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Примеры заданий для развития читательской грамотности

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Задания к тексту "What does red mean?" (6 класс Spotlight Module 3). Задания, ориентированы на развитие читательской грамотности у учащихся.

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«Примеры заданий для развития читательской грамотности»

Примеры заданий к тексту для развития читательской грамотности на уроках английского языка

Примеры заданий к тексту для развития читательской грамотности на уроках английского языка

I. Fill in the gaps with the right word  … .. can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are ….., they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The ….. light is always at the top of the lights where everyone can see it.  .... Is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a ….. carpet for them to walk on. This is a sign of respect.  The ….. cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire those who carry the ….. cross symbol.  A ….. rose is a sign of romantic love. On Valentine's Day people give each other ….. roses or chocolates in ….. boxes that look like hearts.

I. Fill in the gaps with the right word

… .. can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are ….., they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The ….. light is always at the top of the lights where everyone can see it.

.... Is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a ….. carpet for them to walk on. This is a sign of respect.

The ….. cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire those who carry the ….. cross symbol.

A ….. rose is a sign of romantic love. On Valentine's Day people give each other ….. roses or chocolates in ….. boxes that look like hearts.

Red can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are red , they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The red light is always at the top of the lights where everyone can see it.  Red is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a red carpet for them to walk on. This is a sign of respect.  The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire those who carry the red cross symbol.  A red rose is a sign of romantic love. On Valentine's Day people give each other red roses or chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.

Red can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are red , they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The red light is always at the top of the lights where everyone can see it.

Red is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a red carpet for them to walk on. This is a sign of respect.

The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire those who carry the red cross symbol.

A red rose is a sign of romantic love. On Valentine's Day people give each other red roses or chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.

II. Find the words in the text 1. Цвет опасности 2. Предупреждать 3. Знак уважения 4. Крест 5. В течение войны 6. Похожи на сердца

II. Find the words in the text

1. Цвет опасности

2. Предупреждать

3. Знак уважения

4. Крест

5. В течение войны

6. Похожи на сердца

1. Цвет опасности  the colour of danger 2. Предупреждать  warn 3. Знак уважения  a sign of respect 4. Крест  the cross 5. В течение войны  during a war 6. Похожи на сердца  look like hearts

1. Цвет опасности

the colour of danger

2. Предупреждать


3. Знак уважения

a sign of respect

4. Крест

the cross

5. В течение войны

during a war

6. Похожи на сердца

look like hearts

III. Make questions.  Start with… 1. What … ? 2. When… ? 3. Where… ? 4. Why… ? 5. Is… ?

III. Make questions. Start with…

1. What … ?

2. When… ?

3. Where… ?

4. Why… ?

5. Is… ?

IV. Write the words that are associated with red and  begin with r, e, d R – E – D -

IV. Write the words that are associated with red and begin with r, e, d



D -

R  -  royal, romantic, respect E  -  England, empire D  -danger

R - royal, romantic, respect

E - England, empire

D -danger

V. Make a cinquain   RED 2 adjectives 3 verbs 4 words (or complete sentence) 1 word ( a synonym to the key word or a word to sum it up)

V. Make a cinquain


2 adjectives

3 verbs

4 words (or complete sentence)

1 word ( a synonym to the key word

or a word to sum it up)

RED Royal, romantic Warn, help, give Red symbolises different things Symbol


Royal, romantic

Warn, help, give

Red symbolises different things


VI. Come up with a title for the text  Red can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are red , they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The red light is always at the top of the lights where everyone can see it.  Red is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a red carpet for them to walk on. This is a sign of respect.  The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire those who carry the red cross symbol.  A red rose is a sign of romantic love. On Valentine's Day people give each other red roses or chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.

VI. Come up with a title for the text

Red can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights are red , they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The red light is always at the top of the lights where everyone can see it.

Red is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a red carpet for them to walk on. This is a sign of respect.

The red cross is a symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organisation which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire those who carry the red cross symbol.

A red rose is a sign of romantic love. On Valentine's Day people give each other red roses or chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Примеры заданий для развития читательской грамотности

Автор: Корякова Ольга Валерьевна

Дата: 12.11.2022

Номер свидетельства: 617186

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