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Russia is my country.

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Презентация на тему: Россия моя страна. (5 класс) Step3,Unit4 по учебнику Афанасьевой, Михеевой -"Rainbow English". Употребление артикля -the сгеографическими названиями.

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«Russia is my country.»

Открытый урок на тему:  «Russia is my country» Учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ №5 Жамбаева Аксана Феликсовна

Открытый урок на тему: «Russia is my country»

Учитель английского языка


Жамбаева Аксана Феликсовна

What is the topic of our lesson ?

What is the topic of our lesson ?

Read the words :

Read the words :

  • The Pacific Ocean
  • The Arctic Ocean
  • The Ural Mountains (the Urals)
  • The Caucasus Mountains
  • The Far East
  • The Black Sea
  • The Caspian sea
  • Siberia
  • Lake Baikal
  • The Volga
Find these places on the map of Russia

Find these places on the map of Russia

Listen to the text and match the paragraphs with the names.

Listen to the text and match the paragraphs with the names.

  • The riches of the country
  • The cities of the country
  • The size of the country
  • The climate of the country
Match the words.

Match the words.

  • The largest a. temperatures
  • The Far East b. lake
  • Different c. river
  • Low d. East
  • Warm e. places
  • The deepest f. city
  • Powerful g. country
  • Important h. weather
Sport minute.

Sport minute.

  • Hands up,
  • Hands down,
  • Hands on hips,
  • Don’t sit down,
  • Bend left,
  • Bend right,
  • Touch your nose,
  • Touch your toes,
  • Turn around
  • And sit down.
« The »  article with geographical names We use « the » article with the names of : 1. Mountains- the Urals, the Alps, the Caucasus mountains. 2. Seas- the Black sea, the White sea. 3. Rivers- the Volga, the Moskva river,  the Lena. 4. Lakes – the Baikal, the Ontario.

« The » article with geographical names

We use « the » article with the names of :

1. Mountains- the Urals, the Alps, the Caucasus mountains.

2. Seas- the Black sea, the White sea.

3. Rivers- the Volga, the Moskva river,

the Lena.

4. Lakes – the Baikal, the Ontario.

We don’t use « the »  with the  names of :

We don’t use « the » with the names of :

  • Continents - Europe, Africa, America.
  • Countries - Italy, France, Russia.
  • Cities - Moscow, London, Paris.
  • Squares - Red square, Trafalgar square.
  • Streets - Tverskaya street, Fleet street.
  • Parks - Hyde park, Gorky park.
Home work :

Home work :

  • Ex.2, p.100;
  • To learn the rule about the article «the» p.100;
The lesson is over! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!!

The lesson is over!



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Russia is my country.

Автор: Жамбаева Аксана Феликсовна

Дата: 15.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 415702

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