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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему "East or West, home is best"

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Презентация "East or west,home is best" является методической разработкой учителя и может быть применена на уроках английского языка в пятом классе на тему " Наш ДОМ".Данная работа соответствует требованиям Федерального Государственного Образовательного Стандарта.Данная презентация содержит речевую разминку,упражнение для повторения пройденного матрериала,а также интересную весёлую песенку для разучивания(соответствующую теме урока)

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему "East or West, home is best"»

English proverbs

English proverbs

  • East or West, home is best.
  • There is no place like home.
  • My home is my castle.
Warming-up [u:] r oo m, bathr oo m, living r oo m,  bedr oo m [o:] w a ll, h a ll, fl oor , d oor [tʃ] ch air, ki tch en, arm ch air [eə] th ere , ch air


[u:] r oo m, bathr oo m, living r oo m,

bedr oo m

[o:] w a ll, h a ll, fl oor , d oor

[tʃ] ch air, ki tch en, arm ch air

[eə] th ere , ch air

1 2 3 4 5 6








Guess the words









Read the text and fill in the gaps living room, bedrooms, hall, kitchen, bathroom, comfortable, big, small, rooms, cottage I live in a 1) ____________. It is nice. I have got four 2) ___________________. They are three 3) _______________ and a 4) _______________. I have also got a 5) _______________, a 6) _________________ and a 7) _______________. The living room is 8) __________________ and 9) _________________. My bedroom is 10) __________________.

Read the text and fill in the gaps

living room, bedrooms, hall, kitchen, bathroom, comfortable, big, small, rooms, cottage

I live in a 1) ____________. It is nice. I have got four 2) ___________________. They are three 3) _______________ and a 4) _______________. I have also got a 5) _______________, a 6) _________________ and a 7) _______________. The living room is 8) __________________ and 9) _________________. My bedroom is 10) __________________.

I live in a 1)  cottage . It is nice. I have got four 2)  rooms . They are three 3)  bedrooms  and a 4)  living room . I have also got a 5)  hall , a 6)  kitchen and a 7) bathroom . The living room is 8)  big and 9) comfortable . My bedroom is 10)  small .

I live in a 1) cottage . It is nice. I have got four 2) rooms . They are three 3) bedrooms and a 4) living room . I have also got a 5) hall , a 6) kitchen and a 7) bathroom . The living room is 8) big and 9) comfortable . My bedroom is 10) small .

Make up a sentence with  there is/ there are

Make up a sentence with there is/ there are

Sing a song “Home, sweet home” I run home from school each day. I don’t want to be late. And, when I get home sweet home, I always feel so great.   Home is full of happiness; The perfect place for me. Home is always full of love. It’s where I want to be.   When I walk through the door, I always stop and smile. All my problems disappear – Just for a little while.  

Sing a song “Home, sweet home”

I run home from school each day.

I don’t want to be late.

And, when I get home sweet home,

I always feel so great.


Home is full of happiness;

The perfect place for me.

Home is always full of love.

It’s where I want to be.


When I walk through the door,

I always stop and smile.

All my problems disappear –

Just for a little while.


Listen to the dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct order.

Listen to the dialogue. Put the sentences in the correct order.

- Hi, Olga. What’s your new flat like? - It’s very nice. - Really? - Yes. There’s a small living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom. - Has it got any furniture? - Yes, it has. There’s a sofa and an armchair in the living room but there isn’t a television. And in the bedroom there’s a bed and a desk. - How about the kitchen? Is there a cooker? - Yes, there is. There’s a fridge and a table too. - Sounds great!

- Hi, Olga. What’s your new flat like?

- It’s very nice.

- Really?

- Yes. There’s a small living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.

- Has it got any furniture?

- Yes, it has. There’s a sofa and an armchair in the living room but there isn’t a television. And in the bedroom there’s a bed and a desk.

- How about the kitchen? Is there a cooker?

- Yes, there is. There’s a fridge and a table too.

- Sounds great!

Make up your own dialogue.

Make up your own dialogue.

Hometask: Describe your flat


Describe your flat

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему "East or West, home is best"

Автор: Маямсина Екатерина Павловна

Дата: 14.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266006

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