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Презентация к уроку "What Makes a Family Happy?"

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«Презентация к уроку "What Makes a Family Happy?" »

What Makes a Family Happy?

What Makes a Family Happy?

Questions To Discuss Is every family happy ? Why ? What can we do to answer the question ? We can :  - discuss family problems or their happy moments  - speak about our families  - listen to some family stories

Questions To Discuss

Is every family happy ? Why ?

What can we do to answer the question ?

We can :

- discuss family problems or their happy moments

- speak about our families

- listen to some family stories

Useful Vocabulary

Useful Vocabulary

  • ansestors / in-laws / siblings / twins
  • arguments / rows
  • nuclear / extended
  • have much in common
  • make up with / cope with
  • keep a sense of humour
  • advantages / drawbacks
  • talk through / think back / find out
Modals Can Help  can  could  We use could not to talk about…  was/ were able to  managed to + infinitive  - general ability in the past/ present  - a particular situation  - situations in negative sentences  - the actions which were difficult to do

Modals Can Help



We use could not to talk about…

was/ were able to

managed to + infinitive

- general ability in the past/ present

- a particular situation

- situations in negative sentences

- the actions which were difficult to do

Using Modals 1.I…..speak English when I was 10. 2.She was not at school yesterday but we….speak to her over the phone. 3.John was talented. He…read French at the age of 7. 4.It was difficult but I ….find the information about my ansestors. 5. …..you play the piano? – No , I …. . 6. Reciting these poems she ……make me cry.

Using Modals

1.I…..speak English when I was 10.

2.She was not at school yesterday but we….speak to her over the phone.

3.John was talented. He…read French at the age of 7.

4.It was difficult but I ….find the information about my ansestors.

5. …..you play the piano? – No , I …. .

6. Reciting these poems she ……make me cry.

What Makes Me Happy/Sad/Bored

What Makes Me Happy/Sad/Bored

  • Playing computer games with siblings
  • Travelling with my family
  • Getting on my nerves
  • Falling out makes me…
  • Making up with parents / relatives
  • Hanging about with friends
  • Having arguments/rows with my family
Useful For Listening

Useful For Listening

  • go to friends / cheer up
  • be kind to somebody / shout at
  • make up silly names / being inside
  • hanging with friends / go on trips
  • fight with / tell jokes and stories
  • feel bad / have arguments
  • go abroad
How do they feel? Happy Moments Rebecca Sad/ unhappy moments Peter Boring moments

How do they feel?

Happy Moments


Sad/ unhappy moments


Boring moments

Nuclear Or Extended Family ? It is better to have a nuclear/ an extended family because…

Nuclear Or Extended Family ?

It is better to have a nuclear/ an extended

family because…

I Am (not) Satisfied With The Results Of My Work I Can Say It Was…  - easy listen to the story  - useful to discuss family problems  - difficult use modal verbs

I Am (not) Satisfied With The Results Of My Work

I Can Say It Was…

- easy listen to the story

- useful to discuss family problems

- difficult use modal verbs

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Презентация к уроку "What Makes a Family Happy?"

Автор: Фетисова Наталья Ивановна

Дата: 20.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 176731

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