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Развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся 2 класса

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся 2 класса»

birthday and presents      автор  Рыбакова Л. Л.  МБОУ НОШ 39  г. Белореченск  2017

birthday and presents автор Рыбакова Л. Л. МБОУ НОШ 39 г. Белореченск 2017

Phonetic warming up   [  əu  ]: r o ller skates, h o me, n o , g o

Phonetic warming up

  • əu  ]: r o ller skates, h o me, n o , g o

  • Λ  ]: p u zzle, o ne, s u mmer, m o nth, M o nday
  • ei  ]: sk a tes, g a me, gr e at, birthd ay , A pril
  • e  ]: t e ddy bear, t e nth, s e cond, F e bruary
Ask the quwestions

Ask the quwestions

  • My name is…
  • - I am…
  • - Yes, I do.( No, I don’t)
  • -Yes, she does.( No, she doesn’t)
  • -Yes, I have ( No, I haven’t)
  • -Yes, he has.( No, he has’t)
  • -Yes, I would.( No, I wouldn’t)
  • -Yes, I can.( No, I can’t)
  • -Yes, it can.(No, it can’t)
Let′s have a rest

Let′s have a rest

Let′s count One-the first Eight – the eighth Two-the second Nine – the ninth Three-the third Ten – the tenth Four - the Fourth Eleven - the eleventh Five – the fifth Twelve – the twelfth Six – the sixth Thirteen - the thirteenth Seven – the seventh Fourteen - the fourteenth

Let′s count

One-the first Eight – the eighth

Two-the second Nine – the ninth

Three-the third Ten – the tenth

Four - the Fourth Eleven - the eleventh

Five – the fifth Twelve – the twelfth

Six – the sixth Thirteen - the thirteenth

Seven – the seventh Fourteen - the fourteenth

“ My birthday is on the_ of_____” the first of January the second of February the third of March the Fourth of April the fifth of May the sixth of June the seventh of July

“ My birthday is on the_ of_____”

the first of January

the second of February

the third of March

the Fourth of April

the fifth of May

the sixth of June

the seventh of July

Let′s do gymnastics and count

Let′s do gymnastics and count

Let′s make a dialogue

Let′s make a dialogue

  • When is Rex`s birthday?
  • How old is Rex?
  • Who comes to see Rex?
  • What have they got to eat?
  • Why are the friends happy?
Say about yourself  My name is …. I am …...  My birthday is on the __ of ___.  I have got a big birthday party.  My friends come to see me.  We play hide-and-seek (прятки).  We have got a birthday cake.  We are happy.  I have got a lot of presents: …..  I would like to have……  

Say about yourself

  • My name is …. I am …...
  • My birthday is on the __ of ___.
  • I have got a big birthday party.
  • My friends come to see me.
  • We play hide-and-seek (прятки).
  • We have got a birthday cake.
  • We are happy.
  • I have got a lot of presents: …..
  • I would like to have……


Let′s make a post card

Let′s make a post card

Let's write down your homework   ex.8 p.132 (student’s book) Goodbye!

Let's write down your homework

  • ex.8 p.132 (student’s book)


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся 2 класса

Автор: Рыбакова Лариса Леонидовна

Дата: 24.10.2017

Номер свидетельства: 434380

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