirit of London ‘ ride with moving and speaking figures. Some of the wax models are really lifelike.


About 7000 people a day stand in line in order to gaze at mute wax models turning Madame Tussaud’s into the top tourist attraction in London and beating the Tower into the second place. In 1993 the exhibition embraced audio –animatronics ,populating a new ‘Spirit of London ‘ ride with moving and speaking figures. Some of the wax models are really lifelike.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Чинаева Раиса Сергеевна

Дата: 15.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 201585

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