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Presentation on theme What's the difference?

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What is the difference? Travel, Journey, Trip, Voyage, Tour —Talk, Speak, Tell, Say —Play, Do,  Go —Watch, Look, See
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«Presentation on theme What's the difference?»

What is the difference?

What is the difference?

  • Travel, Journey, Trip, Voyage, Tour
  • Talk, Speak, Tell, Say
  • Play, Do, Go
  • Watch, Look, See
What’s the Difference?

What’s the Difference?

PLAY / DO / GO FOR SPORTS AND ACTIVITIES  We use PLAY with ball sports – sports that you play with a ball -- and competitive games where we play against another person. Maria: Hi Peter, what are you doing? Peter: Hi Maria. I am playing football with my friends. (in football we use a ball) Maria: Ok, my brother is playing poker. (poker is a competitive game – we play to win) We use GO with activities that end in “ – ing ”. We go somewhere to do something. Maria: Hey Peter, where are you going? Peter: Hello Maria. I am going running with my brother. Do you want to come? We use DO with other free-time activities and a non-team sport that does not use a ball. Maria: Peter, what are you doing in the gym? Peter: Maria, today I am doing aerobics. (aerobics is a non-team activity) Maria: That’s great. I am doing some Sodoku.

We use PLAY with ball sports – sports that you play with a ball -- and competitive games where we play against another person.

  • Maria: Hi Peter, what are you doing?
  • Peter: Hi Maria. I am playing football with my friends. (in football we use a ball)
  • Maria: Ok, my brother is playing poker. (poker is a competitive game – we play to win)
  • We use GO with activities that end in “ – ing ”. We go somewhere to do something.
  • Maria: Hey Peter, where are you going?
  • Peter: Hello Maria. I am going running with my brother. Do you want to come?
  • We use DO with other free-time activities and a non-team sport that does not use a ball.
  • Maria: Peter, what are you doing in the gym?
  • Peter: Maria, today I am doing aerobics. (aerobics is a non-team activity)
  • Maria: That’s great. I am doing some Sodoku.
See- means to notice or become aware of someone or something by using your eyes Look- means to direct your eyes in a particular direction Watch- means to look at someone or something for a amount of time and pay attention to what is happening
  • See- means to notice or become aware of someone or something by using your eyes
  • Look- means to direct your eyes in a particular direction
  • Watch- means to look at someone or something for a amount of time and pay attention to what is happening
Watch At a coffee shop a friend may say, I’m going outside for a minute. Would you please watch my bag? The friend wants to pay attention to the bag for a period of time. Films, performance, games and people all are things you can watch. In this case, the verb has an object –the bag. We can also use this verb without an object, as in this conversation: -Do you want to play basketball with us? - No I’II just watch.


At a coffee shop a friend may say,

I’m going outside for a minute. Would you please watch my bag?

The friend wants to pay attention to the bag for a period of time.

Films, performance, games and people all are things you can watch.

In this case, the verb has an object –the bag. We can also use this verb without an object, as in this conversation:

-Do you want to play basketball with us?

- No I’II just watch.

Look  The werb look is different from watch. When we look someone or something, we simply direct our eyes at that person or thing. It can be for a short time, and it might not involve much thought. One other difference between the words “watch” and “ look ” is often followed by an adverb or preposition. -When you dance, don’t look down. -She looked at the bill before she paid it.


The werb look is different from watch. When we look someone or something, we simply direct our eyes at that person or thing. It can be for a short time, and it might not involve much thought.

One other difference between the words “watch” and “ look ” is often followed by an adverb or preposition.

-When you dance, don’t look down.

-She looked at the bill before she paid it.

See  We don’t need to use a prepositions or an adverb with the verb “ see ”. Sentences with see may have an object or they may not. With an object – I see a cat in the window Without an object- It will rain today- just and see


We don’t need to use a prepositions or an adverb with the verb “ see ”. Sentences with see may have an object or they may not.

With an object – I see a cat in the window

Without an object- It will rain today- just and see

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Presentation on theme What's the difference?

Автор: Бобокулова Гулшан Бобокуловна

Дата: 18.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 550232

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