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Презентация на тему "My room"

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Open lesson 5 form

Subject:   English

Date:        06.02.2015 ж.   

Form:       5 «А»                 

Theme of the lesson:  My room

Type of the lesson:     new lesson


  1. Educational: to teach how to use prepositions:

In, at, in front, near, next to, on right, on left, under, between

                                 Мекен ?стеулерімен таныстыру

  1. To develop: to develop writing, reading and grammatical skills and oral speech

 Грамматикалы?, о?у ж?не жазу іскерліктерін дамыту

  1. To bringing up: To develop pupils ability in working in pairs and individually

                                      О?ушыларды ?зін бетімен ж?мыс жасау?а баулу

Visual and technical aids: Books and cards with new words and tasks for pupils

Main literature: Т. Аяпова, З. ?білдаева, Ж. Т?тыбаева


I. ?йымдастыру

а) амандасу

- Good afternoon, children! I`m very glad to see you.

- How are you?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent today?

- What day is it today?

- What date is it today?

- O`K, what was your home task?

б) жо?тарды белгілеу

II.  ?й ж?мысын тексеру

1 (слайд)

2 (слайд)

3 (слайд)

4 (слайд)

III. Саба?ты? та?ырыбы, ма?саттарымен таныстыру.

The theme our lesson today is «My room». And grammar theme `Prepositions of place` (In, at, in front, near, next to, on the right, on the left)

6 (слайд)

Балалар бізді? б?гінгі та?ырыбымыз «Мені? б?лмем»,ал грамматикалы? та?ырыбымыз «мекен ?стеулері»

  • - ішінде

in front - алдында

  • - жанында

next to - кейін

on the right – о? жа?ында

on the left – сол жа?ында

under - астында

  • - ортасында
  • now, look at the blackboard there are some pictures you should read and then try translate these sentences

(грамматикалы? та?ырып бойынша о?ып т?сінуге арнал?ан ж?мыс)

8 (слайд)

9 (слайд)

10 (слайд)


12 (слайд)

13 (слайд)

14 (слайд)

15 (слайд)

V. Phonetic drill (сергіту с?ті. )?н «Бинго»

Children are you tired? Now I will give you pages, there are the song about dog. The first read and listen then we will sing together.

Балалар сіздер шаршады?ыздарма? ?азыр мен сіздерге пара?шалар таратамын онда кішкентай к?шік туралы ?ле? бар, бірінші о?ып ты?дайы?, сосыг барлы?ымыз бірге айтамыз.

Thank you sit down! It was very good!

V. Work with book. Text My room ex.11 p.128 (кітаппен ж?мыс 11 жатты?у 128 бет «Мені?» б?лмем)

This is my room. It is blue. I love blue. There is a small bed a table and a chair.There is a computer on the table. I need a desk. I don’t like a my table. It’s old.

  1. Consolidate

16 (слайд)

  1. The clock is on the wall.
  2. The boll is under the table
  3. The cat is next to the armchair
  4. The table is in front the armchair
  5. The carpet is on the floor.
  6.  The lamp is on the table.
  7. The flowers are in the vase.
  8. The table is between the chair and the armchair.

VI. Home task

Project work «My flat or My room»

VII. Conclusion     

     I think, our lesson was very interesting for you. Don`t forget about doing your home tasks. So, lesson is over! Good bye, children! Thank you!

VIII. Marks

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«презентация на тему "My room"»

My room

My room

Aims:   Educational: to teach how to use prepositions:  In, at, in front, near, next to, on right, on left , under, between


  • Educational: to teach how to use prepositions:

In, at, in front, near, next to, on right, on left , under, between

  • To develop: to develop writing, reading and grammatical skills and oral speech
  • To bringing up: To develop pupils ability in working individually
Prepositions of place – мекен үстеулері

Prepositions of place – мекен үстеулері

  • In - ішінде
  • in front - алдында
  • near - жанында
  • next to - кейін
  • on the right – оң жағында
  • on the left – сол жағында
  • under - астында
  • between - ортасында
My room There is a window in my room.

My room

There is a window in my room.

My room ` There is a bed  near the wall.

My room


There is a bed near the wall.

My room There is a wardrobe next to my bed.

My room

There is a wardrobe next to my bed.

My room There are shelves on the wall.

My room

There are shelves on the wall.

My room There is table to the right of the window.

My room

There is table to the right of the window.

My room There is a chair in front  of the table.

My room

There is a chair in front of the table.

My room There is a lamp and a computer on the table.

My room

There is a lamp and a computer on the table.

My room There is a carpet on the floor.

My room

There is a carpet on the floor.



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

презентация на тему "My room"

Автор: Есентурова Айдана Халеловна

Дата: 10.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 250837

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