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Welcome to Russia! Food and Souvenirs.

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Welcome to Russia. Food and Souvenirs.

1. Welcome to Russia. Russia is a great country, rich in its traditions. There are many unique dishes. And also a lot of interesting Souvenirs that will remind you about Russia, wherever you are.

2. I want to tell you about the most famous Russian foods. They are borsch, dumplings and pancakes. In every corner of our country Russian people know how to cook these dishes. Every tourist should taste them.

3. Borsch is a "red soup". The main ingredients are: meat soup, cabbage, beets, carrots and potatoes. It is usually eaten for lunch with bread and sour cream. This is a very good food.  Taste it, it's delicious!

4. Pelmeni is «meat balls in a blanket". Small pieces of meat put into the dough.  This is done  with your hands. This is a very long time. Then they are boiled in water along with spices. Pelmeni usually eat dinner together with sauces. Taste it, it's so good!

5. Pancakes are made in the pan. Pancakes can be eaten for Breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can also be eaten with jam, sour cream, meat, eggs. Pancakes are eaten with tea, juice or milk. In Russia there is a week, when all people have to eat pancakes this is wide pancake week.

6. It is impossible to come to Russia and not to bring a souvenir. In our country you can find interesting Souvenirs, because in Russia a lot of unique masters. Now I'll tell you.

7. Every tourist can buy wooden Handycrafts. For example, spoons, pipes, sandals. Russian dalls are very beautifull, it is matryoshka, “dall in dall”. Each doll is unique.

8. Also you can buy Souvenirs of Russian folk clothes. For example, hat and boots. Hat made of real fur. And boots from animal hair. These things are very warm.

9. In Russia you can buy a lot of small gifts for friends. For example, badges, magnets, flags. They can see the image on Russian sites.

10. Welcome to Russia! Don't forget to try our national dishes. And to bring gifts for their friends.

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«Welcome to Russia! Food and Souvenirs. »

Welcome to Russia!  Food and souvenirs. Kuptsova Tatyana from 5 “A”

Welcome to Russia! Food and souvenirs.

Kuptsova Tatyana from 5 “A”

Famous Russian food

Famous Russian food







Interesting Souvenirs

Interesting Souvenirs

Wooden Handycrafts

Wooden Handycrafts

Russian folk clothes

Russian folk clothes

Small gifts

Small gifts

The end

The end

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Welcome to Russia! Food and Souvenirs.

Автор: Купцова Татьяна

Дата: 08.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 218317

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