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Презентация к мероприятию "Волшебная страна английского языка"

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Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию для 4 класса "Волшебная стран английского языка"

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«Презентация к мероприятию "Волшебная страна английского языка"»

A magic trip  to English Land

A magic trip to English Land

Dear friends, today you are passengers of this train. We are going to travel to English Land…

Dear friends, today you are passengers of this train. We are going to travel to English Land…

«Phonetic  station»/ «Фонетическая станция»

«Phonetic station»/ «Фонетическая станция»

1.Name the sounds [t], [p], [s],[j], [ai], [u:],[e],[æ], [ei], [ks],[h],[w]

1.Name the sounds

[t], [p], [s],[j],

[ai], [u:],[e],[æ],

[ei], [ks],[h],[w]

2.Name the sounds [d],[r],[l],[z], [b],[ʤ],[ai],[ju:], [m],[t],[p],[əʊ]

2.Name the sounds




Well done!



«Phonetic  station»/ «Фонетическая станция»

«Phonetic station»/ «Фонетическая станция»

1. Read the words in transcription five [faiv] tree [tri:] like [laik] blue [blu:] fox pig [foks] friendly [pig] small [frendly] cute [smo:l] silly [kju:t] [sili]

1. Read the words in transcription





















2. Read the words in transcription [milk] [faiv] [sma:t] [kaind] [kæt] [breiv] [ɒrinʤ] [fʌni] [gri:n] [maʊs] milk five smart кind cat brave orange funny green mouse

2. Read the words in transcription






[breiv] [ɒrinʤ]














Well done!



«Lexical station»/ «Лексическая станция»

«Lexical station»/ «Лексическая станция»

1. Guess the message.   Расшифруй предложение, используя код.

1. Guess the message. Расшифруй предложение, используя код.

1.We are pupils.  2.Every day we go to school.  3.We love English.

1.We are pupils. 2.Every day we go to school. 3.We love English.

Find pairs. Найди рифму к словам

Find pairs.

Найди рифму

к словам

1-я команда: для 2-я команда: mouse – house cat - hat pen-hen- ten hi-pie name- game box -fox donkey-monkey cock-clock carrot-parrot fine-nine how-cow my-bye

1-я команда:

для 2-я команда:

mouse – house

cat - hat

pen-hen- ten


name- game

box -fox







«Station of paintings»/  «Cтанция рисунков» (задание для болельщиков) Нарисуй инопланетянина по описанию: He is not big. His body is long. His head is big. He has big green eyes, a big mouth and a short nose. His ears are long. He has two long arms and two short legs. His feet and hands are big, his fingers and toes are long.

«Station of paintings»/ «Cтанция рисунков»

(задание для болельщиков)

Нарисуй инопланетянина по описанию:

He is not big. His body is long. His head is big.

He has big green eyes, a big mouth and a short nose.

His ears are long.

He has two long arms and two short legs.

His feet and hands are big, his fingers and toes are long.

«Grammatical station»/ «Грамматическая станция» Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения: to be (am /is /are); have got/ has got

«Grammatical station»/ «Грамматическая станция»

Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения:

  • to be (am /is /are);
  • have got/ has got

1. I am a dog.  2. My name is Sharik.  3. I am smart and strong.  4. My friend is Diadia Fiodor.  5. We are friends.

1. I am a dog. 2. My name is Sharik. 3. I am smart and strong. 4. My friend is Diadia Fiodor. 5. We are friends.

Buratino a father. has got  has got

Buratino a father.

has got

has got

Malvina a dog.

Malvina a dog.

Koloboк grandparents.

Koloboк grandparents.

4. Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile friends. have got

4. Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile friends.

have got

Alionushka a brother.

Alionushka a brother.

Station of  musik

Station of musik

«Station of Riddles»/  «Cтанция загадок» Translate the text. Переведите текст и отгадайте загадку

«Station of Riddles»/ «Cтанция загадок»

Translate the text.

Переведите текст и отгадайте загадку

Who is it? I am very little.  I am green. I can jump. I can swim.  I eat flies.  I can croak.

Who is it?

I am very little. I am green. I can jump. I can swim. I eat flies. I can croak.

Who is it? I am from Africa. I am green. I am big. I am strong. I can swim very well. I like fish.

Who is it?

I am from Africa. I am green.

I am big. I am strong. I can swim very well. I like fish.

Who is it? I am from Russia.  I am very big and brown. I can run, climb. I live in the forest. I like honey.

Who is it?

I am from Russia. I am very big and brown. I can run, climb. I live in the forest. I like honey.

Who is it? I am not big. I am not small. I am cunning.  I am orange. I like  mice, chickens and hares.

Who is it?

I am not big. I am not small. I am cunning. I am orange. I like mice, chickens and hares.

Who is it? I am not small.  I am not big. I can run, jump, climb.  I like milk. I like mice. I live in the house.

Who is it?

I am not small. I am not big. I can run, jump, climb. I like milk. I like mice. I live in the house.

Who is this? She is a very nice little girl. She has a skirt and a white blouse on. There is a red hat on her head. She has a mother and a grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood

Who is this?

She is a very nice little girl. She has a skirt and a white blouse on. There is a red hat on her head. She has a mother and a grandmother.

Little Red Riding Hood

Who is this? She is a very nice girl. She has a round face. Her eyes are large and blue. Her hair is long. It is blue. She has a big bow on her head. She can read and write. Malvina

Who is this?

She is a very nice girl. She has a round face. Her eyes are large and blue. Her hair is long. It is blue. She has a big bow on her head. She can read and write.


Thank you for the game. Keep it so! Good luck everybody!

Thank you for the game. Keep it so! Good luck everybody!

A magic trip  to English Land

A magic trip to English Land

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к мероприятию "Волшебная страна английского языка"

Автор: Хисматуллина Юлия Маратовна

Дата: 27.10.2022

Номер свидетельства: 616065

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