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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "СМИ" (9 класс)

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«Презентация по английскому языку по теме "СМИ" (9 класс)»

Mass Media

Mass Media

messages mass Information broadcast communication receive phone important media mobile corporation means of news commercial channels TV newspaper articles












means of







Match the words into 3 groups newspapers headline, producer, horoscope, soap opera, documentary, articles, page, advertisement, prices, celebrities, show, current affairs, audience TV Programmes Tabloids

Match the words into 3 groups


  • headline, producer, horoscope, soap opera, documentary, articles, page, advertisement, prices, celebrities, show, current affairs,
  • audience

TV Programmes


Match Mass Media and Information Websites are collections of web pages. A serious programme with information about current affairs. Newspapers usually with gossip about celebrities A competition or quiz in which audience take part.   Chat show Internet Popular press Documentary film Tabloids

Match Mass Media and Information

  • Websites are collections of web pages.
  • A serious programme with information about current affairs.
  • Newspapers usually with gossip about celebrities
  • A competition or quiz in which audience take part.

Chat show


Popular press

Documentary film


Popular Press in Britain

Popular Press in Britain

British Press 1. National serious newspapers express a political opinion. 2. The Times is the biggest selling newspaper. 3. Tabloids have detailed articles. 4. Daily papers are published every day. 5. Many people disapprove of Sunday papers. 6. Some local papers are free.  true 1 2 false 3 4 5 6

British Press

  • 1. National serious newspapers express a political opinion.
  • 2. The Times is the biggest selling newspaper.
  • 3. Tabloids have detailed articles.
  • 4. Daily papers are published every day.
  • 5. Many people disapprove of Sunday papers.
  • 6. Some local papers are free.









Russian Media: Newspapers, Magazines, Blogs and Websites

Russian Media: Newspapers, Magazines, Blogs and Websites

  • We find the best way to learn about the country is to read the local newspapers, magazines, and blogs. You'll get a good idea about what's going on in the country if you use any of them.
  • Russian Newspapers
  • Among the quality newspapers are Vedomosti Kommersant and Izvestia newspapers. Kommersant has a version in English on the internet: www.kommersant.com .
  • The most popular ones are the nationwide tabloid-like daily Komsomolskaya Pravda (www.kp.ru), Moskovsky Komsomolets (www.mk.ru), and Argumenty i Fakty (www.aif.ru). Most of the articles in these newspapers are entertainment, there's much advertising and PR articles as well.
What is the Article about?

What is the Article about?

  • There lived a king. And he had 3 sons. But the last was a fool.
  • Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21April 1926. She is the Head of the Commonwealth.
  • Hi, Lena. It’s good you are enjoying Russian winter.
  • Britney spears is one of the world’s princesses. She has a big house in Beverly Hills and recorded her third album.
  • The international community has banned together to condemn a terrorist attack as 35 people were killed in a bombing inside Moscow’s Domodedovo airport
  • Current affairs
  • Sport
  • Celebrity
  • Biography
  • Fairy-tale
  • Love story
Magazines for Teens 1. Girls' Life Magazine is a perfect magazine for girls ages 10 and up. Friends, fashion, quizzes, celebrity interviews and self-esteem. 2. American Cheerleader is the must read magazine for cheerleaders. Whether you've already made the squad or are dreaming of your first tryout, you will find everything that you need 3. Justine  is for teen girls. It presents today's style, fashions and beauty in a realistic & useful way. Justine captures real world of teens with a focus on a healthy lifestyle. 1 2 3

Magazines for Teens

  • 1. Girls' Life Magazine is a perfect magazine for girls ages 10 and up. Friends, fashion, quizzes, celebrity interviews and self-esteem.
  • 2. American Cheerleader is the must read magazine for cheerleaders. Whether you've already made the squad or are dreaming of your first tryout, you will find everything that you need
  • 3. Justine is for teen girls. It presents today's style, fashions and beauty in a realistic & useful way. Justine captures real world of teens with a focus on a healthy lifestyle.




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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "СМИ" (9 класс)

Автор: Тимошенко Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 13.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 526885

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