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Welcome to Russia!

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Russian Traditions.

Russia is a big country with great history! It has a lot of customs and traditions. These traditions reflect history of the country and peculiarities of its people. I think that some traditions are especially unusual and popular. I would like to tell you about three big Russian holidays.

Places of Interest

Russia is the largest country in the World. There are many forests, fields, rivers and lakes. There are more people of different nationalities in Russia than in other countries.

Customs in Russia

People in Russia keep their old customs and traditions. Customs are changing more often than traditions. Today the most widely spread are the following ones:

Russian people usually give up their seats to old people or to other people who need it.

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«Welcome to Russia! »

Welcome to Russia!

Welcome to Russia!

Welcome to Russia! Customs . Traditions Food specialties and souvenirs History and people Places of interest

Welcome to Russia!

Customs . Traditions

Food specialties and souvenirs

  • History and people

Places of interest

Customs in russia

Customs in russia

Russian people usually give up their seats to old people or to other people who need it

Russian people usually give up their seats to old people or to other people who need it

When you meet your friend you may kiss him or her or shake hands

When you meet your friend you may kiss him or her or shake hands

We usually visit our friends

We usually visit our friends

Russian people usually go to bed late in the evening

Russian people usually go to bed late in the evening

They enjoy drinking tea

They enjoy drinking tea

Russian people enjoy reading very much

Russian people enjoy reading very much

The Russians are known as pet lovers.

The Russians are known as pet lovers.

Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, parrots and fish are the most common pets in Russia

Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, parrots and fish are the most common pets in Russia

Вставка рисунка Many Russians are religious people

Вставка рисунка

Many Russians are religious people

When a new baby is born in Russia he or she is usually christened in a church

When a new baby is born in Russia he or she is usually christened in a church

Вставка рисунка The other old custom is to celebrate Maslenitsa

Вставка рисунка

The other old custom is to celebrate Maslenitsa

Вставка рисунка We celebrate it for seven days

Вставка рисунка

We celebrate it for seven days

Вставка рисунка On the last day of the week we burn the scarecrow of Maslenitsa

Вставка рисунка

On the last day of the week we burn the scarecrow of Maslenitsa

Вставка рисунка We love our customs and traditions and are very proud of them

Вставка рисунка

We love our customs and traditions and are very proud of them

Traditions in Russia

Traditions in Russia



Paskhas Easter cake and eggs


Easter cake and eggs



New Year

New Year

Christmas tree with garlands and sparkling balls . Bengal lights Making wishes during  the peal of Striking clock Ded Moroz and Show Maiden

Christmas tree

with garlands

and sparkling balls

. Bengal lights

Making wishes during

the peal of Striking


Ded Moroz and

Show Maiden

Places of interest

Places of interest

Russia is the largest country in the World.

Russia is the largest country in the World.

Geysers Valley, in Kamchatka Lake Baikal

Geysers Valley,

in Kamchatka

Lake Baikal

Dolmens Elbrus, the Caucasus


Elbrus, the Caucasus

The Golden ring Korelia, Kizhi

The Golden ring

Korelia, Kizhi

St. Petersburg Moscow, the capital of Russia

St. Petersburg


the capital of Russia

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Welcome to Russia!

Автор: Маренкова Ксения, Новиков Сергей, Хоботова Кристина

Дата: 19.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 220572

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