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Презентация к уроку в 11 классе "Foreign languages in my life"

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Презентация к уроку в 11 классе к учебнику М З Биолетовой по теме " Foreign languages in my life" 

ссылки на филеофрагменты -1- 1-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvpikUEIaLI




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«презентация к уроку в 11 классе "Foreign languages in my life" »

« Значение английского языка в современном мире».   Foreign languages in my life

« Значение английского языка в современном мире».

Foreign languages in my life

Welcome to our talk  “English As a World Language”  “ Learning English pronunciation”

Welcome to our talk “English As a World Language”

“ Learning English pronunciation”

-Why do people learn foreign languages? -What is the most popular language in the world? -How to be successful in learning English?

-Why do people learn foreign languages?

-What is the most popular language in the world?

-How to be successful in learning English?

“ He who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own”  J. W Goethe. «The Top 10 Languages of the World”

He who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own”

J. W Goethe.

«The Top 10 Languages of the World”

1.England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland are a) also native English speakers 2.Americans are b)Wellington 3.the capital of New Zealand is c)varieties of English 4.the official language in Singapore is d) all part of Great Britain 5.English is not 6.There are many e) the most common first language in the world f)English “ English-speaking countries” Ex 38page 18

1.England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland are

a) also native English speakers

2.Americans are


3.the capital of New Zealand is

c)varieties of English

4.the official language in Singapore is

d) all part of Great Britain

5.English is not

6.There are many

e) the most common first language in the world


“ English-speaking countries”

Ex 38page 18

complete the phrases “ Why it is important to learn English” Ex 38 p.18

complete the phrases

“ Why it is important to learn English”

Ex 38 p.18

1 noun  2 adjectives  3 verbs  1 proverb/idiom/ a phrase  Conclusion
  • 1 noun

  • 2 adjectives

  • 3 verbs

  • 1 proverb/idiom/ a phrase

  • Conclusion


Reasons of learning English.   when travel to get a better job to communicate with people to understand films to have to study to study at a university to do business to want to live abroad to like the language to like the teacher when travel to get a better job to communicate with people to understand films to have to study to study at a university to do business to want to live abroad to like the language to like the teacher British or American English?

Reasons of learning English.

  • when travel to get a better job to communicate with people to understand films to have to study to study at a university to do business to want to live abroad to like the language to like the teacher
  • when travel
  • to get a better job
  • to communicate with people
  • to understand films
  • to have to study
  • to study at a university
  • to do business
  • to want to live abroad
  • to like the language
  • to like the teacher

British or American English?

BRITISH ENGLISH AMERICAN ENGLISH Note flat bill zee apartment zed autumn copper fall cop chemist cinema drug store bin movie can















drug store




Finish the sentences: I have learnt about … - I have listened about … - I have got some information about … Home task Write an assay . (site - usefulenglishforteach. ucoz.ru) 2. Make a poster “ Foreign languages in my life” ex. 41 page 19

Finish the sentences:

  • I have learnt about …
  • - I have listened about …
  • - I have got some information about …

Home task

  • Write an assay . (site - usefulenglishforteach. ucoz.ru)

2. Make a poster “ Foreign languages in my life” ex. 41 page 19

Mark your answer yourselves. Tick in the control cards the columns you took part in.   Control Card Type of classwork 1 Examples of the English-speaking countries. 2 Value (points)     Teacher’s questions about the reasons of English language learning 3 1 Group work 4   5 Reasons for learning English.   2 Pair Work 3   6 4   7 Writing work Why do you study English? (stories) 3   8 2 The role of the English language in the 21 st  century(stories)   5   5 “ Learning a language has a beginning, but no end”.  Palmer

Mark your answer yourselves. Tick in the control cards the columns you took part in.

Control Card

Type of classwork


Examples of the English-speaking countries.


Value (points)



Teacher’s questions about the reasons of English language learning



Group work




Reasons for learning English.



Pair Work







Writing work

Why do you study English? (stories)





The role of the English language in the 21 st  century(stories)





Learning a language has a beginning, but no end”.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

презентация к уроку в 11 классе "Foreign languages in my life"

Автор: Середа Татьяна Константиновна

Дата: 25.09.2014

Номер свидетельства: 114730

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