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Презентация урока по английскому языку "Как быть здоровым"

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Урок английского языка на тему: «КАК БЫТЬ ЗДОРОВЫМ» 6 класс


Цели урока: - активизация лексических навыков    по теме «Как быть здоровым»

                         - совершенствование навыков  чтения ;

                         - тренировка навыков перевода.

  1. How to be healthy.

All foods are good for you. Eat fresh fruit  and vegetables. Do not eat a lot of  sweets, crisps and drink kola. Vitamin and mineral help you to keep healthy. Have breakfast everyday.

2.How to be healthy

To keep healthy we should:

  1. Do come sport three or
    four times a week.
  2. Play computer games
    and watch TV less thаn
     two hours a day.
  3. Go for a walk every day.
  4. Sleep eight to nine hours a day.
  5. Go to bed later.



How to be healthy!

Not all foods are good for you.

Sweets, crisps cakes and cola do not keep you healthy. You should not eat a lot of sweets and cakes.

Eggs, fish, cheese, nuts help you to grow and make you strong. You should eat them.

Vegetables and fruit keep you healthy. Eat fruit and vegetables every day.

Cereals give you energy. Eat them for breakfast

You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.

Be healthy

How to be healthy


Have you caught a cold? I have caught cold too.

I stay in bed and keep warm.

I drink a lot of tea with lemon

My mother gives me herbal tea. It helps me to fight cold. I don t like garlic and onion. But doctors advise to eat them because they are useful and stop my runny nose.

My mother gives me herbal tea. It helps me to fight cold. I don t like garlic and onion. But doctors advise to eat them because they are useful and stop my runny nose.

I stay in bed i take my cat in bed with me. Cats are good doctors.

Keep warm and drink a lot with lemon. Herbal tea can help you to fight colds. Garlic and onion are good in food. They will stop your runny nose. Sleep a lot and you will get better soon.

If you have a small cut, wash it and put a plaster on it.

If you have a burn, put your arm under cold running water. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes.

At a toothache rinse a baking soda

Herbal tea and relax can help at a headache

Be healthy it is necessary to become tempered, go in for sports and correctly to eat.


  • Sometimes you say “Hello”,
  • Because the bell has gone,
  • And every day you say
  • “Good day, good day, good day”,
  • It’s time to say “Good-bye”,
  • Good-bye, my children, bye.
  • Good-bye, boys and girls!
  •     Thank you for your work!

Домашнее задание:

  • 1.Подготовить сообщение на тему
  • «Как быть здоровым».
  • 2.Рабочая тетрадь- упр.1аб,2,стр.61.




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«Презентация урока по английскому языку "Как быть здоровым" »

HOW TO BE HEALTHY ( урок английского языка на тему: «КАК БЫТЬ ЗДОРОВЫМ»  6 класс)   Подготовила и провела:  Дудорова О.Н. учитель английского языка
  • ( урок английского языка на тему: «КАК БЫТЬ ЗДОРОВЫМ»
  • 6 класс)
  • Подготовила и провела:
  • Дудорова О.Н.
  • учитель английского языка
Цели урока: - активизация лексических навыков  по теме «Как быть здоровым»;  -  совершенствование навыков чтения ;  - тренировка навыков перевода.
  • Цели урока: - активизация лексических навыков
  • по теме «Как быть здоровым»;
  • - совершенствование навыков чтения ;
  • - тренировка навыков перевода.
How to be healthy. All foods are good for you. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Do not eat a lot of sweets, crisps and drink kola. Vitamin and mineral help you to keep healthy. Have breakfast everyday.

How to be healthy.

All foods are good for you. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Do not eat a lot of sweets, crisps and drink kola. Vitamin and mineral help you to keep healthy. Have breakfast everyday.

How to be healthy To keep healthy we should :

How to be healthy

To keep healthy we should :

  • Do come sport three or four times a week.
  • Play computer games and watch TV less th а n two hours a day.
  • Go for a walk every day.
  • Sleep eight to nine hours a day.
  • Go to bed later.
How to be healthy !

How to be healthy !

Not all foods are good for you .

Not all foods are good for you .

Sweets , crisps cakes and cola do not keep  you healthy . You should not eat a lot of sweets and cakes .
  • Sweets , crisps cakes and cola do not keep you healthy . You should not eat a lot of sweets and cakes .
Eggs , fish , cheese , nuts help you to grow and make you strong . You should eat them .

Eggs , fish , cheese , nuts help you to grow and make you strong . You should eat them .

Vegetables and fruit keep you healthy . Eat fruit and vegetables every day .
  • Vegetables and fruit keep you healthy . Eat fruit and vegetables every day .
Cereals give you energy . Eat them for breakfast .
  • Cereals give you energy . Eat them for breakfast .
You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong .

You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong .

Be healthy .

Be healthy .



  • Have you caught a cold? I have caught cold too.
  • I stay in bed and keep warm.
  • I drink a lot of tea with lemon.
My mother gives me herbal tea. It helps me to fight cold. I don t like garlic and onion. But doctors advise to eat them because they are useful and stop my runny nose.
  • My mother gives me herbal tea. It helps me to fight cold. I don t like garlic and onion. But doctors advise to eat them because they are useful and stop my runny nose.
I stay in bed i take my cat in bed with me. Cats are good doctors.
  • I stay in bed i take my cat in bed with me. Cats are good doctors.
Keep warm and drink a lot with lemon . Herbal tea can help you to fight colds . Garlic and onion are good in food . They will stop your runny nose . Sleep a lot and you will get better soon .

Keep warm and drink a lot with lemon . Herbal tea can help you to fight colds . Garlic and onion are good in food . They will stop your runny nose . Sleep a lot and you will get better soon .

If you have a small cut , wash it and put a plaster on it .  If you have a burn , put your arm under cold running water . Do this for 5 to 10 minutes .

If you have a small cut , wash it and put a plaster on it .

If you have a burn , put your arm under cold running water . Do this for 5 to 10 minutes .

At a toothache rinse a baking soda

At a toothache rinse a baking soda

Herbal tea and relax can help at a headache

Herbal tea and relax can help at a headache

Be healthy it is necessary to become tempered , go in for sports and correctly to eat.

Be healthy it is necessary to become tempered , go in for sports and correctly to eat.



  • Sometimes you say “Hello”,
  • Because the bell has gone,
  • And every day you say
  • “ Good day, good day, good day”,
  • It’s time to say “Good-bye”,
  • Good-bye, my children,bye.
  • Good-bye, boys and girls!
  • Thank you for your work!
Домашнее задание:

Домашнее задание:

  • 1.Подготовить сообщение на тему
  • «Как быть здоровым».
  • 2.Рабочая тетрадь- упр.1аб,2,стр.61.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация урока по английскому языку "Как быть здоровым"

Автор: Дудорова Ольга Николаевна

Дата: 07.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 169037

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